Ch. 38 Scared

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Gen sat about 3 feet away from the boy. Her heart ached at how he looked defeated, though she could tell he was trying to hide it. "There's no need to apologize, really. I'm sorry for startling you." She gave Jack a soft smile as he glanced up at her.

She stood up and made her way to the closet in the room, pulling out many thick blankets. "Would you mind scooting over for a moment?" She asked, making her voice soft to try and help Jack's nerves. He nodded and stood up, allowing her to make a comfy blanket bed on the floor.

He raised an eyebrow at her, not really sure what she was doing exactly. "There, let me grab some extra pillows from my room. Go ahead and pull off the blanket and pillows from your bed, too." With that she left briefly to retrieve her items.

Jack realized she was making a spot on the floor for them both to lay and he smiled a little, noting how comfy she seemed to make it. Gen returned with about 4 pillows that she was close to dropping, so Jack went to help her.

"You didn't have to do all this-" Jack began but Gen shooshed him. "Nonsense! Its a sleepover, I wanna!" She smiled sweetly at him and set the pillows down. "There, all done!" She exclaimed while plopping down on the makeshift bed.

She pat the spot next to her and Jack sat down slowly, taking care not to frost it over. Gen noticed how he seemed to concentrate quite hard and how it made him look even more tired than before, so she sighed.

"I'm sorry," at her random apology, he looked over at her in confusion. "Why?" He furrowed his brows, completely confused at her guilty expression. "For not being able to do much to help you. For you having to work hard just to not frost the blanket." She stated solemnly.

Jack smiled softly, if only she knew. "Gen, you may not realize it but.." he paused, thinking of how he wanted to phrase his words. "You just-" he sighed. "You have done so much for me. You took me in and took care of me. You stayed by my side when I needed someone there. And even after the curse, you've given me a home to come back to." He looked over at her as he spoke, softly smiling at her.

"You treat me with such care, and made a blanket fort thing simply because I asked to not be alone tonight. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be sleeping in a tree or out in the woods tonight." As he finished, his voice grew soft and even more sincere. Gen hadn't realized how much she has actually done for him until now.

"Just you being here, is more than I could have asked for. I wouldn't have survived that first night as a human without you. I probably wouldn't have survived that 'test'." His expression softened more as Gen teared up. "I-.." she didn't know what to say. "W-what about the Guardians? Couldn't you have stayed with them? I thought-" Jack interrupted her with a chuckle.

"I'd get in their way and I get antsy and too hot there sometimes. I'm a winter spirit, remember?" At this, she nodded in understanding. Though, she didn't like that he didn't have anywhere to really stay or call home, but now he does.

"Well, you can stay here. There's even a wall AC for you if it gets too warm." She pointed at it and smiled as he nodded. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." She smiled at him with a firm nod. "Of course!" She replied.

Jack let out a deep sigh, his smile fading as he laid down. Gen frowned slightly but didn't push him to talk or ask whats wrong, though she did notice it start to snow a bit heavily outside. She simply laid down as well, pulling a blanket over herself as Jack did the same with a thinner blanket.

"I know, he's gone now.. but I'm scared." Jack whispered, almost too quiet for Gen to hear. "Pitch?" She asked almost hesitantly, earning a nod from Jack. "I remember the missing days.." at this Gen sat up quickly. "Wh- when did you remember?" She asked slightly nervous.

"When Mother Nature brought all of my memories back." He spoke with a face Gen didn't like. He looked unnerved and terrified as he stared at the ceiling. "Sweet Pea.." she went to hold his hand but he baled his fist, not wishing to be touched at the moment.

"Every time I c-close my eyes, I see him. I'm back in that room- I'm trapped." His eyes glossed over as he gripped the blanket. "I shouldn't have gone out there. I should have listened to North and Bunny. My plan was so stupid!" He covered his face with his hands, the quietest sob escaping his lips.

Gen's heart broke. She couldn't imagine what he'd gone through. "I thought it was bad not knowing," he paused with a dry chuckle. "Now I wish I didn't know. I don't want t-to remember." He sobbed into his hands. "Sweet Pea.." Gen wanted to hug him so badly, but knew he didn't want to be touched so she refrained from doing so.

"I got my powers back, b-but he still won. He won." He sobbed more, Gen wanted to scream and tell him that Pitch hasn't won but wasn't sure if that would do any good. "Sweet heart, breathe. He can only win if you let him." She tried.

"I'm scared, Gen. I'm really scared." He removed his hands from his face, showing his raw fear and it made Gen's stomache churn. She absolutely hated that look on his face, she never wanted to see it again. She hugged him tightly despite herself and, luckily, Jack hugged back.

He latched onto her tightly, fearing he'd be ripped away from her at any moment. She rubbed his back as thunder clapped loudly outside, Jack jumped but didn't dare pull away. They both ignored the blizzard raging outside, holding eachother in the dimly lit room.

"I'm not going to let him get you, hun." Jack nodded slightly at her words, trying to believe it as best as he could. The two of them just sat there in eachothers' arms, refusing to let go. Gen continued to rub comforting circles on his back, even humming a soft lullaby in an attempt to diatract him.

Over the course of 30 minutes, Jack seemed to calm down a bit and after about an hour, exhaustion took him and he fell asleep. Gen didn't let him go for the entire night, and refused to sleep in order to watch over him.

She ran her hands through his hair repeatedly as he slept, his eyebrows knittied together in somewhat discomfort, his hands and feet twitching every now and again, and mumbling incoherently once in a while. Though he was in a somewhat fitful sleep, Gen dared not wake him.

She simply hushed him and stroked his snow white hair in soothing motions. Her Sweet Pea had suffered enough and she was going to do anything she could to help him recover.


Hello my bootiful Snowfakes!

I was thinking of making a second book for the aftermath of the curse but I decided not to because I don't think there will be enough chapters to make a whole book.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

*Jack Frost*

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