He Thinks You're Cheating On Him.

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Calum: Pictures had come out about you and having coffee with a new guy that wasn't your boyfriend Calum. People were going nuts. The 5SOSFam were questioning your fidelity, you were being called for interviews from everyone and Calum was avoiding you like the plague. You were furious, and you weren't going to walk on eggshells in your own home. You walked in the door after going to the grocery store and being berated by fans, and decided enough was enough. Calum Hood, get the hell over here!" you screamed. You were sure you could feel the walls shake. He came out of the bathroom, and looked at you. "You have some balls listening to tabloids and fans and rumors without even talking to me." you said, glaring at him. You were mad, hurt, scared and disappointed all at the same time, and Calum could tell. "I saw pictures, Y/N. I know what I saw. I'm believing my eyes." he said, turning to walk away. He went into your bedroom and you followed. There was a suitcase full of his stuff. "Cal! Are you kidding?" you said, pointing at the suitcase. "I won't be with a cheater" he said, grabbing a duffle bag. "He was my cousin you moron! He was my cousin! I got coffee with my god damn cousin who was stopping over. Look, look!" you said, pulling up his facebook page. His fourth profile picture was you two as kids. Calum looked stunned. "You asshole! I look like a piece of shit because of this." you said, smacking his chest. Calum said nothing, and you hit him again. And again and again, until eventually falling into his arms, crying. "I'm so sorry, I need to make this up to you" he said. The next day you two did an interview where he cleared things up and apologized.

Michael: You and Michael were laying poolside at the hotel you were staying at. You were in Vancouver and enjoying the summer sunshine. You were so relaxed, catching some sun, and Michael was sitting next to you texting. "Who ya talking to?" you asked, staring up at the sky. He didn't answer. You propped yourself up on your elbows. "Mike?" you asked again. This time, he got up and walked away. Confused, you got up to follow him. "What the hell Michael?" you said, getting in front of him and turning him around. "You're cheating on me." he said. You were shocked. "No I'm not!" you said, eyes wide behind your sunglasses. "Then why would someone tweet me this?" he said, showing you his phone. 'Saw @Y/T/N at Celebrities night club, kissing some guys. #Player' and you sighed. "Michael, I-" "Save your breath, Y/N. I don't need to hear your excuses" he said, storming off. You decided to wait by the pool until he cooled down. After about an hour, you went up to your room. Michael was sitting on the bed, looking out the window. You walked in, and went at sat next to him and looked out the window. "Celebrities is a gay bar. That tweet was about me kissing all the gay guys because they were excited" you said, smirking. "I know, I found that out forty five minutes ago. I just didn't know how to approach you he smirked back. "Have more faith in me, please." you said, turning your head to him. "I'm so sorry Y/N." he said, turning to you. You two kissed and you felt much better.

Ashton: You walked into your flat and there was magazines on the floor infront of you. Pictures of you, kissing a guy, on the cover of single everyone. The tabloids read 'Y/N stepping out on Ashton Irwin' and 'A guy with Y/N who isn't Ashton' and other ridiculous covers. On the top of them was a note from Ashton, saying he went out of town. You kicked the magazines around the room. "Fucking ridiculous!" you said, whipping out your phone. You called Ashton's publicist. "Hi Y/N, I know why you're calling" Kim said. "I need you to deal with this. It isn't true!" you said, tears forming. "I know baby, let me figure it out" she said. You collapsed on you couch, devastated. How could Ashton not even wait around to hear what you had to say about it. You turned on the TV and it was a gossip show. Before you could even change the channel, the story about you and this guy came up. "Oh my god" you said, shutting the TV off and flinging the remote across the room. You were bawling. You didn't do anything wrong. You were staring up at the ceiling when your phone rang. "Hello?" "Hi Y/N, its Kim. So I just spoke to some of the magazines and they're not budging. But, I have done one better. I found the original copy of the picture, you're kissing Ashton. I am emailing it to you, and you need to tweet it" she said, and you could hear typing in the background. You heard your phone ding a new email. "Thank you so much." you sighed. "Any time, love" she said, hanging up. You tweeted the picture, with the caption 'Here's my 'other man' aka @Ashton5SOS, thanks for ruining everything #NiceScoop #FuckTheTabloids'. Wasn't your most sophisticated tweet, but you didn't care. You almost instantly got a call. You saw it was from Ashton, and you answered. " I love you so much and I'm so sorry" he said. "Come home." you sighed, and he hung up.

Luke: "What's with you?" you asked, seeing Luke as you walked in the door. He was sitting, arms crossed, in a kitchen chair with his computer in front of him. "Look at this" he said bitterly, and you went around to look. There was a photo of you kissing another guy. You were shocked. "I swear to god that isn't me." you said, staring at the picture. "Right. It isn't you. I bought you that dress" he said, and he was right. That was your body and your face but you didn't kiss whoever that guy was. "Luke, I swear I didn't do this. I don't know what this picture is. I recognize it but I didn't kiss this guy." you said, pointing at it. "How am I supposed to believe that?" he said, glaring at you. "You're supposed to trust me." you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. Luke scrolled down and it all made sense. "I wish this picture was real. Y/N is smoking." the caption read. Someone had edited themselves in the picture. "Y/N..." Luke whispered. You stormed off, furious. "Maybe if you trusted me even the slightest bit Luke, you and I would be a little better off" you said, slamming the door. You were furious, sitting on your bed, staring at the wall. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "What do you want?" you growled, and Luke opened to door slowly. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I should trust you. I just, I feel like you're so beautiful and everyone is going to want you. There's so many sharks in the water, I get scared you're going to find someone better." he said, looking at the floor. You got up and hugged Luke. "I love you and only you. You need to trust my judgment" you whispered in his ear. He nodded and kissed your cheek.

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