You Wake Up In An Alternate Universe Where You're His Girlfriend.

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Calum: “Get up (Y/N), we gotta go.” You heard those words, as you felt someone gently pushing your shoulder, but it didn’t really register in your mind. You lived alone. No one should be inside of your home. “(Y/N), come on!” This time the person trying to wake you raised their voice, and you awoke startled. “What’s going on?” You sat up, trying to take in your surroundings, and then reality began to set in. “Wait, what are you doing here? Wait, Calum? Oh gosh I’m dreaming.” You were certain you were in the middle of some sort of dream, and you did not want to wake up. Calum’s eyebrows raised, “What are you mumbling about?” “Nothing,” you replied, deciding to play along with your dream. If this was going to last a few minutes, you would enjoy every single second of it. “Where are we going?” you questioned, as you got up while never taking your eyes off of Calum. This was too perfect to let a minute go to waste. “Meet up with the other boys. I have that interview at noon, remember?” You nodded your head, as if you had a clue of what he was talking about. “So come on. Get up and get dressed. We gotta go.” You glanced towards the large walk in closet he was gesturing at, and wondered what clothes you would dream up when you stepped into it. “Can I have a kiss first?” You asked that while wondering if you would even feel it. Do you feel things like that in dreams? Calum laughed at your request, before making his way to you and placing a gentle kiss on your lips, “You really have to get ready. We’re going to be late.” As he left the room, you stood there in disbelief. That felt so real. How was this happening? What was going on? This was not a dream. You were with Calum. “Holy shit.”

Michael: “I’m going to go back to sleep, and then wake up in my real life,” you replied, as you mind was in panic. Sure it was amazing to have Michael as your boyfriend, but this wasn’t your life. You couldn’t enjoy it knowing it was fake. It just made you feel so much anxiety. How did this happen? Why were you here? “This is your real life (Y/N),” Michael replied, watching you with concern as you laid across the bed you shared. “No, it’s not,” you responded, “My life is loving you from a distance. My life is being a fan who dreams that you will just smile at her during a concert. My life is knowing I’ll never have you, but loving you anyway. That’s my life. My life is not having you by my side, loving me back.” Michael wasn’t sure what was going on with you, or if this was some elaborate joke, but he was worried, “Do you really not remember us being together at all?” You closed your eyes tightly, as a tear fell down your cheek, “No. I remember being a fan of yours, and loving you, but not being with you. I would know if I were your girlfriend. I wasn’t. You did have one, but it wasn’t me.” This sounded as strange to Michael, as what was going on felt to you. “That doesn’t sound real at all. So we didn’t even know each other? I love you so much (Y/N). I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.” “In this world you loved Crystal.” Michael was so confused, “But I don’t. I don’t know why your mind is stuck in some other world, but it’s not real. This is real (Y/N). Me and you, and this life. Okay?” You would love to believe that, but it wasn’t so easy. “Let me just try to sleep, and see what happens.” You woke up still here though, and the life you remembered was nowhere to be found. “I guess this is real… But that felt… I have no memories of us. I’m sorry. I don’t.”

Ashton: You fell asleep as you were listening to 5 Seconds of Summer, as you did on so many occasions. You closed your eyes as just another fan, but woke up as something completely different. “What do you mean I’m your girlfriend? You don’t even know me!” You did not believe what Ashton was telling you one bit, but you did not feel scared waking up next to him either. You did know who he was, he just didn’t know you. Ashton laughed at that, “Seriously (Y/N)? Five years together and I don’t know you?” “Five years?! How old were we when we started dating?” More laughter escaped Ashton’s mouth, “As if you don’t remind me each and every year when our anniversary comes around.” You felt the room spinning. Something was wrong. This was not your life. “I don’t understand what’s going on. How am I here? Why are you pretending we’re together?” As tears began leaking down your face, Ashton’s smile wiped off his face, “Are you being serious?” “Yes,” you replied, feeling your body shaking as you did, “Please tell me what’s going on.” “I don’t know,” Ashton honestly replied, “But (Y/N), we’ve been together for five years. I’m your boyfriend. We even live together. Actually I have a ring for you, but I haven’t given it to you yet.” If only you could comprehend what was going on, maybe you’d smile, but you just couldn’t. “This isn’t my life. I’m a fan, not your girlfriend.” Ashton’s concern was growing with each second that passed, “Maybe we should go to a doctor.” “Maybe I just need to sleep,” you replied, thinking you could go to sleep and something would make sense, “I think I just need that.” Ashton shrugged, “Okay baby, go to sleep. Please let me know if you need anything.” “I will,” you smiled, wondering how long this would take to adjust to if this really were your life now. “How does this just happen?”

Luke: When you woke up in this alternate world, you were convinced it was a prank. “Is this some sort of new show? Do you know how messed up this is. To pretend a girl is your girlfriend, when she’s completely in love with you. That’s horrible! Who would do this?! This is a horrible idea for a show!” Luke could see how strongly you felt about the words you were screaming at him, and it broke his heart to see you so upset. “(Y/N), I would never do that. What are you talking about?” “I’m not your girlfriend Luke! You don’t even know who I am!” you shouted back, “This is cruel!” “This is really our life (Y/N). This isn’t some joke or a show. What are you talking about?” Luke’s heartbreak was turning to concern. You were so passionate about this not being right. “It has to be a joke. Luke, you don’t know who I am. Well I guess you do, but someone just told you. You don’t really know me.” “I wouldn’t live with you if I didn’t know you,” Luke shot back, “I’m worried now. Are you okay?” “No, not at all.” Luke was not sure what he was meant to do now. “I-I love you.” “Stop saying that, please. Just stop saying anything really. This isn’t real. It can’t be. I’m not dating Luke Hemmings. I’m just not. I’m some no one. You’d never notice me.” That was enough. Luke was not going to let you say stuff like that. “No, (Y/N), don’t talk like that. Please. You are not a no one. You are everything to me. I couldn’t imagine life without you, and it breaks my heart that you don’t remember a life with me.” He sounded so sincere. “You sound like you actually mean that.” “I do,” he replied, carefully sitting beside you, “You are everything to me, and rather you remember or not doesn’t change that. I love you so much (Y/N), and I hope you can remember that one day.”

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