Ch.6 New Home?

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Hello Snowflakes! Ya miss me?? Sorry for not updating in forever, I've been doing things!

Let me update you on my life! I have successfully graduated high school (May 2019), I have been expanding my acting career (did 2 plays and was casted as an extra for a Netflix production), and more!

I've also been super down in the dumps from loss of friend contact and also losing a few friends, but I'm slowly coming out of it! My bff and I started talking about this story and so I decided to update! Without further adue, lets jump in!

*Jamie's P.O.V.*

"I'm really worried about Jack.." I trailed as my friends and I walked into my house. Since mom was out of town I was allowed to have the gang over as long as we behaved.

I plopped onto the couch. "Dude, we ALL are!" The twins said in sync, sitting in kitchen. The others found seats scattered about. "I know, but how in the world did he become human!? We saw him not 3 hours before we found him in the woods! UNCONSCIOUS!!" I shouted.

"I don't know Jamie, in the morning maybe we can ask him?" Pippa questioned. "Yeah!" Everyone chimed. I pondered for a moment. Did the other Guardians have something to do with this? Do they even know??

"Jamie, you listening?" Cupcake asked, staring at me from the lounge chair. "Wh- sorry, I was thinking.. What were you saying?" I admitted with an empty chuckle. "We said, 'Do you think the Guardians did this to Jack? As a punishment?" Monty asked, wringing his fingers anxiously.

"Thats actually what I was thinking about.. And its also what worries me.." I replied. We all sat and thought about the possibility.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

We finally arrived at Ms. Loc- Gen's house. "Alright! Home sweet home!" She chimed as we walked through the door. I looked around at her tidy home. It was very nice. Not too fancy shmancy, but not plain.

There was a nice open living room space that connects to the kitchen. The kitchen was also open and had an island in the center with a sink. There was also a medium sized fish tank in the living room as well!

"Woah.." I accidentally mumbled aloud. "Well I take it that you like it?" She asked with a small laugh, I nodded. "I mean, this is like a castle compared to the trees I sleep in." I joked. Gen paused and stood in front of me with a questioning and sad look.

"You dont have a home? A bed?" She asked. I shook my head, "No.. I just find a nice tree and a sturdy branch and thats about it." Her eyes seemed to tear up a little but before I could say anything she shook herself back into the moment.

"Well! I'll show you upstairs and then I'll cook us some grub! Ya hungry?" As if on cue, my stomache growled loudly. What the-! I flushed in embarrassment. Gen giggled. As a spirit I don't get hungry but I do eat if I feel like it.

She took me upstairs and gave me a small tour. "So, to the left is the bathroom with a shower. Now, I don't know about you but I love long showers so dont worry about wasting water in this house." She said, trying to make convorsation. I smiled at her and nodded.

"And to your right, thats my room." I nodded again. "I have 2 spare bedrooms. One with a balcony and a fireplace and one that has a shutter that overlooks the living room. You can choose whichever you'd like! In the cupboard at the end of the hall, I have some of my brother's old clothes for emergencies, so you can get some jammies out of there and come down for dinner when you're ready, okay?" She looked at me with a warm smile.

Why is she so nice to me..? She doesn't know me.. she doesn't know what I did.. "Okay, thank you." I replied. She patted me on the shoulder and headed downstairs.

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