Ch.5 I'm Gen Lockwood

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Jack's P.O.V.

I sat in the bed. Staring at my hands. I was alone in the room this time. Jamie and the others had to wait outside to give a statement. We all discussed what to say since they wouldn't believe: "I'm Jack Frost, spirit of winter and Guardian of Fun. I was turned into a human by a witch and in three months I will possibly die."

Nope. So instead we all came up with a more logical story. I was snapped from my thoughts as someone knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Mr." they paused as the door shut. "... Overland?" The man asked. He was just a tad shorter than I am with short dirty blond hair. I quietly, but still audibly replied back, "Yes, sir."

he looked up from a note pad and surveyed me. "So, tell me what happened out there. Tell me what you remember." he said, pulling a chair next to the bed. I inhaled shakily. "I..." I began slowly.

"I was walking in the woods, to clear my head, and I heard a noise. It spooked me and I ran. I guess I ran so hard that I passed out... Sounds nuts but its true, sir." I told. It was a stupid mistake and a witch.

He nodded and seemed to be satisfied with the story. "And thats all you remember?" He asked, making sure that was all. I nodded. "Yes, sir. I must have hit the ground hard, if something else happened because I don't remember if something else did." I stated.

He nodded. "Do you have any parents or relatives?" He asked, closing the notepad. I shook my head. "No, sir. My parents passed away when I was very young and I don't have any relatives that live in the states." I answered him.

He nodded and sighed. "How old are you, Mr. Overland?" He looked at me with a quizical look. "I just turned 18 in October." I replied firmly. I don't remember my birthday, so I made something up. He nodded, "Alright. Ms. Lockwood said she would let you stay at her place." The man stood up.

Who...? "Who's Ms. Lockwood?" I asked shyly. "The nurse that broaught you in. She was with the kids." He told me as he handed me my folded and washed hoodie and pants. I took them. "Oh..." I mumbled. "They're all waiting for you in the lobby, think you can make it on your own?" He asked as he opened the door.

I nodded and he left. I put on my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. "Jack Overland... Haha... Haven't heard that name in a looonnngg time.." I said to myself.

I had gotten my clothes on and made my way out of the room. I shivered a little so I crossed my arms. Which way is the lobby... I asked one of the nurses to direct me to the lobby and once I had my answer, I made my way there.

"Jack!" Jamie shouted. Sophie ran up to me and I knelt down to pick her up. "Did they give you the details?" Ms. Lockwood asked. I shyly nodded. She smiled kindly and rubbed her hand up and down my arm.

"Why you shaking, Jacky?" Sophie asked. I looked at her and laughed dryly. "I'm cold, Soph!" She gave me an odd look but told me to put her down. I did so and when I straightened back up, I put my hood over my head.

"It's late, kids..." Ms. Lockwood said to them. They made the infamous upset child noises and we all began to walk outside. "Hey, you can come visit him tomorrow morning alright?" She added. I slightly smiled and put my hands in my hoodie pocket.

They cheered and said their goodbyes. They gave me very tight hugs as well. Jamie, however, was still concerned and upset. Ms. Lockwood led me to her car and we began to drive off.

"I'm Gen Lockwood. You must be the Jack Frost they've told me about?" I looked at her with wide eyes, covered by my hood. She giggled. "Yes, I've heard alot about you! You must be amazing." she added.

I slouched into myself. "W-well..." I didn't know how to respond to that. "Jamie told me that you are a winter spirit and a Guardian. He told me all about that, and how you're over 300 years old?!" She said, amazed.

I hummed in response. "Why do you believe all of that though. Only children believe that stuff." I quietly responded. "Well, I've seen a few things that made me believe." she smiled at me. She had teal eyes, that were more on the green side, and light brown hair.

"Yes... my human name was Jackson Overland. Thats why I'm being addressed by that." I told her. "I see." She replied. "My staff!!" I suddenly shouted, causing Ms. Lockwood to jump. "What? Oh! Jamie said he'd hold onto it. He said he'd protect it for you." I calmed down. It's so nice to have someone understand. Especially believe.

"Thank you, Ms. Lockwood." I said, calming down. "Please, call me Gen, and you're welcome Jack." she smiled.


Hey Snowflakes!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and Gen Lockwood is a nurse at the hospital. She was off duty when this all happened. So nice of her to take Jack in.

Well, 'till next time!

Stay bootiful, stay awesome, and stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

Curse Of A Witch (Book 1) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora