He Misses You On Tour. *Part 2*

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Calum: You bit your lip and tried to hold back the tears as you watched an uploaded Youtube video of Calum messing up and crying at their concert. Seeing tears stream down his face crushed you inside.

You felt bad because you couldn't go with them, and Calum didn't want to leave you, saying he couldn't cope without you. Turns out he was right.

Your phone lit up next to you, displaying a text from Luke.

'Hi Y/N, hope everything is okay back home! I'm sure you've seen the video of Calum at the concert last night, he's upset and he misses you so much😔 if you could come out here we'd all appreciate it. Byyyee, Luke x'

You sighed and wiped your eyes, trying to work out what to do. You really wanted to see Calum but school was hard at the moment, could you really just drop everything and leave?

'I understand if you're busy with school but he keeps crying and can't focus properly, he needs you Y/N x'

Calum came before everything, and you were willing to take any opportunity to see him... You decided to fly across to see him, the thought of Calum not being himself and crying breaking your heart.

Wanting to surprise all of the boys, you told Luke that you couldn't come over so he'd be even happier when you showed up. You'd spoken to their tour manager and he'd arranged for you to be picked up from the airport and taken to their hotel.

"Knock knock." You said loud enough for Calum to hear, physically knocking on his door too. "Open up baby.

"Y/N?!" Calum burst into happy tears as he opened the door, you falling into his arms. "You're here."

"Shh, shh." You giggled, rubbing his back. I'm right here Cal, everything's okay, yeah?"

"I love you so much." He cried, kissing your neck and playing with your hair. "I'm never leaving you again."

"Y/N!" Three loud voices boomed, as you were dragged and crushed into a group hug. "You came!"

"Yeah well, couldn't miss out on seeing my favourite boys huh?" You voice muffled, squished against Calum's chest in the huge hug. "Now you have a show to do, so go rock out and we'll make up for lost time later."


"Seriously Y/N, thanks so much for coming out. I dunno what we would have done without you." Luke said to you, approaching you after the show.

"No, thankyou for inviting me out here Luke. I'm so happy I could come out here and see you guys, you're amazing." You replied. "Even if I did have to see Calum cry. And you hugging him on stage? Cutest thing I've ever seen."

"Well, what can I say? Bromances are cute, but you two are cuter." He chuckled, as the two of you met up with everyone else and celebrated you joining the tour.

Michael: "Why did she have to ask that question?! Isn't there more important things to talk about?" Ashton ranted, throwing a tennis ball against the wall.

"I know, it's so frustrating. Like talk about the tour, talk about the album, anything, just not girlfriends." Calum sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"What are we gonna do?" Luke asked, looking at them both worriedly.

"I don't know, but we have to do something. Michael never cries, even in front of us, so it's really out of character for him to do it on camera." Calum added.

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