You Both Got Lost.

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Calum: What was meant to be a romantic date, had somehow turned into you and Calum completely lost. “How did we end up lost in the middle of nowhere?!” Choosing not to reply to you, Calum instead look ahead for any sort of road signs that could tell him which way to go. “Our phones don’t even work out here!” You continued on, while attempting to call someone on your phone. “Why did you pick this place anyway?” You questioned, as you tossed your phone down besides you. Calum finally sighed, and answered your question, “I thought it would be something different. This is not how I planned tonight to go. At least it’s a good memory for one day. Right?” Calum’s desperate attempt to make this seem better than it was, made you smile. “Sure Cal. In a few weeks we can laugh about this. For now though, I’d just like to get back to where phones work. Okay?” “Okay,” Calum nodded, while turning down a road that he hoped would lead to somewhere.

Michael: “Call Calum. He should be here already too,” you stated, as you and Michael were in the elevator of a tall building, trying to find the level where Michael needed to be for an interview. “This is really frustrating. How do you get lost in a building?” Michael asked, as the door opened, and he stepped into the floor. “This has never happened before. I normally know exactly where i have to be.” “Well, you don’t today. Just call Calum, please.” Michael sighed frustratedly, as he got back into the elevator, “Fine, I’ll call him. Everyone is going to laugh at us for this.” “I was never told where to go, so this is all you,” you said jokingly, watching as Michael grabbed his phone and quickly called Calum. “Tell him we at least found the building.” “If this is even the right one,” Michael retorted, right as Calum answered. “What floor do we have to meet on? We can’t seem to find it.” Though Michael was a few inches away from you, you could hear Calum laughing through the phone. “You’re lost?”

Ashton: Walking through a giant garden, trying to have a nice relaxing time, had ended with you and Ashton taking one to many turns you forgot to remember. And as the sun began to set, you began to panic. “Ash, we really have to get back before it gets dark.” “It’s this way (Y/N),” Ashton said, pulling you behind him. “I’m almost sure it’s the other way,” you replied, trying to stop walking, but Ashton was going way too fast for you to stop him. “No, I remember seeing that tree,” Ashton explained, pointing towards a tall tree a few feet away from you both, “So we had to pass here.” “Or they have two,” you responded, still feeling like the right way was behind you, “But we’ll go this way if you want. We can’t be that lost. I mean, how big can a garden really be? Right?” Ashton did not answer you, instead he turned slightly, pulling you with him, “I think we have to go this way now.” “Don’t get us more lost Ash, please.”

Luke: Looking out the window of Luke’s car, you did not recognize even one thing that you were passing by. “I think we went the wrong way.” “No, I think the turn is up ahead.” You crossed your arms one over the other, and sunk into your seat, “Whatever you say, but I’m pretty sure the turn was miles ago.” “I think I would have seen the sign,” Luke replied defensively. You shrugged your shoulders, “Not if we were talking when we passed it. You could have missed it. Or there isn’t a sign.” Luke shook his head, and looked around at the scenery, “No, I’m sure we’re still going the right way. I think I remember that building from last time.” “No, because we didn’t pass here. I know for a fact Luke, this is the wrong way. Please just turn around.” Luke slowed down the car, “How about we just go about five more miles. I’m sure the turn is coming up. If not, then we’ll come back, and you’ll be right.” “I know I am.” “Then let me prove myself wrong. We can’t get more lost. It’s one road.” You rolled your eyes, “Fine Luke, do what you want. But in an hour, when we’re super late for supper, just remember who wanted to keep going.”

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