Ch. 45 A Minor Detail

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*No One's P.O.V.*

North tossed a snow globe portal onto the ground. "We go to secluded forrest for trial." He and the other Guardians hopped through one by one and Jack turned to Gen with a sigh.

"I hate portals." He mumbled and took his cloak off, putting it on the confused woman. "Trust me, you'll wanna keep the hood up, you'll probably get pretty motion sick." She looked up at him since she was about an inch or 2 shorter than him.

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience." She eyed him, she would have thought he liked jumping through portals, it sounded fun. "I am." He stated while walking up to it with her. "Hold on tight." He gathered her in his arms as she wrapped her's around him tightly, then he jumped into the swirling mass of light and colors.

Jack was right, she instantly began to get motion sick. "Don't close your eyes it makes it worse, just stare at me." He instructed. Soon they were stumbling out of the portal and Jack released her. "Oh my g-" Gen almost threw up in her mouth but kept her composure.

She looked at Jack to see if he was in the same shape as her, but to her surprise he looked completely fine. Aside from the tinges of green on his cheeks. North chuckled at Gen, "Portal is fun, yes?" He asked knowingly.

"Not really," Gen took Jack's cloak off and gave it back to him. "At least I wasn't stuffed in a sack this time." Jack retorted at North who mocked offense. "Alright, enough of that," came a familiar feminine voice.

Mother Nature approached the group, Jack bowed respectfully at her and she did the same to him. He gave a confused look at her bowing and she smiled. "You are to be a King, it is only natural I greet you as such." She explained, earning a small blush from the boy.

"Yeah I don't see why he gets to be a king. I think its a load of bull. No offense, Mother." A young male's voice rang out, making Jack hesitate and instinctively stand closer to Gen protectively.

"Damon, come now. Be nice." Mother Nature responded to the boy. He was older than Jack but still quite young with warm brown hair and firey orange eyes. His clothes were simple with warm colors.

"Let me introduce myself." Damon started with a sigh, addressing the Guardians and Gen. "I'm Damon, the summer elemental." He put his hands on his hips, giving Jack an unapproving glare. "What, no little helpers to fawn over you and tell you how pretty you are?" Jack bit back with a tiny smirk.

Damon glared, his aura glowing with radiant heat and Jack took a step back as the heat got too close. "Enough you two. I will not tolerate this today. Damon we are here to stand on Jack's side, remember?" She gave a scolding look at the two boys who nodded obediently.

"There are other elementals?" Gen looked to Jack who nodded. "There is a main elemental for each season and they all have helpers. There are often one or two human helpers or animals who became helpers. Kinda like how Tooth has the mini teeth." Jack elaborated and Gen rose an eyebrow.

"But you.." she began and Jack nodded again. "I don't have any helpers. I'm all by my lonesome, which is fine." He shrugged it off as Damon rolled his eyes. "Lets go meet up with the others." Mother Nature instructed, walking towards a clearing in the forest.

In the clearing there were 2 girls and another male, some animals were in the clearing as well, but only a few. "The girls are twins, April and Lilly. They are the Spring elementals." Jack informed, noticing how Bunny bowed respectfully as his season was also spring, even though he's not an elemental.

"And this is the Autumn elemental, Rowen." The male waved with a smile. He had deep hazel eyes and shaggy auburn brown hair. He wore warm colored clothing similar to Damon. April had dirty blonde hair and Lilly had brighter blonde hair. Their eyes were brilliant shades of blue and green. April's eyes were bright blue, and Lilly's eyes were strikingly green.

Lilly had ffreckles dotted all over her cheeks and April's face was clear. They both wore sun dresses with flowers and birds patterened on them. April's dress was a pastel yellow and Lilly's was pastel green.

They waved at the group with small smiles. All of the other elementals were older than Jack, maybe in their early to mid 20' s. Gen smiled kindly at them all. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Gen." She introduced herself.

Jack left out the parts where April and Lilly didn't really like Jack, but didn't hate him either, they just didn't want him to cause them trouble. Rowen was friendlier towards Jack than the others, though he was cautious of Jack's power. All of them were more on edge now than ever before since they could feel the raw power flowing off of him.

"I expect you all to be on your best behavior today. Remember why we're here." Mother Nature spoke and Damon rolled his eyes with April. "Why are we here? Didn't you say that Pitch was supposed to be isolated for thousands of years and punished?? I don't get why he's having a trial after all that." Rowen piped up.

Jack looked at Mother Nature as the man spoke, agreeing with his point. "Well," she sighed, looking at Jack hesitantly. "I'm not exactly sure, but maybe MiM feels that a hearing is fair for both sides to determine a fair and just punishment since.." she trailed off, avoiding Jack's peircing gaze.

"Since what, Mother?" Jack spoke almost threateningly. He wasn't sure if he actually wanted her to finish. Storm clouds had begun to slowly form as his anxiety began to rise. "Since.. it was both His and my idea... to turn you human." She finished, at this point thunder roared so loudly that it shook the ground.

Jack looked beyond rage, he looked like he was about to rip someone's head off. His silence was even more threatening. "Sweet Pea-" Gen was cut off by raging winds slapping at her face. "Oh great! Now he's gone berserk!" Damon screeched, creating a heat bubble around himself for warmth.

Gen and the Guardians gathered by Jack who still stared forward, eyes glowing increasingly brighter. "Jack please, calm down!" Tooth pleaded, North took his coat off and draped it over Gen so she wouldn't freeze as it had begun snowing, threatening to become a blizzard.

"S-sweet Pea! Its okay!" The woman shouted, throwing her arms around the boy and rubbing soothing circles on his back. She began singing a hushed lullaby into his ear so that no one else would hear it, praying that it would work.

The winds began to calm and the snow fell lightly. "That's it, deep breath for me okay?" She took a deep breath as he did. "And out, good job!" She smiled as his eyes dimmed to a softer glow. The storm clouds above still thundered but it had calmed greatly.

Damon was about to say something but Lilly slapped her hand over his mouth. None of them wanted a repeat of what just happened if Damon opened his big mouth. "Remember what we all talked about before leaving?" Gen asked.

Jack looked at her and then the rest of the Guardians. "We can't punch the moon though, but we can punch Pitch." Gen ground out the "moon" part, earning a small chuckle from Jack as the clouds slowly cleared once Jack got a grip.

"I dunno, mate, I think I can jump high enough." Bunny ruffled Jack's hair, warranting a small smile. "Look, kiddo." Gen became more serious. "Whatever happens, we're a family." She reassured. Jack smiled gratefully and took another deep breath, keeping his magic at bay for now. "Thanks." He smiled.

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