Another Boy Insults You And He Defends You.

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(A/N: Sorry if I included Bryana. Lol. I was running out of ideas. Enjoy. x)

Calum: Calum, Michael and you were out to lunch in the states. You went with Calum to be his date at an award show, and the other boys were off sightseeing. You all got hungry, and headed for a cute Italian restaurant. While you ate, you noticed Calum kept wiping his face in his shirt. "Cal, don't. Do you know how hard it is to get pizza sauce out of clothes?" you laughed, and he smirked mischievously. As you handed him a napkin, Michael huffed. "Main reason I don't have a girlfriend." he said, and you looked over. "Why? You don't like people taking care of you?" you asked, turning back to your plate and taking a bite of pizza. "No, I don't like being nagged." Michael said. It got really awkward, so you decided to speak up. "Well, it's not nagging. I am just trying to be helpful." you smiled. You didn't want to get elevated while in a restaurant where people could see you, but you were offended. "Well, you have a special talent of making it sound like nagging." he laughed. "Dude" Calum whispered. You looked to the side as your eyes filled with tears. You really liked Michael, so for him to say that to you was hurtful. "I didn't mean to hurt..." he trailed off, but you shook your head. "You called her a nag, Mike. Who wouldn't be hurt by that? I mean, that's just not right." Calum said, and Michael rubbed his face. "I.. I just meant you tell him what to do. And maybe I need that. I would know better than to talk to someone like that." he said, and Calum rubbed your back. "It's okay." you whispered. "No it's not." Calum said, and you nodded, "But he will make it up." Michael spent the rest of the day joking around with you, trying to make you feel better.

Michael: You were sitting in the Living room, watching a documentary about World War Two. Luke, Michael and Calum walked in, and you smiled at them over the back of the couch. "Hi baby." Michael smiled, and you waved. "Hi baby cakes." Calum called, laughing. "Hi loser." you called back, laughing. Luke came and plopped on the chair beside you while Michael and Calum got drinks. "What's on?" he asked, nodding at the TV. "It's a documentary about World War Two, its focusing on Hitler's life." you smiled at Luke, and he nodded as Michael and Calum sat on the couch with you. "I never expected you to be watching something like this." Luke said, and you turned to him. "Why?" you asked, giving him a look. "Well, you seem more the 'Snog, Marry, Avoid?' type." he said, and your eyes widened. "So you're saying I'm dumb?" you asked slowly. Luke shrugged, "Not dumb, just not very insightful." "Luke." Calum said, shaking his head. Michael got up. "Luke, mate, let's go talk." he said, and you glared as they left. "Come on." Calum whispered, grabbing your wrist. You hid behind the door of the spare room, where they were talking, with your ears to the door. "Luke, I love you but you can't be talking to her like that. She's really smart, she just doesn't speak much to you guys. I guess she's shy. But you can't insult her or you're not going to be welcome here. This is her home and its not cool" he said, and you smiled. You were thankful Michael was defending you. "I didn't mean to sound like that. I meant to say, like, she seems more into girlier things than into history. But I will pay closer attention, sorry man." Luke said, and you heard them hug. "Let's go." Calum whispered, pulling you back to the couch. You both hopped the back as the spare room door opened.

Ashton: You were in the bathroom, putting on an acne mask. You had broken out because you were on your period, and you were really embarrassed by it. You had the mask on which was bright white, and you walked out to see Calum and Ashton sitting on the couch. "Oh good look Y/N." Calum laughed, and you struck a pose before sitting in the recliner. "What is that?" Ashton asked. "It's a mask to control acne." you said and Ashton nodded. "Makes sense, I noticed last night you were breaking out. I thought it was a thick coat of makeup, which would have been good for all your spots." Calum laughed. Your jaw dropped and Ashton's eyes widened. "Cal, you know what, you're not perfect either." you said, getting up. You were fighting tears as you walked away. "And that shirt you're wearing is hideous." you shouted, going in the bathroom. You dabbed your eyes, trying to avoid ruining your mask, and slowly opened the door to go to your room. You heard Ashton talking, and you decided to eavesdrop. "Cal, how could you even think that wouldn't hurt her feelings?" Ashton asked. "I don't know, I say stuff like that to you" Calum responded. Ashton groaned. "I am a guy, and I don't care. It doesn't bug me as much. But she is sensitive on that topic. She prides herself on her appearance and she gets self conscious if I even look at her spots. You can't speak to her like that." Ashton said, and Calum sighed. "Should I go talk to her?" Calum asked. "Let me go first." Ashton grunted, and you bolted to your room. You crawled under your covers and cuddled up to a pillow. You heard the door open. "Y/N." Ashton said, and you groaned. "Get out." you said, knowing he wouldn't leave. "Baby girl, he didn't mean that. He doesn't understand, he jokes with me like that." Ashton said. "Y/N." Calum said, and you looked to see him standing behind Ashton. "What?!" you yelled, and Ashton straightened up. "I really am sorry. They're not even that bad, I was just making fun." he said. You rolled your eyes and got out of bed. "I hate you guys." you said, hugging them both. They picked you up and carried you out to the living room as you laughed.

Luke: You were out doing some shopping with Luke, Ashton and Bryana. You and Bryana were looking around American Apparel. You were searching when you spotted a pair of jeans. You pulled out the first pair and loved them. "Y/N, come look at these." Bryana called, waving a t-shirt, and you nodded. "Can you grab me a twenty six in these, Luke?" you asked. "A twenty six? Are you sure?" Ashton asked, and your head jerked towards him. "What do you mean, Ash?" you asked, giving him a chance to change his wording. "Well, I mean, I just think the twenty six will probably be a bit small. But I guess you know your sizing." Ashton said, smiling. Was he not getting it? "Well, Ashton, thanks for insinuating I'm fat. I am going to go look at shirts now. Luke, why don't you get me two thirty twos and maybe I can sew them together and wear them." you snapped, walking away. You went to a rack within earshot, and listened. "Ash, what are you thinking?" he said, and you glanced over to see Ashton looking shell shocked. "I thought I was being helpful. The twenty six looked really small." he said, and you rolled your eyes. "Ash, you called her fat. Well, you didn't say it, but you insinuated it. Man, you have to be careful. She's probably really hurt. I don't know if you talk to Bryana like that, but Y/N doesn't hear that from me nor should she from anyone. She knows her body. Just be nicer to her, okay?" Luke said, and you smiled. Luke was so good at saying what he felt without hurting people's feelings. "I feel terrible. Should I go speak to her?" he asked, and you made sure to pretend to be looking through the clothes as you felt eyes on you. "Y/N is a wonder to deal with when she's mad. It's like a rubiks cube. Wade carefully." Luke laughed, and your heard Ashton scuff towards you. "Uh, Y/N, I'm sorry. And here's a twenty six." Ashton said, and you looked at him. He had puppy dog eyes, and you caved. "It's okay" you said, and you two hugged. "What kind of powers?!" Luke called across the store, and you both laughed.

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