Ch. 16 Take Care

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*Gen's P.O.V.*

"You kids should head home for the night," I paused knowing of the large amount of protests I was about to receive. "You kiddo's have school in the morning and I'll update you as things progress." I stated. "Besides," I began again, hugging the kids and walking them out.

"Sitting here and staring at him isn't gonna make the sick go away." I chuckled, as did the children. "Alright fine! Just-" Pippa started. "I'll have some nice soup and toasty hot coco for him when he wakes!" I finished. That seemed to reassure them and they went on their way.

As I closed the door I dimmed the lights, cleaned up a bit, and took a moment to sit with the sick boy. His breathing was deep and steady, his long youthful eyelashes fluttered as he dreamed. I couldn't help but feel angry about his situation. "That witch was too rash with you.. too much is going on right now.. you need a break, sweetheart. You need someone to look over you." I whispered to him, stroking his hair again.

"You don't need to be the protective big brother anymore, Jack. I'm here for you." I added with a soft smile. He stirred slightly, but didn't wake. "Good night, hun." I kissed his forehead and picked him up with extreme ease and gentleness. I frowned at how light he was and swore to myself I'd fix that.

I carried him upstairs and into his room, trucking him safely in bed. "Wait-" I went to the corner of the room and flicked on a small night light that made little star shapes on the wall. I smiled and set an arctic wolf figurine on his night stand.

"This wolf was mine when I was just a girl," I smiled at the memory. "It protected me from bad dreams and chased the boogyman away." I set a glass of water next to the wolf. "I'm sure it'll do the same for you, Jack." I smiled and kissed his hot forhead once more before exiting his room and going into mine.

I sat on my bed and activated the communication device the Guardians gave me. "Hello?! Who's this?!" A rough russian accent bellowed. I laughed, "Its me, North! Gen!" He took a moment to reply. "Oh! Hello child! How are you?" His jolly voice beamed.

"Good, I just... had some news that I felt was... urgent." I stated. North's tone completely changed to seriousness. "How is my boy? He's alright, yes?" He questioned. "Yes, he's okay, sleeping. However.. he.. had a nightmare." North was silent for a few concerning moments.

"He's back" North seethed. "Yes. And he's here for Jack." I replied. "We will meet in morning, when rest of Guardians return from duty." He deadpanned. "Alright. I'll protect Jack." I replied as North ended the call.

"Well, Pitch. We're coming for you." I said as I turned off my light and slipped into sleep.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Sorry for the slow updates and short chapter, I'm super busy lately. Alot has been goin on! But I hope you're all doing well and stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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