He Hears You Saying You Wish He Wasn't In 5SOS.

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(A/N: This preference is longer than I thought. Lol x.)

Calum: "Where's Calum?" Your best friend said as she strolled into your apartment. "No, please. No need to knock," you said sarcastically, smiling at your friend. Your friend put her hand on her hip, throwing you a sassy glare that made you chuckle. "He's out. He said he wouldn't be here tonight so I've got the flat to myself," you said, throwing your arms out to indicate the apartment was empty. "Good. I call girls night!" Your friend said as she flung herself onto the couch. You giggled and chucked a chip in her direction, which she skillfully caught in her mouth. You laughed and crawled over to cuddle into her side. "So tell me all your dirty secrets," your friend giggled as you rolled your eyes. "About what?" Your friend laughed and looked down to wink at you. "About Calum, of course!" Your friend giggled. You rolled your eyes and said nothing, a blush creeping up your cheeks. "I saw the hate you're getting on twitter. Those 5sosfam can get a little crazy," your friend went on, watching you warily. You chewed on your bottom lip, staring at a spot in the carpet. "Yeah, the hate... Yeah," you replied, trailing off. "What's wrong?" Your friend whispered, her hand rubbing up and down your back comfortingly. "I just.. It all gets to be a bit overwhelming, you know? Like I understand how much the band means to him and everything but I always have those days when I think 'What if he wasn't in 5 Seconds Of Summer?' And I can't help but think that everything would be better off if he wasn't," you whispered, your eyes trained on the carpet. "I'm home," a deep voice choked out. You ripped your eyes off the carpet and stared at Calum, your mouth agape as you struggled to find words. "I guess I'll give you time to yourself?" Calum whispered, his chocolate brown eyes filled with sadness. "No, Cal wait!" You said as you scrambled off the couch and ran after his retreating back. "Cal," you said, catching his elbow to turn him around. "I didn't mean it like that," you said. "Then what did you mean (Y/N)? Please enlighten me!" Calum said as he yanked his elbow out of your grip and threw his hands up in exasperation. "5 Seconds Of Summer is something you love and I shouldn't get jealous of that. I'm sorry. It's just sometimes the hate gets to me, you know? I shouldn't have said that. I take it back. Just, please don't be mad Cal," you whimpered as you stared up at Calum through your eyelashes that were wet from impending tears. Calum's hand reached up to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek. "Talk to me when you get hate, yeah?" Calum whispered. You nodded and entwined your free hand with his. "Always," you said as you stood on your tip toes to press your lips to his.

Michael: "I thought it was Skype night?" Your sister asked as she pranced into your room to see you texting rather than talking to Michael. "It is." You replied looking up from your phone. "Who are you texting?" She asked. "Luke, he wants to keep me informed on 5 Seconds Of Summer." You rolled your eyes and your sister laughed. "Tell him to tell Michael to get on Skype." You sighed over dramatically for your answer. This caused the older girl to roll her eyes and snatch away your phone. In a few seconds, she had a text sent and left your bedroom. You stared down at your phone until it lit up with a picture of Calum's face. "I was texting Luke." "You're on speaker phone. Luke's here, he just wanted to use my phone." Calum informed me. "Right, right. So Skype night?" "We're on the road tonight. We've only got Internet through our phones and Michael's smashed his so he's in the back lounge begging Ashton to borrow his phone." You groaned, "Why can't Ash quit being such a wanker?" You heard the sound of Luke's laugh through your phone. "It's alright, there's always next week." Luke's said optimistically. You rolled your eyes. "Unless you haven't got Internet then either. You guys are always on the road. It's times like these when I really wish Michael wasn't in 5 Seconds Of Summer." There was silence on the other line. Internally you groaned. The absence of Calum's reinforcement told you something was wrong. That something made itself known via its voice. "Hey baby, it's good to hear from you too." There was rustling around before Michael spoke again. "What happened to loving and dating a famous person and seeing free shows?" He inquired. "The glamour got old." You replied. "Save the bullshit, (Y/N)." He snapped. "Fine, I'm upset about you missing Skype night. This is like the twentieth time this month alone. This is basically my only contact when you aren't in Australia." You confessed feeling pathetic. "I know, I know. We don't always stop though and Dave hasn't gotten me a new phone and the boys can't always let me use theirs. I know those aren't proper excuses but I'll try, I really do." You sighed loudly. Trying wasn't good enough anymore, trying wasn't fixing a relationship that was being held together by a thread. "You want a break." Michael said before you could. You paused before articulating your thoughts clearly. "I think that's for the best. I just feel like we need some time apart, regroup and then come back when you're home. See how we feel and where we stand, yeah?" There was a long pause but Michael agreed with you. "I'll talk to you when you get back." "I'll miss you and I'll always love you, baby." "I love you too, Mikey."

Ashton: You tipped your head back in a laugh at something your best friend had just told you. "Oh my gosh, (Y/BF/N) I miss you so much," you said when you had calmed down. "Aww I miss you too, (Y/N)! But that's okay cause you've got that sexy piece of man over there in Australia," your best friend said. You giggled again and picked at a loose thread on your jeans. "Yeah, Ashton's amazing," you said, a blush creeping up to your cheeks, a smile taking over your features. "Aww I can tell in your voice how much you love him," your friend cooed. "He's perfect," you breathed, a smile taking over your features. "But there's a catch," your friend responded as she read your mind even though she was a thousands of miles away. You blew out a puff of air and tugged violently on the loose thread of your denim. "I just... Sometimes I wish he wasn't in a band you know? It's just so hard and I always tell myself I can do it but what if I can't? What if when he's on tour he finds someone else? Why can't he just always be with me?" You spilled. You tried to stop the words from falling out of your mouth but you couldn't. As silence filtered through the phone you lifted your eyes up from your ripped jeans to the door, where you saw a familiar mop of brown hair. "I'll call you back," you said abruptly as you hung up on your friend. You looked back up and saw Ashton's figure had disappeared and you heard footsteps clomping down the stairs. "Ashton!" You called as you dashed after him. You ran into the kitchen and found him leaning over the sink, his head ducked down. His large hands were splayed out on the dark granite. "Why didn't
you tell me?" He choked out, his voice cracking. You shook your head violently and started to walk over to him but he abruptly turned around, his green eyes staring at you with sadness. "I tried so hard to keep you happy. I'm sorry that I'm in this band, I really am," he whispered, his eyes searching your face. "I just didn't want to lose you," he murmured, his gaze falling to the tiled floor. "No, no Ash. It's not like that," you said quietly as you walked over to him. You reached your hand out to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing over his pale skin. "I love you. And I knew going into this, that it was going to be hard. Sure, the late nights and Skype calls for months are hard, but you know what? I wouldn't trade it in for anything. Because I love you," you said, your eyes frantically searching Ashton's. Ashton passionately pressed his lips to yours, his hand playing with the hair at the nape of your neck before he threaded his fingers through it. "I love you too," he murmured as he tilted his forehead to rest against yours.

Luke: "So how's your rock star of a boyfriend?" Your best friend asked, waiting for you to locate your apartment key in your over sized bag. You giggled at the nickname she had taken it upon herself to give Luke as you replied with a simple answer. She rolled her eyes at your words, knowing you far too well for vague answers. "Yeah, okay. What's really up?" You glared up at her but the girl simply rolled her eyes. "Lying to yourself is like lying to me." That was true. "He's perfect and I like him so much and our relationship is perfect and I love 5 Seconds Of Summer. The boys are my favorite people, really, but there's this constant traveling and the lack of together-ness and fans and, holy shit, the fucking fans! They never leave him - us, alone. Sometimes I just wish he wasn't in that band." You explained and then groaned. "This key isn't-." The swing of the door cut you off as your eyes looked up to see Luke already walking away. You swore under your breath and your friend left with a quick goodbye seeing as there was a problem. You and Luke's relationship was very new and very fragile. "How much did you hear?" You already knew the answer. "Why didn't you come to me, (Y/N)?" You sighed and looked at the floor. "Is all this really that awful for you?" You looked up to see tears in Luke's sky blue eyes as he stood before you, desperately wanting to know what your thoughts and opinions were. "Do you need us to take a break? I can wait." You immediately shook your head at those words. A sigh escaping your lips as you led Luke to the couch. "We're new at this. You're learning how to balance a relationship and
I'm getting used to the fans and your travel. I just, this - us - takes time to adjust to. For both of us." You explained, keeping eye contact the whole time. A small smile took hold of Luke's lips. "No break-up?" "I don't think I could handle it." You replied genuinely. Luke pulled you into him for a tight hug, as if trying to keep you from escaping him. "We'll get the hang of this, even if it takes forever. I love you, (Y/N)." "I love you too Luke."

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