Ch. 35 Jack Frost

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Time seemed to stand still for everyone as Mother Nature spoke. Jack's face went pale as a ghost. "E-excuse me-" Gen began but Mother put her hand up as to hush her. She extended her long delicate hand out to her winter spirit with a soft look on her face.

"Rise, Jack. I will not harm you." As the boy hesitantly took her hand and stood, he seemed to calm slightly but Pitch grew furious. With an angry shout he swung at the pair, but with lightning speed Mother Nature threw her other hand out in a 'stop' motion and his scythe disintegrated.

She turned to face Jack again who was quite startled by her speed. She was silent as she cupped his face, his nervous and scared eyes searching hers pleadingly. "Don't be afraid. You'll be just fine, my child." And with that she kissed his forehead, his whole body turning to ice.

"NO!!" came desperate screams. Everyone seemed to be frozen in place as Mother Nature turned back to Pitch. Her expression striking fear into all around her. The children sobbed, but her smoothe yet booming voice seemed to silence them.

"Do not fret, children. He still lives." Was all she said to address Jack's freinds. Now, she addressed Pitch, "But I cannot let you go unpunished for interfering with such delicate matters, Kozmotis." Her frightening glare bore into Pitch's soul.

"That is not my name." He spat, preparing another sand scythe. Mother Nature stood tall, unphased by the Boogyman's starture and words. "You have committed the highest of crimes." She held her hands out with her palms up.

Pitch moved to attack but seemed frozen with the scythe drawn back. He grunted and struggled, cursing her. "You, Kozmotis, will be punished for 5,000 years in complete isolation. You have committed crimes as follows;" she paused as the wind picked up around them.

"You have tormented a human both mentally and physically for months. That human was a child no less, thus adding severity to your crimes." Pitch spat at her words, cursing her further and trying to strike her down, but of course failing.

"You have directly kidnapped and tortured said child, interfering with plans that were extremely delicate, solely for selfish gain." Her eyes narrowed into a threatening glare. "And you have actively attempted to murder said child, in both my presence and the presence of other children." She finished relaying his crimes to him as he continued to struggle.

The bystanders seethed at Pitch, wanting to give him a peice of their mind, or fist. "So what?! He's weak-" he began on his tangent, but Mother Nature stopped him.

"Luckily, he has remained strong and true to himself despite what you have put him through. Though he has been through things no child should ever go through, he still maintains innocence. However," she paused, a slight smirk gracing her lips as she stepped closer to Pitch.

"I shall thank you." At this, the Boogyman's demeanor grew confused and slightly offended. "You have helped make him stronger than he would have been, had you not tried to interfere. And I do believe I'll let my dear King of Winter punish you on his own behalf." As her sentance ended, Pitch's eyes grew wide in what looked like fear.

The bystanders all exchanged looks and eyed their statued friend as it seemed to emanate a soft pulsing glow. "HE SHOULD HAVE FAILED. HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO LI-" at Pitch's shrill screams the ice on Jack cracked, silencing everything around them.

Gen covered her mouth in happiness, her Sweet Pea was alive, he passed his test. Mother Nature turned to Gen. "You have done well with him." She motioned towards the frozen figure.

As Gen smiled and Pitch screamed in pure rage, the figure's frozen shell shattered, revealing Jack Frost. His eyes closed as if in a deep slumber of sorts. His snowy white hair flittering in the wind as it swirled around him, greeting him with excitement. He floated a few inches off the ground.

His clothes had even changed. He had long legging-like pants that buttoned down toward the feet, the cloth wrapping under his feet securely. A deep royal navy vest topped a white button-up shirt as a royal navy, velvet cape flowed from his shoulders.

The cape just barely touched the ground behind him with a hood for his head. An ice crown hugged his forehead and framed the sides of his his face beautifully.

The wind encased him in a fierce yet gentle flurry, excitedly greeting its long time companion. Jack seemed to stir from his slumber, his ice blue eyes glowing so incredibly bright that it was almost too hard to look at. Pitch's blood- for lack of better words- ran cold.

He, along with anyone of magical or spiritual nature, could feel the raw power emanating from the winter spirit, and it frightened Pitch.

Jack's eyes scanned his surroundings as everyone seemed to be holding their breath. His eyes befell Mother Nature. "Good mornin- well," she chuckled a bit, "good afternoon, Jack." She greeted, the spirit seemed a bit confused at first, but after blinking the sleep from his eyes he nodded as greeting.

"Good afternoon." He did a small bow. His demeanor seemed to confuse his friends, as did the way he and Mother Nature were interacting with eachother apposed to when she first arrived.

They were confused as to why he wasn't reacting to becoming a spirit again and regaining his powers, and why he wasn't really acknowledging anyone other than Mother Nature.

Gen was staring at Jack in awe, this wasn't her Sweet Pea, this was someone else it seemed. "Sweet Pea? D-do you know where you are?" She suddenly spoke up. He turned to look at her with a puzzled expression, then took in his surroundings again.

Shaking his head, he looked to Mother Nature for an answer. She smiled softly and cupped his cheeks, his eyes widening as all of his memories came rushing back in. At this, the wind released him and he stumbled back a few steps, gasping for breath.

His wide eyes nearly popped out of his head as he realized that he was still "alive" and he patted himself down as confirmation. "I-" he stopped, noticing how frost gathered around his feet in thick layers. He stuck out his hand and willed a snow bunny into existence and marveled at it as it hopped into the air.

"I'm alive!" He shouted, jumping into the air, giggling as the wind scooped him back up and twirled him in the air. But suddenly, he paused. He looked at the frozen Boogyman, landing and striding up to him.

The slender man growled at Jack. "You INSOLENT LITTLE-" but Jack swung his trusty right hook, breaking his nose. "That was for the nightmares and this-" he kicked Pitch in his manhood causing him to scream out, effectively damaging it and the Boogyman's pride, and swung his arm back with his fist balled up.

Ice and frost accumulated around his prepared fist, which was obviously going to be more powerful than the first punch. "Is for kidnapping me." Jack swung at Pitch's face, a sickening crack echoing through the stunned silence. Pitch's jaw was broken, two teeth had been knocked out and a nice fat layer of ice sheeted across the man's face.

The Boogyman was now unconscious, laying limp on the ground. Jack took a deep calming breath, pushing the newly risen memories of his time in captivity for 3 days down. Turning around to brush some frost off, he was suddenly tackled by 6 kids.

He smiled, delighted to see his friends so happy. He hugged them back. "Its so good to be back." He whispered.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Sorry for the short chap but Jack's alive! I meant to update sooner but I've been dealing with some personal stuff but I hope you enjoyed!

There will be more don't worry, its not over yet. But in the meantime stay cool and stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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