Meet And Greet.

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(A/N: ellieholland973 here you go. I'm sorry if it sucks. x)

Calum: You had saved up for this, borrowed money from anyone that would loan you something, picked up every coin that you passed on the street. The means of how you got the money didn't matter at this point, all that mattered was you were next in line. Your four idols, the boys who saved your life were a few teenage girls away. Your name was called. Finally. You knew the exact pose that you wanted them to do, you had agonized over it at night since you thought of buying the tickets. You had the boys look at you with admiration but you only had eyes for Calum. You had asked him to pucker his lips, but you didn't think that you were going to kiss him. When the camera man gave the countdown you leaned forward, ever so slightly until your lips connected. The boys laughed, having had this done many times, but you were on cloud nine. You would remember that day forever.

Michael: This was your third Meet and Greet, every time you went close to Michael, hoping that he would call you 'beautiful' again like the first time. No matter how many times you saw them, the excitement never died down. You had tried to look your best today, you spent hours on your makeup and had a list of Twitter names to present to the boys yet again. As always you went to Michael after you handed the boys the copy of the list. He smiled down at you and started to rub your back; the only thing on your mind was a fierce hope that he remembered your face. Once the flash had gone Michael let out a small, cheeky laugh. "Are you going to follow us around to every city? Have a nice day, I'll see you in Sydney I suppose." Your heart skipped but you couldn't do anything but smile like an idiot then open and close your mouth like a fish out of water. Your turn was over but that was the most memorable day of your life. A story you would tell for your future kids.

Ashton: You were nervous and light headed, finally the day you had dreamed of was there. You were lead into the room where the four boys- but they weren't merely boys to you, they could easily qualify for heroes- stood chatting and laughing with one another. Your legs started to shake once you saw them and your palms got sweaty. All you wanted was a group hug with the boys, how you would make it through without crying was beyond you. The boys crowed around you while you stretched to wrap your arms around Ashton's neck. Your shirt sleeve pulled to expose very faint scars, you tried to hide them but Ashton had already spotted them. As the flash was going off he turned to press his lips ever so gently to them. The waterworks, there they were. "Don't ever mark your skin with these scars again. You are too lovely for that. Can you promise me that you'll never do this again.?" You nodded with tears streaming down your face. "Your music, it made me stop. It helped me see that there's so much more to life. Thank you." He kissed your arm once again then took your Twitter name before you left. There was a heart felt DM and follow waiting for you when you got home.

Luke: "I know everything about them. Their birthplaces, their parents names, the exact time of birth," your best friend gushed, he raised his eyebrows suggestively at you, "and, just how gifted they are. If you catch my drift." You laughed, you were just glad that your friend had given his extra ticket to you. He only had eyes for Calum but you were infatuated with the youngest member of the band. The two of you went in and saw the boys drinking out of water bottles, waiting for the next set of fans. Your best friend immediately went to Calum and you wrapped your arms around Luke's waist. He smiled cheekily to you and the smile that went on your face was as natural as could be.

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