His Thoughts When He First Saw You.

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Calum: You were laying in bed, looking at Calum. He smiled lightly and you sighed. You loved these moments with Calum. Moments where he was all yours and you were all his. You loved to rack his brain, ask questions. Tonight was no exception. "What did you think of me when you first saw me?" You asked, and Calum sighed. It had been two years since that day, and you considered it to be one of the best days of your life. "Well, I walked into that party and thought my goal was to go in, get drunk and find a hook up, honestly." He started, and you giggled. "But then I saw you. You were sitting on the couch, curled up like you were in your own house. You looked relaxed but introverted. It wasn't your scene, but I was happy it wasn't. You stood out. You were dressed in jeans and a nice shirt, while all the other girls were dressed in revealing dresses. I just, I noticed you. And I knew I had to talk to you, I couldn't let you pass me by. When you got up to go grab a drink, I wanted to talk to you then, but I got nervous. I don't think I had ever really been that nervous around a girl. You walked by and smiled, and I checked you out hoping that would be enough to stop you. Looking back now, I should have known it could never be that easy. Nor should it be, if it was you wouldn't be as wonderful. But I knew I wouldn't let you pass the second time. Reaching out and taking your wrist was scary. It was almost like I was putting everything on the line, hoping you wouldn't be weirded out and walk away. I just thought you were so beautiful. I asked you if you were here alone, I remember that. I remember feeling nervous. I remember my mind running, thinking about what I would do if you had someone there. I would have had to fight for you, I couldn't let you pass. Luckily, you were alone and welcomed me to your couch. Then we started talking. I could tell how smart you were, you were so deep in conversation and all I could do was stare at you and make comments. I must have seemed so dumb that night, you got me so shook up. Then we had to leave. I remember feeling panicked, which is ridiculous, but I was so scared I would never see you again. You'd be one that got away. Then you gave me your number and I remember thinking that this must be a joke. A funny, smart, beautiful and down to earth girl like you asking me if you could give me your number? It was surreal. I was just so happy. I didn't shut up about you to the boys the whole way home." He laughed, fondly remembering every detail of the night. You smiled, and kissed his cheek before cuddling in close to his chest. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face.

Michael: You and Michael were doing an hour long interview about your relationship. You wedding was in two weeks, and it was going to be televised, so you two decided this would be a great way to get people interested. It was being hosted by Davina McCall, and you two sat in a studio living room, hand in hand, as she asked questions. "So, Michael, what were you thinking when you first saw Y/N?" Davina asked, and you turned your body towards him as he smiled. "Well, as you know, we met at Radio 1. She was a receptionist there, we were doing an interview. When I walked in, she looked up from her book and I just felt like I was a snake being charmed. She caught my attention and I couldn't break my stare. I probably came off a little odd. When she spoke I could feel butterflies in my tummy. I remember thinking 'everyone says I should date a famous girl because they're beautiful, but then there's this girl who is much more beautiful than any other girl and she's normal'. She ended up being what we call a 'Gopher', she ran around and did everything for us. I remember being so thirsty in that interview, all I wanted was a bottle of water, but I was far too nervous to ask. I was so shy with her. Usually girls were all over us, but she was acting like this was all another day's work. When it was time to leave, I was already trying to come up with reasons to go back. Another interview, anything, just to see her again. I was going to leave my phone there just so I could go back and see her. Calum could tell, and as she was saying goodbye, he shoved me into her. I thought for sure in that moment I was done. I blurted out some awkward phrase asking her out. I felt like my tongue was literally tied, she was smiling at me and it was like I forgot to talk. But she gave me her number. She saw something, unbelievably. I don't even think she was out of eye sight when I texted her. I remember feeling like I needed to see her again. She was... is... so special" he said, and you wiped a stray tear from your cheek. "I love you." You whispered, kissing his cheek, and he smiled at the ground.

Ashton: "How did you two meet?" your friend asked, and you smiled. You were on a double date with a friend of yours, and she always wanted to know about people's meeting stories. "He assaulted me in an H&M when he was surrounded by fans and took me to lunch." you laughed, sipping your wine. Ashton smiled and ruffled your hair. "You must have been nervous." she laughed, and you nodded. "Her nerves couldn't compare to mine." Ashton laughed, and you glanced at him. "What do you mean?" You asked, curiously, and Ashton smiled. "When I first met you? My nerves were through the roof. I remember walking into the dressing room to try on a pair of jeans. The screams were held behind the wall of the change room, but that didn't mean I felt alone. I heard someone groaning in the change room beside me. It made me giggle. The jeans ended up being rubbish, but when I walked out I saw a beautiful girl in the mirror. I had met lingerie models, superstar athletes and socialites, but they couldn't compare to the simplistic beauty she had. I stood there for a good twenty seconds, trying to master up the courage to say something. Eventually I blurted out that I liked the blazer she was trying on, how ridiculous. You turned, and I remember feeling so... complete. Like you were what I needed to see to complete my heart. You smiled awkwardly, which still took my breath away, and you blushed. I remember you blushing made me feel more at ease, you looked sort of excited to see me too. I tried to play it cool and act confident, but inside I was shaking. You thanked me and tried to walk away, but I couldn't let you. It was like my body reacted before my brain even could, I knew I couldn't let you just walk away. I never thought I would be nervous to talk to a girl after being in 5 Seconds of Summer, but you gave me butterflies. I stumbled over asking you to lunch, and you accepted and I felt like I could do back flips out of the store. Since then, you've made me feel that way with every glance, every word, every smile you gave me." He said, and he had ended up turning towards you and speaking directly to you. Your friend and her boyfriend looked on, unsure what to think of what he had said. "I love you." You smiled, and he smirked. "Love you too, snuggle butt." He laughed, and you cuddled into his chest.

Luke: "Meeting Y/N was a night that would be impossible to forget, even if I wanted to." Luke smiled, and you smirked too. It was your rehearsal dinner, and you two were doing a little practice toasting each other. "I know most of you know the story. The men who cornered her in the park, me and my best man Ashton having to save my damsel." He laughed, and you threw your hands up and laughed. "But one thing that doesn't get discussed is the way I felt. I am an emotional guy, but I don't talk about my feelings. I have never even talked to Y/N about how I felt when I met her. I remember walking with Ashton, laughing about some of the funny events that had happened that day. That's when we saw the crowd. That's when I saw her. Ashton was nervous, he wanted to wait for our security team to come. I didn't. I was scared for her. This beautiful girl needed a hero, and after seeing her, I wanted to be him. I was scared, but I was willing to go through any trauma for her. Something about her was so attractive. I put on my best tough guy face, and fended off the men. She started crying. It was like I was feeling what she was feeling. My heart ached, my brain racing a mile a minute. In that moment, I would have done anything to make her stop. It was painful to see someone so beautiful so upset. She cuddled into me, and it was like a hand in a glove. It felt right, it fit. We walked her home, and I remember thinking about how brave she was. She was crying, but she was able to talk to us. To let us help her home. When I got to her house, I didn't want her to be home yet. I didn't want to say goodbye. I wished she would ask me to keep cuddling her on her front porch until the sun came up. I just wanted to hold her. I wasn't ready for goodbye, so I came up with the ridiculous excuse that she needed to call me in the morning to make sure I knew she was okay. Pure rubbish. And she didn't call me in the morning. She called me that night. My heart longed for her that night, I felt like I was going crazy. But I knew I was going to be with this girl for as long as she'd keep me. And, now we're here" He said, taking your hand. There wasn't a dry eye in the room as you got up to kiss him. "You still make me feel like that. You make me feel the best kind of crazy I can imagine." He said, and you hugged him. "I love you too" you whispered, and the guests clapped. "Good luck one upping that tomorrow!" Michael shouted from down the table, causing a chorus of laughter.

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