The Voicemail He Leaves You After Your Break Up.

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Calum: After being together for only two months, you had ended things with Calum. You had had enough of the constantly fighting for his attention. Between the media, fans, the boys and the music, you didn't feel valued. It had only been a week, but you missed Calum like crazy. You woke up in the morning and checked the voicemails on your phone. "You have four new messages. First message. 'Hi Y/N! It's Jacqueline, from back home, just wanted to call and tell you I miss you! Call me back gorgeous.' Next message. 'Hi Y/N. Kenneth calling from In Touch, we were wondering if you would be," you hit the delete number, and the voicemail continued. "Next message. 'Um... I don't know what I'm doing here Y/N. It's Calum. I miss you. I know it's only been a week. I know you had good reasons to leave. But I just, I don't know, I feel like I am empty without you here. In the two months we were together, I fell for you. And now I just feel... I don't know. This is stupid. Just, uh, don't worry about calling me back." You pulled the phone away and hit end. You called Calum's phone. It rang once, twice, three times. You thought about ending the call, when you heard a groggy voice on the other end. "Hello?" He said, and you felt your heart flutter. "I got your message. I would like to try us again, but only if you can make time for me. And I mean quality time. Not hanging out with me on the way to something" You said quickly. The other line was quiet. You thought he had hung up, and then you heard him sigh. "Thank you. I am so beyond relieved." He said, and you smiled. "Get ready and come over." You whispered. "I'll be over in twenty minutes" He replied and you hung up the phone. You and Calum were able to talk it out, and things got better with time.

Michael: You and Michael had been in a nasty fight. It was two years in, and you had just gotten fed up with the hate you were continuously receiving. You decided your only out was to leave Michael. He was furious that you were doing this, and told you you were letting the haters win as you pulled your bags out the door. It had been two nights, which you were spending at The Landmark Hotel. You had gone out to pick up dinner, and as you walked in a receptionist stopped you. "Mrs. Clifford," she called, and you shuddered. Everyone called you that, and while it was normal, it stung right now. "Yes?" you said, trying to be polite. "You received a phone call. I had the caller transferred to your room, so you should have a voicemail" She said, pleasantly. You thanked her and went up. The light on the phone flashed red as you picked up the receiver and dialed for your voice mail. "Hi baby. It's me. I know you're upset, and hurt. And I understand. I still have my days where I feel like I can't go on in this life, like I am so miserable because of what people say about me. But, the thing is, when I have those days, I call you. I talk to you. I turn to you. And, I don't know, I hope you know you can always turn to me. I am not telling you to come back home, though I want to. What I'm saying is I understand why you left, but it may be easier if we do this together. Anyway, whatever you decided, please ring me back. I will always love you, Y/N. Erm, bye." You wiped the tear from your eye and started throwing things in your suitcase. Why had you been so stupid? You had the perfect support system the whole time. Within a few minutes all your bags were packed. You raced through the lobby and to you car, speeding back to the house you owned with Michael. You didn't even grab your bags as you went to the door, which was unlocked, and rushed in. Michael, who was sitting on the couch, turned to you. "I love you too." you said as he rushed over to kiss you. You two learned to lean on each other during tough times, and it made you both stronger.

Ashton: You looked in the bedroom you used to share with Ashton, and tears brimmed your eyes. You were trying to get used to life without your boyfriend, well, now ex boyfriend, of a year and a half not being there anymore. You looked at the closet, which still held some of his clothes, and dreaded the day he would pick up the rest of his things. Two weeks ago, Ashton had walked out. You had been arguing on and off about your relationship with one of the men you had met months earlier. Ashton was jealous and always felt like every time you were with this guy, you were cheating. You had never cheated on Ashton, but all that didn't matter as you stared at the vacant side of your king size bed. You tip toed into the closet, and grabbed one of Ashton's t-shirts. You cried as you put it on, dying to be close to him. You heard your phone ring, but you ignored it, too upset to talk to anyone. You ended up falling asleep on the floor of your closet, clutching his shirt. When you woke up, you went to your phone. "Eight missed calls?" You said, still groggy. You checked and saw you had a voicemail. "Hi Y/N," Ashton's voice started, and you collapsed on the floor. "I know that this seems random. Well, maybe random isn't the word. Look, I love you. I will always love you. I've tried to go out, I've tried to flirt and its useless. I am in love with you. There's nothing that can change that. And I was stupid. I should have trusted you. Deep down I know you were faithful. I was just scared. Scared that another guy could give you more. I'm an idiot. Please. Answer. I miss you Y/N. I miss you so badly." He finished, and you were both bawling. You called Ashton. "Y/N?" He asked, and his voice cracked. "Hi." You said, your voice matching his. "So..." he said. "Come home." you whispered, and Ashton exhaled. You two worked it out, and were happier than ever.

Luke: You pulled down the collage of pictures you had of you and Luke in your room, one by one, letting your tears fall. You had waited a week and a half, trying to muster up the strength to start getting rid of your Luke stuff. You and Luke had dated for just over a year, when he called it quits. There was no reason, no explanation at all. He came by your house one afternoon and told you it was done. The conversation lasted a minute, and he was gone. You picked up a note Luke had wrote you, and laid it gently in the box of things you needed to burn. It was like each piece of memories you threw out was another knife in your heart. You spotted a picture under your bed, and reached for it. You pulled out a picture of you two kissing, and flipped it over. 'Forever and always, love you baby girl' you read in Luke's handwriting. You started bawling. It was too much. You left your room, going to the main part of your flat. You threw on the TV and stared at it, not focusing on anything but how terrible you felt. You zoned out, until you heard your phone ringing. You got up and ran for your room to catch it, but didn't get there in time. You walked back out to the den and saw that whoever it was left a voicemail. You dialed to check it. "Hi Y/N. It's Luke. I, uh, I have to speak to you. I don't know how you're feeling. I'm sure you're confused. Truth is, I was too. I got scared. Scared of the commitment. Everyone was asking me when I was going to move you in, when I was going to propose. I got scared and I knew the only way to get out of all this was to end things with you. I thought that would make my problems go away. But these last twelve days have been hell for me. I haven't stopped thinking of you. I found myself driving by your building to see if you were home, calling your work to ask to talk to you and then hanging up, going to your favourite restaurants. Just to hope to catch a glimpse of you, hear your voice. I am rambling, but I guess what I'm saying is I made a big mistake. And I want you back. So, I don't know, I guess call me when you get this. Bye baby girl." You stared straight ahead. You were happy, excited, scared and confused all at once. Through all those emotions, you still dialled Luke's number. You agreed to meet for coffee, and you talked things through. You two were back on for a bit before Luke asked you to move in with him.

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