Zombie Apocalypse.

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(A/N: Oh my god. I got chills while writing this! I hope you guys enjoy them. All the love. x)

Calum: Your footsteps echo through the arena as you cross the stage slowly. You'd once been on this stage, when Calum proposed to you a year ago. The diamond on your finger doesn't shine anymore, covered in dirt and caked with blood. A year ago you wouldn't believe where the world is now. Three months ago you would've fainted at the sight of blood and dead bodies that cover the stage. That was back then. This is now. You don't even bother sidestepping the corpses and pools of blood anymore. Walking across the stage to meet Calum. "See anything?" You ask, gripping the cool metal of the gun in your hand. "Not yet." Calum hovers near you protectively. Once the zombie epidemic had begun to spread, you two had been terrified, but made sure no matter what you stayed together. Everybody you knew, everybody you loved. Zombie. Dead. Gone. All that was left in your life was him, all that was left in his life was you. "Shit. There's one coming this way," you whisper, pointing towards where a snarling, hungry undead hobbles towards you. Your heart pounds. Despite killing dozens of zombies and seeing so many, each new sight filled you with new dread. Calum pushes you behind him protectively, waiting for the zombie to be close enough to shoot, but not close enough to get either of you. You watch the zombie sway, it's hungry snarls getting louder. It's curly hair matted in blood, a piece of it's skull sunken in. Curly hair. Familiar. The zombie's once navy blazer was now deep red and muddy. Blazer. "Oh God," You cover your mouth, realization hitting you like a truck. "Ashton..." Calum murmurs, lowering his gun just a bit. His eyes fill with sadness, seeing his old bandmate. The creature who'd once been Ashton gets closer and closer, and with no other choice, Calum fires, hitting him right in the skull and sending him flying backwards. Tears silently fall down his cheeks as they do yours. "I..I killed him..." Calum walks over to the recently shot figure and shakes his head. "You didn't kill him, Calum. He's been dead a long time. It's not even him anymore." Calum nods and wipes his tears with his sleeve. "You're right. Let's keep going. Moving on." He holds his gun in one hand, your hand in the other as you two make your way out of the arena. Going somewhere. Anywhere. Just staying alive.

Michael: "Like chickens with our heads cut off and trapped in a cage," you cry. Michael wraps his arms around you, watching fearfully as bloody hands slam against the tour bus windows. The bus shakes, the infected pounding on the sides of the bus angrily. Hungrily. "I never wanted to die like this," Michael says softly, shaking. "But if I have to die this way, I'm glad it's with you, (Y/N). I love you so much. I'm so sorry it has to end like this. I'm sorry we never got to do all the things we said we would." You start to cry harder at his words and he joins you. Hope. Hope has been gone a while now. Hope left as soon as you both watched Calum and Ashton get bitten. Hope left when you watched Calum and Ashton ate Luke alive. He's been ripped to shreds by people who weren't people anymore. People with white eyes, cold skin, bloody clothes. Soon, the windows break and they start climbing in. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. You shut your eyes tightly as Michael holds you in his arms. "I love you," you stammer. Before he can even reply, you feel hands clawing at your hair, hands pulling Michael away from you. Hands of people who aren't people. Hands of the hungry. Hands of the evil. Hands of the dead. You watch them devour Michael alive. Not being able to do anything to stop them. You feel the infected clawing at you and biting your flesh. You feel pain, then nothing. You've got nothing else to feel. You lost all feeling when you saw everyone you love die. You lost all feeling when you watched the only person you'd ever truly love be ripped from your arms and devoured inches in front of you. Michael was gone, and with one last bite right in the neck, so were you.

Ashton: "Ash. I can't keep doing this," you whisper. You're both camped out on the roof top of what once was an office building. You savour the safety for as long as you can. There's never a moment when you aren't living in constant fear. Isn't a moment when you aren't living in sadness. Isn't a moment where you're killing those who've already been killed with the epidemic. "Yes you can. You've been so strong. We've been so strong," he wraps his arms around your thin waist. Both of you dangerously became thin, food has been hard to come buy. All the stores ravaged for supplies, taken over by..them. The undead. "We can only be strong for so long. What kind of life is this?" you cry. "My whole family. DEAD. I had to KILL them, Ash. I had to shoot my family's brains out. Stare into their white eyes and bloodied faces and SHOOT them, as they tried to EAT my guts out. What kind of life is this? This isn't even a life worth living!" You toss down your gun and watch it slid across the stone of the rooftop. "But we can't give up," he whispers. "Why not? We're fighting for nothing, Ashton. There's no cure! No safety! Not a moment of safety. It's either become a zombie, get eaten alive or torn to shreds. But we don't have to go that way, Ash." You step to the edge of the rooftop. "Are you saying..." Ashton steps next to you and you nod. "If I have to choose a way to die, I want it to be with the one I love, as peaceful as possible. I don't want to be eaten alive, I don't want to keep fighting when there's nothing to fight for. Please." Ashton drops his own gun and steps next to you. You both look down at the streets below. Crashed cars, broken windows, glass, dead bodies, blood, trash. The mess that the world is now. "I love you," he whispers. "I love you, too," You both hold hands tightly and jumped off the building.

Luke: You frantically look around for Luke in the sea of screaming people. Running. You hear screams. You hear hungry groans of the infected. The infected. You and Luke had just been walking in the park when the news spread everywhere. Radios. Twitter. Television. People running. Trying to escape what could not be escaped. The epidemic was spreading. No cure. No explanation. It just..was. It appeared suddenly. No time to prepare. "(Y/N)!" Luke runs over to you and hugs you tightly, both of you being pushed and shoved in the sea of running bodies. "LUKE, DON'T LEAVE MY SIDE," you scream over the sound. Your eyes are filling with tears. Your family. Your friends. Your life. Your world. Gone to hell. "I WON'T EVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, I LOVE YOU. DON'T YOU EVER FORGET THAT," he shouts. He grabs your hand and you both run. Run, run, run. Neither of you turning back. When you two finally are out of breathe, you take a break in the safest clearing of trees you two have seen for miles. "This is...unreal," you stammer. "Unreal. If today is it, I want this to be the last thing I remember," Luke says softly, his eyes wet with tears. He kisses you with passion, it feels like a last kiss. Is it your last kiss? You have no way of knowing. You hate it. Suddenly, you smell the what has become familar smell of death. An infected. Before either of you can even react, you've been bitten. You feel the bite right on your arm. Your blood turns icy, your eyes turn white. You are no longer you. You're lifeless, yet alive. You've been infected. "(Y/N)! Oh God, (Y/N)!" Luke cries, backing away from you, unsure of what to do. You suddenly want more than anything to devour this brown haired boy. Who is he? Your only instinct is to inch forward, reaching for him hungrily. Luke looks into your eyes but doesn't see warmth. It's not you anymore. He could run away easily. He can outrun an infected. Two infecteds. He can outrun them, But what would he be running for? To be bitten by someone else soon after? No chance. "If I'm going to have to accept this fate, it may as well be taken by someone I lo-...someone who was once someone I loved," He whimpers. He backs up against a tree and closes his eyes as you inch forward, your teeth digging into his cheek, his skin quickly turning cold and his eyes slowly turning white and infected.

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