Ch. 21 Baby Tooth

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

I began to wake to soft mumbling and muffled squeaks. Some of those squeaks sounded panicked and anxious. My mind was going so slow that I couldn't make any sense of the mumbling. Or was it grumbling?

There were a few different voices, one of them sounds like Gen, and another was Bunny. Wait.. Bunny? I could feel his soft warm fur all in my face. Wh- oh, thats right, I had fallen asleep on him.

I heard a shrill and frantic squeak quite close to me and I unintentionally flinched. I groaned in response and took no notice as the room grew quieter. The mumbling stopped and I felt Bunny move slightly, a hand- no, a paw- rubbed circles on my back and at this point I decided to open my eyes.

*Bunny's P.O.V.*

As Jack continued to sleep in my arms, the Yetis and Baby Teeth having arrived hours ago, they were full of questions about the bundle in my arms. I was leaning against the couch with Jack wrapped in a blanket, his face burried into my fur like a small kit, and his brown mop of hair sticking out messily.

Baby Tooth was at his side inspecting him as best as she could. Tooth and North had given them a run-fown of the sutuation- well, situations- when they retrieved them all. But it still came as a shock to them to see it in person.

Baby Tooth desperately wanted her friend to wake and talk to him, but I wouldn't let her and she respected the reason why.

*No One's P.O.V.*

"What are we going to do? Is Pitch planning on physically harming Jack? Or just tormenting him? What does this a-hole even look like? I'm gonna beat him to a pulp-" Gen went on but Bunny interrupted.

"Woah, slow your roll hot shot." He let out a small sigh as Baby Tooth rested on his shoulder closest to Jack's head. A few other baby teeth rested on Bunny's legs and Gen's shoulders, all keeping a close eye on their beloved Jack.

The yetis stayed closer to the walls around the living room. "By the looks of things Pitch's goal right now is to break the bloke down as much as he can, he wants Jack to be damaged so he's easily manipulated or breaks." Bunny's expression as he spoke unnerved Gen, she didn't like this.

Baby Tooth squeaked up at the Pooka, concern all over her features. Bunny couldn't always understand the baby teeth but sometimes he could sense and guess what they'd say. "We'll do everything we can to protect him, don't worry." He gave her a tiny smile and she nodded.

The small frame in Bunny's arms shifted slightly, which excited Baby Tooth and caused her to squeak a bit loudly. The boy flinched and groaned, finally able to wake up a bit. Bunny shot the culprit of the noise a "really." Look which was returned with an apologetic smile.

Bunny and Gen peered down at the bundled up boy, who slowly rose his head and blinked sleepily. "Mornin' sunshine," Gen greeted with such a sweet smile. Jack simply blinked slowly at her, his face blank as his mind faught to function. "That was a hard nap, eh? Not even thinkin' are you mate?" Bunny couldn't help but chuckle at the boy.

Jack had turned his attention up at Bunny when he had started speaking. He just stared at him in a sleepy daze. Bunny was right, it was indeed a hard nap and Jack's mind wasn't yet awake. Baby Tooth paid no mind however, she simply attached herself to his cheek, squeaking happily.

"Buh..?" Jack's groggy voice croaked out. "Nice try, but give it a minute dork," Gen giggled at Jack's attempt to function. He blinked a few times, his mind finally able to register what was being said. It also registered the weird thing that clung to his cheek.

He sluggishly grabbed at it, earning a stern squeak that surprised his sluggish mind. He paused and gently pulled the source off of his face and stared down at it in his hand. Baby Tooth gazed up at him expectantly.

Bunny chuckled silently as he watched the whole thing play out. Jack just stared blankly at the fairy in his hand, then after a moment smiled as sweetly as his tired self could manage. "Hey! Wha' doin?" He asked cheerfully.

Although it took a minute to process, he was happy to see his beloved companion. She squeaked excitedly at this, flying laps around him and Bunny, it was really him. She was so worried that it wasn't actually him or that he'd somehow forgotten her, or his teeth- anyway, it was her Jack and she was ecstatic!

The sleepy boy giggled as his friend darted through the air, squeaking and squealing in excitement. Bunny and Gen both smiled fondly at the pair.

Baby Tooth squished her best friend's cheeks, rolled around in his hair and then nuzzled into his chest with a content sigh. She'd missed him oh so much. As he reached up to pet her head, she instinctively prepared herself for the usual coldness of the touch, but when it was met with warmth instead, she stopped.

She looked up at his sleepy smile and his fluffy brown hair, and his half-lidded brown eyes. It was sinking in that this wasn't the Jack she's used to. This Jack looked so different. This Jack had bright rosy cheeks and not pale winter skin with a small dusting of pink on his cheeks.

This Jack's hair was brown, not snow white. This Jack's eyes were chocolate brown, not icy blue. This Jack was warm. She pulled away and hovered in front of his face. His smile faded as she pulled away from his touch. "What's wrong..?" He trailed off, shivering slightly as the room was a tad on the chilly side.

Baby Tooth, of course, took notice of the shiver. This Jack gets cold, she realized. Although, this was still her Jack it still was a drastic change from the person she had gotten so used to.

After no response from the fairy, Jack's expression grew concerned and anxious. "W-what's wrong?" He slowly held his hand up for her to sit in, scared that something was very wrong. Baby Tooth blinked and looked down at the outstretched hand.

Slowly, she let her feet land, and then she sat. She pressed her tiny palms into the larger palm she sat in, taking note of it's warmth. She looked back up at the concerned face that stared back at her. "Ba-" but he was interrupted by her squeak which was also a question. Jack was one of 2 that could understand her, the other was Tooth herself.

"Is it true?" Was her question. Jack's face grew confused yet still concerned. "Is what true?" He asked her. Gen and Bunny watched the interaction closely, for they knew it was a serious conversation.

"Is it true, that you'll die?" She squeaked in response. Jack's face paled slightly and his eyes widened. Just as quick as the shock came, it dwindled into a solemn, empty smile. "I might." He replied as a tear slipped out, his heart broke to hear her ask that.

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