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Calum: “Cal…where are we going?” you ask, having a sinking suspicion of where your boyfriend was leading you. He and the rest of the boys had just come off stage and were about to go back on for an encore performance, so why he was dragging you along with him was beyond you. “We’re going on stage.” He says nonchalantly, as though he had dragged you onto the stage a million times before. “Calum I can’t go out on the stage! Why would I even go out on the stage!?” you ask nervously, trying to dig your feet into the ground so he would actually have to drag you onto the stage. “Stop being a baby. However, it is highly important that I get you onto the stage with me right now.” He tells you as he walks out onto the stage, you dragging right behind him. The instant the crowd sees the two of you, they go crazy because your relationship was no secret and everyone loved you it seemed. “Calum…” you mutter, standing up straight and giving his hand a gentle tug, “Seriously, what’s going on?” Stepping up to the microphone, he grins over at you happily as he takes both of your hands in his own, “Babe, I love you, more than words could ever describe and you know I’m not very good with words.” He smiles up at you as he slides to one knee, a little black box in his hand, “Marry me, marry me and be my future.”

Michael: “Just, tell me what you want! Tell me where you see this going because I’m tired of waiting for this thing to end!” You shout one night, tears welling in your eyes as you stand across from Michael, his face equally as red with his eyes threatening to spill tears as well. It was always like this, your fights with him, but lately they seemed to be worse than usual. Maybe it had something to do with the rumors spreading rampant on the Internet, or maybe it just seemed like you weren’t on the same page anymore. Either way, neither one of you were happy. Running a hand through his hair, the frown that marred his face deepens as he walks closer to you, “What do you mean what do I want?” Taking a deep breath as you fight back more tears, you finally close your eyes, defeated, “I want to know if I’m in your future, Michael. If I’m not, then what’s the point?” you ask softly, unwilling to open your eyes. Feeling his hands slide up your arms, you choke back a sob as they move to your face gently, his thumbs wiping at your tears, “You are my future, that’s what I see. I would go anywhere, I would do ANYTHING to be with you and only you.” He says, pausing a beat until you opened your eyes, “I don’t want you to ever think differently. You are my future; you are my home.”

Ashton: “So…he just stormed out…” Your best friend asks, handing you a tub of ice cream as you move into the living room to sit on the couch. “Yup…he told me he was going on some world tour and I told him I was pregnant, he flipped out, and then he walked out.” You mutter, digging into the ice cream, uncaring of what your best friend thought of you binge eating ice cream. “I’m going to kill him.” She mutters, turning on E! News as you settle in to watch the celebrity gossip of the day. Seeing your boyfriend’s face appear on the screen, you groan, having forgotten they had an interview earlier that day and it was airing tonight. “We can turn it,” “No, it’s okay, I want to see what he has to say.” You tell her, turning up the volume of the television as the interview comes on. You listen to them talk about the upcoming tour and how excited all of them are to be going off the see the world again. When the interviewer brings you up and asks Ashton if you’re coming however, you watch as his face falls, “I don’t know, I want her to, but…” he pauses, as though an epiphany has struck him, “But we’re having a baby, and that will be decided in the future, after I apologize for being a dick earlier because there’s no need for me to be afraid of a future with her and our baby.”

Luke: “Do you ever think about the future?” you ask, laying in bed next to Luke, your head propped up on his shoulder, arm wrapped around his waist. Arching a brow, he glances down at you and smiles lightly, “I mean of course I do…but what’s this really all about?” he asks, pressing a small kiss to your temple. Rolling your eyes, you stare at his bare chest and think about how you want to phrase what you want to say. It’s not that you’re afraid he would freak out, but you also don’t want him to feel pressured into anything either. “Stop thinking so hard and just ask,” he tells you, laughing lightly as he gives you a gentle squeeze, drawing your gaze back up to him, “What’s on your mind?” Inhaling deeply, you decide it’s now or never, “I just want to know where you see yourself in five maybe ten years. I know we’ve never really talked about it so I was just curious because I mean it’s been a year Luke, I guess what I’m trying to ask is if I’m in your future.” You ramble, feeling shy and anxious all of a sudden as you remove your gaze from his. Unable to help himself, Luke laughs lightly, “Of course I see you in my future, that’s the thing about dating people, either you see yourself ending up with them or you break up.” He tells you honestly, pressing a small kiss to your temple, “You are my future, always remember that.”

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