Ch. 44 A Plan For Justice

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*No One's P.O.V.*

In the early hours of the next morning, Gen called out of work again. She had to stay with Jack. Said boy began to toss and turn in his sleep, scrunching his face up in discomfort.

Gen lifted him and held him close, resting his head on her shoulder and running her fingers across his forehead as she had done before. He calmed slightly, though he still looked uncomfortable and upset, so she tried humming.

He relaxed a bit but jumped slightly as he woke. Gen continued her humming and stroking his forehead, gently rocking from side to side. Jack exhaled deeply and leaned into her. "Its okay, Sweet Pea. I'm here." She whispered.

The rubbing of her fingers against his forehead was keeping his rising headache at bay, to his relief. He just let her comfort him, basking in her warmth and kindness. "Today's the day." He eventually spoke.

Gen looked down at him with a frown. "I'm sorry." She stated. She apologized for the fact that he had to do this. She apologized for all the pain he was going through because of Pitch. She apologized for not being able to do more.

Jack shook his head but didn't say anything more. He didn't have the will to say anything right now, but he didn't move. He didn't want to leave the safety of Gen's embrace, but he had to eventually.

There was a knock on the door and Gen sighed. The two shared a look and stood up, Gen going to see who was at the door and Jack changing into his formal wear. His formal wear is the new attire he gained when he begame a spirit again.

Putting his cloak on and tying it, he sighed deeply again. He didn't want to do this, he knew it was going to end badly. "Jack, its North and the others!" Gen called, making the boy groan.

He knew they were on his side and would defend him, but he didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. He trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen, making his way to the fridge for some water.

"Jack! How are you? Are you feeling okay?" Tooth asked very hurriedly and anxiously. Bunny eyed her from the side and gently pushed her down to sit. Jack just glanced at her and took a sip of his water.

"Toothie calm down." North stated firmly. Everyone was on edge right now and they could sense that Jack was on the verge of exploding. "R-right- I'm sorry, I'm just nervous!" Tooth fretted.

"Take a breath, calm down." Bunny commanded, looking over to Jack. "We're all in your corner, mate. Don't forget that." Bunny reassured with a softer tone and Jack nodded in response.

"I say we kill him." Gen suddenly spoke, surprising Jack and making him choke on his water. She pat his back as he coughed, offering an apologetic look. "I-" Jack was about to start but North interrupted.

"Then we would be just as bad as he is. Besides, death is too easy of escape for him." North had a certain gleam in his eye at the last part, making Gen both nervous and curious. Who knew Santa could have such an intimidating aura.

Jack glared at his water bottle as it had frozen solid. He wanted to kill Pitch so badly, but North was right and it angered the winter spirit more. Thunder clapped outside and their eyes befell Jsck knowingly.

"Sweet Pea, look at me." At Gen's request, Jack looked at her. She cupped his cheeks and looked him in the eyes. "He will be punished for what he's done. You deserve justice. Besides, I wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty." She said with an evil smirk.

Jack frowned even more, shaking his head and taking her hands off of his face. "Don't put yourself in harm's way unnecessarily." He stated quietly. "But-" Jack shook his head at her again.

"He's not worth your energy. If anything happens to you.." he stopped himself from going further. He knew that if Gen got hurt, or even worse, he would be lost forever.

She frowned even more at him. "Stop it." She poked his forhead, knowingly. "If I go down, I'm takin him with me and then I'm marching right back here and making you some lasagna. Do I make myself clear?" She asked sternly, staring Jack in the eyes.

He glared slightly but ultimately sighed. "Stubborn log." He mumbled as he crossed his arms. "Same to you." She replied. "Oi, we ain't gonna let Pitch get away with anything. And if Manny shows mercy on him, I'll beat the daylights out of him myself.

"I'll stab him. Repeatedly. In places that won't kill him, of course." North deadpanned, making Jack crack an elusive yet evil smirk. "Alright. I'll bring a hammer." Gen stated blankly, making Jack grin.

Tooth balled her fists to show her fighting spirit but was wary of the look on Jack's face. Though Jack was indeed scared to face Pitch after what he had done, he knew that the man wouldn't get away with anything.


Hey Snowflakes,

I was going to update Frosted Memories tonight as well but I'm exhausted. Though I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

*Jack Frost*

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