The Letter He Left You After He Died Of Cancer.

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(A/N: I cried while writing this. There are many people requesting a sad one so here it is. Sorry if I made you cry. All the love. Enjoy. x)

Calum: "Hi (Y/N). Wow, that sounded dumb. I was never good at writing letters. English was my worst subject, you know I got an F one time on an essay...Never mind, I'm rambling. There's more important things. First, I just want to thank you. Thank you for making the last few years of my life the best ones. Thank you for holding me when I cried sometimes, for never leaving my side, for bringing me food (because hospital food tastes like shit...sorry for cursing!), for letting me wipe away your tears, for telling me everything would be okay even when we both know it wouldn't, for listening to me talk, for letting me listen to you talk, for all the kisses and hugging moments we shared...Thank you for loving me and letting me love you. I don't think I would've lived as long if you hadn't been there. I hate myself for leaving you like this, I don't want to go. But everything hurts, baby girl. It's hard to write this, and we both knew this time would come. I don't think I can write much longer, I'm really tired and...Well, just...Thank you so much for living by my side. I love you more than the universe and don't ever forget that. I love you, okay? And if you ever feel sad, I know the other boys will be there for you, because they love you just as much as I did...or do, rather. I'll never stop loving you, pinky promise. Even though I've stopped living, that doesn't mean you have to. I love you so much baby girl. Forever Yours, Calum."

Michael: "Right now you're asleep in the chair beside my hospital bed. It's become like a second home to you, you're always there when I go to sleep and when I wake up. Right now, you look like an angel, beautiful. But I guess you kind of are an angel, at least to me. You mean more to me than you can ever know, as cheesy as that sounds, it's true. Seeing you everyday just made me forget about the pain and cancer and everything. But even though I forgot about the cancer sometimes, it just didn't go away. I remember when I was diagnosed with it, stage four, and I remember how we both cried and I held you in my arms. You cried, because you knew, you knew that I wouldn't have much longer. And I cried, because I saw you cry. I wasn't scared of dying, and I'm still not. I'm just scared of leaving you behind. I love you so much and all I ever wanted to do was protect you and make sure everything will be okay and make sure nothing or no one will ever hurt you. But it turns out that...I won't be able to do that anymore. Because if you're reading this, I'm gone. I'm gone and I just left you. Hurt. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you, because I promise I don't want to go. You're shifting in your sleep, you might wake up soon and I should end this letter. Please remember me before I got sick. Remember me when I wasn't fragile and pale and weak and ill. Remember the good times, the happy times. Please, don't forget me and don't feel bad. I love you, okay? Remember that if not anything else. I love you so so much. Love, Michael"

Ashton: "Dear (Y/N). If you're reading this, that means I'm gone. The cancer finally got me. I always wanted to be strong, to be there for you always, but I guess I just couldn't be. I won't be there for you always, and that's what's kills me the most, not the cancer. I can just see you reading this, your pretty eyes filling with tears...and it kills me. It KILLS me that I won't be able to reach out and just hug you and tell you everything will be okay, because it won't be. Nothing will ever be okay because if you're reading this, I'm gone. This is probably the hardest thing I'll ever write and...God...I can barely see, everything's blurry from my tears and...I love you SO much. I love you more than you'll ever know. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry I have to go. Tell my family and the boys I love them. Know that no matter what I'll be looking out for you. Love you to the moon and back, Ashton"

Luke: "(Y/N), do you remember when we found out I only had one month left to live? I think about it all the time. It seems like one month went by so quickly. I wish I could bottle up time and give it to you so we could just live forever. I wish I could just take a clock and smash it and that it would make time stop. But I can't and we both know that. Time is precious, and that's something I've learned from all of this. That month we spent together...God, (Y/N) was the best thirty days of my life. Even though I got sick sometimes and every time I went to sleep I was afraid I wouldn't wake up...I would just be SO happy that you were with me. Because you just made everyday feel special and wonderful and magical and everyday I spent with you, I'd think to myself 'If this was the last day of my life, I would die happy.' and I truly meant it every time. Knowing that I had you in my life and that you loved me so much...just knowing that, I could die happy- I will die happy- Actually, if you're reading this...It means I did die happy. I love you, (Y/N). I love you so much, and I'll miss you. Even though our time together wasn't nearly long enough, I'm so thankful for every second spent with you. But all good things come to an end, and sometimes the end comes too soon. I love you, I love you, I love you...repeat that a million infinity times and that's how much I love you. Don't miss me too much, because one day we'll meet again. One day we'll meet again and we'll be together forever and ever. I'll wait for you wherever I am. Love you always, Luke"

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