Saying Goodbye To The Airport.

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Calum: You and Calum wanted an alone time farewell, but the fans were just not having that. He obliged happily, taking pictures and even fake smiling for the girls. You knew he wanted to cry, so you eased yourself from the crowd, sitting in a chair and biting your nails. A few seconds later, Calum appeared. "See Y/N, this is why we should have said our goodbyes at home." He said, putting you in his lap as his eyes finally started to glisten. "Nonsense, Calum." You wrapped your arms around his neck, and the fans took that as a goodbye sign, as they scurried to the other boys. You planted a small kiss to Calum's neck as he looked up at you. "Please come visit me, or i'll come visit you every free chance I get. But one thing I don't want you to break u-up wi-" He didn't finish his sentence, crying softly into your chest. "Cal, come on." Michael said, sighing, upset he was breaking you two apart. Calum handed you his hoodie, you smiling. "I love you, Y/N." He kissed you deep and long, before Michael came back, patting his back signalling he needed to hurry up. You turned as he began walking, his eyes catching yours as he winked, before you disappeared outside.

Michael: You two were forehead to forehead, his eyes were closed, tiny tears coming out of them as you kept your eyes on his closed ones. It took every bone in you not to cry, because you wanted to stay strong for Michael. It wouldn't be a fair goodbye if both of you were emotional wrecks. People were leaving one by one in the early morning, Michael wanted to have a farewell goodbye at home, but you wanted to say goodbye to everyone here instead. he sniffled and pulled his forehead from yours, "I'm going to m-miss you s-so much, baby." He muttered, you looked and saw the other boys, looking at you two with sad eyes. "We'll be together soon babe. This isn't goodbye forever." You said, trying to reassure him. His flight was called and he grabbed your face, kissing you with every percent of passion he had in his body. Your tight grip on his hip bones released the same time he did, "Be strong for me, Mikey." He half smiled as he picked up his bags, you blew one last kiss as he handed the lady his ticket.

Ashton: You and Ashton stood by one of the windows, his hands intertwined with yours as he pulled them around his back. You were a crying mess, sniffling and soaking Ashton's jacket. "Y/N, baby, please don't be like this. I'll be back before you know it." It was day you dreaded, he was going back to London. You just shook your head, lifting it to meet his saddened, and tired eyes. "Ash, I can't go an hour without you. How do you expect me to survive a month?" He sighed and let go of your hands, putting them around your neck as you held his waist tight, in hopes he would stay. "I will fly you out every chance I get. I will call, text and send you pictures every day. It'll be like I never left." You sighed as he slightly chuckled, running a hand through your hair. He lifted you, so you were hovering over his face. "I love you and be super safe for me, okay baby? You can do that for me, right?" You nodded as he sat you back down, "It's time to go, Ash." His mom said, smiling at you. You grabbed his face, kissing him deep before he got his bags. You held onto Harry as you all watched him leave once again.

Luke: Luke was a complete wreck, crying into your neck as he was halfway into your lap. The other boys parents were here too, and they've never seen Luke react like this. But Luke, you were scared he was going to cry himself to death. Just hearing the pain in his whimpers and his sniffling, made you want to break down in tears, but you weren't the type of person to show your pain that easily, that's why Luke loved you so much. He finally lifted his head, and you used your fingers to wipe some tears from his wet face. "Luke, i'm not going anywhere. I'll still be here when you get back." He sighed and held you tighter as the other boys began to stand. "I just don't wanna ever let you go." You kissed his damp cheek and he half smiled, kissing the corner of your mouth. "Call me when you land, ok?" He nodded and you helped him stand, planting a small kiss to his plump lips as he turned to go, but he couldn't help it. He turned around, picking you up and kissing you hard again before finally leaving.

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