Ch. 31 Nightmare?

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

The last thing I remember..? I'm not even sure what's going on anymore. I stared down at my hands thinking of what to even say. "I.." was I really gone for 3 days? I just left this eveni- "What time is it?" I looked from Gen to Jamie.

"10:17 am." Jamie replied shortly. "What-.. this is insane, I literally just left 2 hours ago and the sun was setting!" I tried to stop myself from shivering so bad but it was nearly impossible. "What do you remember?" Jamie repeated, still in a serious tone.

I rubbed one of my temples, scrunching my face slightly as I noticed a headache beginning to form. "I.. went out into the woods like planned and he came out as I predicted.." I sighed, pulling myself closer to the fire.

"Did you guys talk?" Tooth asked from her position behind Gen, to which Jack nodded. "We just talked, he didn't threaten me or anyone else, nor make any moves to hurt me. It was weird.. but that wasn't all." I told them, looking into the blazing fire as I recalled my encounter.

"Bah!" North exclaimed in denial, shaking his head. "What else happened, mate?" Bunny asked, he seemed a bit worried. "He..." I chuckled dryly and shook my head in almost disbelief.

"He told me to follow him to his cave because he didn't want me to freeze out there. It sounds insane but I swear that's what happened." I shook my head slightly questioning myself.

"And did you?" Bunny asked in a somewhat judging way, which made me hesitate. "Yeah. I don't have a clue why but.. we kept walking and walking and I got this really really awful feeling when he suddenly asked if I was scared, but we kept walking-" I paused as I rubbed my temple again, trying to make sense of what happened next.

"He asked me if I was scared again but this time.. there were multiple voices, they sounded like they were coming from him but also from everywhere a-and he wasn't moving. He stopped walking, and that feeling- something was very wrong so I ran, but the voices just laughed a-and followed me. They kept telling me to run, and then suddenly I woke up to you guys." I finished, trembling as I remembered the event.

I fiddled with my fingers as I stared down at my lap, counting in my head and taking deep breaths. Whatever happened out there really made me uneasy, and maybe a little nauseous too. "That sounds.." Tooth began but I finished for her.

"Rediculous, I know! But not just that, also the fact that you said I've been gone for 3 days?! How-" I suddenly stopped, a thought coming across my mind. "Nightmare.." I mumbled as I stood up on shaky legs.

"Jack sit down, you're pretty shaken up." Gen stood as well, trying to steady me but I held a hand out to stop her. "I could be dreaming all of this. That would explain what happened in the cave- but I don't know if I'm still dreaming or not..." I trailed off, glancing at every occupant of the room and trying to find anything suspicious or off about them.

"Jack, come on, its us! We wouldn't lie to you!" Jamie shouted desperately as I backed up slightly. "Yeah, like I haven't heard that before." I stated back. Whether it was real or not, I have to be cautious. "Sweet Pea, what if I can prove it's really us?" Gen gained my attention.

I nodded for her to continue. "I know what you like to do in your spare time. If you know what I'm taking about, please give me permission to say it so that you know its really us." She pleaded, earning a hesitant nod from me.

"What are you talking about?" Tooth asked but Gen ignored her. "You love to read, when the kids are at school we go to the library and read for hours," she paused, my eyes widened. "A couple weeks ago I bought you the book you were so into, even bought you a pretty snowflake bookmark to go in it." She finished, sitting on the floor again with her arms open.

"Oh thank MiM!" I hugged her, thankful that I wasnt dreaming. "I'm sorry! I just didn't know what to think anymore!" She rubbed my back, "Its okay, we don't blame you. He's really messing with your head. But you've been gone for a while Sweet Pea, we have to find out what he did to you." She pulled away from me slightly and I nodded.

"Let me examine you for anything suspicious or any injuries okay?" She asked and I nodded, so she took me off to the side and had me take off my coat until i was only in my t-shirt and pants, plus the socks and mittens.

I shivered since I was still a bit cold and she lifted up my shirt, followed by a frown. "You've got some bruising and some mild puncture wounds.." she whispered. "What?!" I looked down and sure enough my abdomen was littered in purple and green bruises and little holes as if I was poked with thorns all over.

"What the bloody hell happened mate?" Bunny asked, hopping over. "I-I don't know! I don't remember being attacked or anything!" I was so confused, what the hell was going on? "You have lost time. And whatever you think you remember, might not even be what actually happened." Gen stated, letting me put my coat and blanket back on.

I looked around the room at the worried and fearful looks sent my way, as my head seemed to pound harder to the rhythm of my anxious heart.


Sorry, the last chapter was a tad short so I decided to go ahead and update again, plus I was excited from that plot twist.

I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope this chapter somewhat cleared up a little bit of the confusion from the last chap. I know it's still pretty confusing right now but it should get clearer as we go!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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