Ch. 49 His Guardian

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack didn't exactly sleep peacefully, mostly tossed and turned all night. In the morning, in a half asleep and half awake state, he woke to some noises coming from the kitchen. Since he was half asleep still, his mind had let the fact that he doesn't live alone and that Jamie was there, slip his mind

He remained still as he heard soft foot steps round the corner of the couch and stop in front of him. He felt a comfortably warm hand brush his hair out of his face and heard the sound of paper moving followed a book being set onto the coffee table.

Then, he heard a soft feminine hum escape the person and he opened his eyes in realization. "Oh- sorry Sweet Pea, I didn't mean to wake you." She smiled apologetically at the groggy boy. "Thought you were an intruder." He mumbled out while rubbing his eyes.

Gen laughed at that, "if I was, you would have known and attacked sooner." She replied as he sat up and got a good look at her. He blinked a few times, letting his mind wake up a tad. "You look like poop." He stated bluntly.

"I feel like it too. I'm gonna hop in the shower and go to bed." She informed with a stretch. Jack rubbed his eyes once more, looking at the time. Upon seeing it read 8:57 am, he furrowed his brows. "Did you just now get home?" He asked skeptically, she was supposed to return by midnight at the latest.

She sighed and nodded, "Yup! And I'm beat." She began making her way towards the staircase but paused as Jack stood and continied. "Do you want something to eat? I'll make breakfast," he paused as she shook her head, clearly exhausted.

He nodded, "okay, sleep well- oh! Jamie stayed the night, I'll fill you in later." He informed, earning a soft smile from his Guardian. Jack smiled inwardly at the thought that Gen was technically a parent to him, a Guardian.

"Okay, g'night Sweet Pea, love you." She mumbled out, making her way up the stairs. Jack stood there absolutely dumbfounded, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. After Gen went into her room, Jamie came out of the guest room, pausing halfway down the stairs upon seeing Jack's face.

"You okay?" He asked almost hesitantly. Jack's face relaxed into a neutral yet fairly perplexed and stunned expression. "Uh.." was all he responded with before going and starting on breakfast, being careful of the flames on the stove.

"Jack what happened?" Jamie was confused but also interested. He hadn't really seen an expression like that since Bunny openly admitted Jack was right one time. The older boy shook his head in somewhat uncertainty, "I don't..." Jack shook himself slightly with a sigh.

"Gen just came home and-" there was a knock on the door as Jack spoke. "I got it," Jamie volunteered and opened the door to greet his friends. They talked amongst themselves for a moment and then greeted Jack. He gave them a small nod as he cracked some eggs in a pan.

"Wow, you look like a grown up!" Montey laughed but quieted himself when Jack quietly hushed him with a finger to his lips. "Gen's in bed, she just got back from work." He recieved nods but Jamie spoke up again.

"Oh yeah, what were you saying before the others got here?" Jamie's eyes held so much curiosity in them, he just wanted to know. "I.." Jack seemed to hesitate. "She said something before she went up." He stated, not entirely sure if it actually happened or not.

"What did she say?" Pippa was now curious too. Jack was stirring some gavy for biscuits at this point but his motion slowed and he furrowed his brows. "G'night Sweet Pea, love you." He repeated her words, staring down at the gravy.

Had he really heard that? Or was he just imagining things? Sometimes when he wakes up, he sees or hears things but it goes away after a while. Thank Pitch for that. The children's eyes went wide. "That's so sweet!" Pippa shouted in response, but not too loudly.

Curse Of A Witch (Book 1) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora