Ch. 41 Fear

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack walked the empty streets of Burgess, desperately trying to distract himself, and failing. Night had begun to fall and the moon shone brightly down on him. "What do you want? Years and years of silence, and suddenly you want to talk?" Jack snarkily spat as he swiveled to look up at the moon.

There was silence, but The Man in The Moon had his way of implanting thoughts into peoples's heads as a way of communication. "There's going to be a trial? For Pitch?" Jack's words came out dripping with venom. In truth, the mere mention of the Boogyman sent awful memories through his mind.

"Why? Why bother? You know what he's done! You sat back and wATCHED HIM TORTURE ME!" Jack stopped himself before shouting more, breathing heavily with anger. His eyes shone brightly and the wind picked up once more. The air grew even colder with his emotions.

Silence still came as the moonlight shone on the winter spirit. Jack's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at the next "thought" MiM placed in his head. The boy was speechless. MiM was out of his mind if he thought Jack was fine with what MiM wanted.

As Jack began to form his response, MiM decided it was time for Jack to go home, so suddenly the boy was home. At Gen's. "YOU WHAT?!" came his response. Gen stood in the kitchen with a wooden spoon in hand, absolutely dumbfounded by how Jack just appeared in the room, furious no less.

As Jack was too enraged to process that MiM had teleported him home, he looked at Gen. The look of pure rage on Jack's face combined with his brightly glowing eyes made her quite nervous. Jack was a gentle soul, he rarely ever gets mad, so what pushed him over the edge?

"J-Jack..?" She asked hesitantly. The bou's breathing was so heavy and frantic that he couldn't even let out a single syllable without shouting, the wind pushed furniture and a snowstorm began to form in the living room. "Jack-" Gen began but Jack stormed out before causing more damage to the house or even hurting Gen.

He shot into the sky, the speed and force he used to kick off the ground made a loud thwack sound in his wake. Gen stood there, stunned, before grabbing her communication device and contacting the Guardians.

She frantically relayed what had happened to them and desperately begged them to find Jack and try to calm him down. North stared at the woman in pure disbelief. She'd never been like this before, she was always so calm and collected. Let alone what she had said about Jack, the last time North had seen Jack get that level of angry was when Pitch killed Sandy.

"We will find him, do not worry." And with that he put the device away and called Tooth and Bunny, as Sandy was already there. He explained the situation upon their arrival and they quickly boarded the sleigh. "What could have upset him so much?" Tooth pondered aloud.

"I went to check on him earlier today and he seemed on edge, but asked to be left alone." Bunny informed them. "Whatever it was, I am thinking it must be about Pitch." North stated. They knew Jack was deeply affected by what Pitch had done, but they didn't know the extent of it.

"Oi! Check weather patterns! If the bloke's as upset as Gen made out, theres gotta be some spontaneous storm goin on!" Bunny told North, who checked on the sleigh's scanners. "Aha! He's not too far! In North Pole!" North shouted, making his reindeer speed up.

They came upon a raging swirling blizzard and decided to land the sleigh at a safe distance. Getting out of the sleigh, they shielded their faces as they pushed through the whipping winds. As they drew closer, they could hear distant yelling and shouting.

It was obviously Jack, and the anger in his voice shocked them all. "Jack!!" They shouted continuously, finally able to see their friend on his knees with his hood covering his head. His hands gripped the sides of his head and he was hunched over, screaming something about how "unfair and inconsiderate you are" to seemingly no one.

Bunny was the bravest and approached Jack fully, gathering the boy into his arms and holding on tightly as he struggled. "It's alright, mate! Its me!" Bunny shouted in reassurance, he finally noticed the completely enraged expression Jack wore, but could also see a hint of terror behind those eyes.

Bunny's eyes bore pleadingly into Jack's before pushing the spirit's face into the Pooka's fluffy chest. Bunny began rubbing circles on Jack's back as he'd seen Gen do before. "Why would he do that?! After everything that bastard did to me?!" Jack screamed out, though the storm had begun to calm down as Jack calmed slightly as well.

Now that he was somewhat calmer, his rage depleted, he sounded broken. "What are you on about, kit? What happened?" Bunny asked, the rest of the Guardians slowly approached so they can try to comfort their youngest and figure out what was going on.

Jack's face remained burried in Bunny's chest, his arms wrapped tightly around the rabbit. "MiM!! He said he's going to let Pitch have a trial and I will have to be there to share my side of it all- Why would he want me to do that?! Why does he get a trial?! I can't do it!!" The boy shouted desperately, clinging to Bunny even further.

The tone of Jack's voice made their hearts sink, he sounded like a child who didn't want to go somewhere they were frightened of. And thats when it hit them all. Jack was terrified of Pitch.


Hey Snowflakes.

Short chapter, I know but I felt like leaving it at that for now. I also wanted to apologize for not updating a bit sooner, I was at a comic con and post con depression is hitting me like a truck right now.

I hope you guys enjoyed and I will admit that I decided to change direction a bit after reading alot of your comments but it seems it'll be interesting none-the-less.

*Jack Frost*

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