He's Sad/Upset.

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Calum: He doesn't know why he's sad, really, because he's not always so good with talking about his feelings and whatnot. All he knows is that there's this feeling deep in his chest, a kind of lurching, and he can't seem to make it go away. It had been there for a while too, but he hadn't really said much about it, and now he wished he had, because he couldn't bear the pain anymore.

Michael: It's the fans again, telling him that he shouldn't be with you. And it upsets him because he loved you, he really did, and when people doubted his feelings towards you, he couldn't help but feel that way; as if maybe he wasn't good enough for you, and because the fans didn't seem to think that your love was real, he couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with him.

Ashton: The hate was getting to him, not directed towards him but rather to you, because he couldn't bear the thought of someone purposely trying to hurt you; whether it was with their fists or their harsh words. So he gets a little upset about it at first, and then a little mad, because he really doesn't know what to do; because he knows that he really can't do much about it, without it getting worse.

Luke: It wasn't even true; he wasn't cheating on you. He'd never do that. But the paparazzi had twisted him, and turned him into some kind of monster; making up lies to feed to the public, just for a little extra change in their pockets. And there wasn't a lot he could do about it really, and that just made it all the worse, because he thought that maybe people would doubt him and maybe people would
believe the lies in the magazines.

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