Your Son Leaves For The Military.

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Calum: James was a very independent guy, he was basically on his own since he could walk. It surprised you on his 10th birthday when he told you he wanted to be a part of the military and to fight the "bad men" to make this country a better place. So here you were, sitting in the airport lobby as Libby, Isabella and Claire were playing with their electronic devices on the floor in front of you, while Kimberly was asleep in your lap. James was getting his things checked over before he had to leave, also getting a passport picture taken. You looked around at the other families saying goodbye, some mothers even bawling out loud, but you promised Calum you wouldn't embarrass him. Calum put his arm around you, kissing your temple as he pushed up his sunglasses to sit on top of his head. "And just to think, a few years ago we had to change his diapers and feed him from a bottle." You shook your head and chuckled, putting your head in Calum's shoulder. "Don't remind me." You said, smiling as he kissed you again. "I don't want him to go." You said, sighing as Calum nodded. "I don't either. That means one less testosterone running around." You hit his chest as James walked back over, smiling widely. "I'm all good to go." Calum stood first, pulling his only son into an embrace as he sighed heavily. "This has been your dream for a while, you get out there and kick some ass okay? We're all rooting for you." James nodded and smiled as he looked at you. "Moooom, will you write me everyday?" He asked, smiling as he took you into a hug. "Every chance I get. I love you so much." You kissed his cheek, him returning one back as he smiled at you. "I'll make you proud." You smiled and nodded, as he placed a kiss to Kimberly's head as she smiled in her sleep. "Okay all my munchkins, give me kisses!" You giggled as the rest of them attacked him, kissing all over him as Calum smiled, slipping his hand into your back pocket. After the kiss fest was over, James placed one last kiss to your head. "I'll make you guys proud." He repeated again, winking as he joined his friends, turning around to wave one last time as you sighed. "He's going to be fine." Calum said, kissing your temple as you all left, heading over to get some lunch.

Michael: It was the day you were dreading, all the restless nights leading up to this moment. Michael's hand was in your lap, his thumb soothingly rubbing your inner thigh as you still sniffled, your kids buckled up in the back of the van. Noah had his headphones in his ears, his uniform all neat and tidy as the rest of your kids rambled on in the back. A tear hit Michael's hand as he sighed. "Baby, what did I say?" You shrugged and wiped your eye, looking up at him. "No more tears." He nodded, "No more tears. He's going to be home in 6 months. Remember when I went on tour for 6 months? You survived didn't you?" You sighed and put your hand on his, tracing the small tattoo on his middle finger. "Barely." You whispered, a short chuckle coming from his lips as you all arrived at the airport finally. Everyone hopped out as the girls began hugging on Noah as he chuckled at their requests to bring back souvenirs. Sam stood in front of Michael, sucking on his thumb as he watched. "Are you going to miss me buddy?" Sam nodded, holding out his arms to his baby brother as Noah smiled, hugging him quickly. "You be safe son, okay?" Michael said, holding him in a tight embrace as they shared quick I love you's. Noah looked at you, and distraught was written all over your face. "I'll miss you." You cried, hugging him tightly as Noah sighed, holding you as tight as he could. "I'll miss you more, mom. I'll write you every day, okay?" You nodded and kissed his cheek, as two of his friends walked over. "Be safe." He tipped his hat, kissing your head as he picked up his bags. Michael wrapped his arms around you as he kissed your temple, as your kids began climbing back into the van. "He will be safe. He's a strong boy."

Ashton: The car ride was oddly silent, Jonah was bobbing his head to his music, Harper was tapping away at her phone and Bryce was knocked out asleep in his car seat. You were stuck in traffic and it wasn't stopping the tears flowing from your eyes. Ashton cursed to himself, looking at the road before checking the watch on his wrist. You sniffled loudly, Ashton immediately looking at you. "Baby, I thought you were all out of tears." He pulled down the sleeve of his shirt, wiping at your eyes as you shook your head. "I just don't want him to go. He just turned 18 a month ago." Ashton nodded and sighed. "I don't want him to go either, but this is his dream. When I wanted to fulfill my dream and become a drummer, did anything stop me?" You shook your head and sighed, as Ashton stroked your thigh. "He's wanted to do this since he found out how to shoot a gun. You have to learn to let him go one day." You felt the need to cry again as you looked at him. "But I want him to stay my baby forever." You burst into tears again as Ashton sighed, grabbing your head and pulling it down to meet his arm. "It'll be okay." You two shared a quick kiss as you arrived at the airport, everyone outside saying goodbyes as well. You, Ash and Harper got out sighing as he stood in front of Ashton. "Take care of them, dad." He said, hugging him tight as Ashton sighed. "I will, you take care of yourself okay? Go save our country." He smiled before looking at you. "I'll always be your baby, mom. Don't forget it. I love you so much." He hugged you tight as you cried into his neck, muffling an I love you as he kissed your shoulder. He hugged Harper next, the two of them muttering goodbyes and I love you's as he smiled one last time. "See you all in 6 months."

Luke: Today is the day, Troy was getting sworn in today and then he was off to basic training for 2 months. Even though it was basic training and not the real deal just yet, you still cried last night. Troy was your first baby and now to see him taking an interest into the military made you and Luke the proudest parents ever. You smoothed out your dress as Julia held your hand, Luke carrying Marie in her carrier as she was fast asleep. Troy was already, seated up front as he constantly checked behind him, making sure you all were going to make it on time. His mouth broke into a grin as he saw you first, Ashleigh walking close to you as you two found good seats. Luke put Marie on his chest as he rocked her back and forth as he searched for Troy. "Excited?" He asked, smiling at you as you handed Julia her DS to keep her entertained. You nodded, smiling as you put your hand on his lap. It was time to get sworn in and Troy was up, he raised his right hand as he smiled widely. He repeated everything the man said, tears falling down your face as Luke even started to tear up. After the ceremony was over, he walked to you all, hugging you first. "I'm going to miss you the most." He whispered into your hair, causing you to hug him harder as you sighed. "I'll miss you more, sweetie." He let go, saying goodbyes to his little sisters as Luke handed Marie off to you. "Go kick ass at training, alright?" Luke said, hugging him as Troy nodded. "I'll be just as kick ass as you dad." "That's what I like to hear." You giggled, Luke kissing his head as he went back off to his friends. "He will be just fine." Luke said, looking at you and smiling. "Looks like it's just us for a while."

(A/N: Lol they have too many kids in here. I'm back!! Miss me?! Haha. I'm on the mood to post some of my written preferences. So here it is. Enjoy! All the love. xx)

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