You Act Like You Hate Each Other, But You Really Liked Each Other. *Part 3*

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Calum (His POV): I stared into her beautiful eyes, and let all my feelings slip out of my mouth... "(Y/N)... I love you. I always have, and that is the truth. All this time, where I told you I hated you... I never meant it. Believe me, I never meant a single word. I just didn't know if you hated me... Or- do you know what I'm trying to say?" I felt like a complete idiot. She laughed, God she had a beautiful smile. "I understand Calum..." I was trying so hard to stop my blushing, "And that is the truth... I couldn't hold it in any longer (Y/N)... You are so breath taking, and your eyes are like crystals, your smile lights up a room, and... honestly... I just need you to be mine. But before I go any further... How do you feel about me?" I was praying in my mind, praying that she would say exactly what I wanted to hear... She inhaled, "I feel the exact same way." A smile came across my entire face, and probably could have wrapped around my head thirty times. I blushed full force, and (Y/N) chuckled at me. "Stop..." I laughed now too, and I was so happy knowing that she didn't hate me after all.

Michael (Your POV): Suddenly he just started rambling off all of these things to me. I didn't really catch any of what he was saying thats how fast he was speaking. Finally he paused to take a breath. "WHOA. Stop." He looked at me, rather confused, "Try that again... Slower maybe?" He nodded, and went as slow as he could for me. "Okay. Y/N... I am just going to make this as blunt and to the point as I need it to be." I nodded and urged him to continue, curious to know what he was going to say next... In my dreams, he would tell me right now that he loved me this whole time... But that was only in dreams. "I love you." My eyes widened, and I pinched myself, thinking that maybe I was in fact in a dream. "(Y/N)?" His voice brought me back to reality. "Sorry... I just thought I was dreaming..." He giggled a little. "This is real life sweetheart." I blushed... I never thought I would live to see the day when Michael Clifford told me he loved me. "Well guess what you loser." I said to him with a smile. He looked at me with those optimistic blue eyes, "What?" I smiled while hugging him, "I love you too."

Ashton (Your POV): As I walked over to him, he stared at me. Eyeing me in a very curious fashion... "What'ya want Ashton?" He walked in small circles that he made with his feet. "I just had to tell you something, that I have been wanting to get off my chest for a while now (Y/N) ..." Now my heart was really racing... Could this be the moment? The moment when the guy I had been in love with all along, finally says he feels the same way? I tried not to get my hopes up... Considering I have thought this before and nothing has come out of it. But I don't know... It seemed different this time. I could not explain it. He finally began to speak, "I am jealous of James... I am jealous that he gets to be with you and I don't. I am jealous he gets to kiss your lips, and hold your hand and hug you. I want that to be me." My heart stopped... Was I hearing things? "What?" I asked him, to reassure myself. "I love you (Y/N) ." My breathing became heavier... "I love you too." I didn't need to say anything else, I just ran into his arms. Staying there the rest of the day.

Luke (His POV): She signaled me to come back to her, and I had no idea why. She seemed rather sad all of a sudden... Had I been to harsh? Its not like I meant anything that I ever said to her... I did love her after all. I always had, since the first minute I laid my eyes on her. She was perfect, and there was nothing about her that I didn't love. "Yeah?" I asked her as I got closer. Her sweet perfume filled my nose, and I took all of it in. Closing my eyes, and inhaling the smell. I opened my eyes, and I saw tears coming out of hers. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" I now knew I had taken it too far. "Why do you hate me so much Luke?" I could not take this anymore... I didn't even know what to say... But I thought of a better way to tell her. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She hesitated for a moment, and then returned my embrace. My hand stroked the back of her head, "I don't hate you (Y/N)... I never have and I never will." Gradually the sounds of her cries slowed down. "In fact..." I said making her look up at me, "I love you... I always have and I always will." Her tears faded, and a smile took their place. "Now I feel much better." She smiled, and I hugged her again.

(A/N: The last part. 🙂 I can't believe I wrote this years ago. Lol.)

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