You're Busy And Neglect Him.

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Calum: You were constantly at work. You had to fill deadlines, more than you'd ever had before, and keep on top of another girl's documents while she was on vacation. All you did was work. You were usually there twelve hours a day, just trying to keep up with the work load. This meant very little time for Calum. You missed him, but it had to be done. You came in the door and Calum shot up from the couch. "Y/N! Guess what I bought us" he said, bolting over to you. He showed you two tickets to see Katy Perry. "They're for tomorrow at 7 pm" he smiled. You gave a half smile, and he knew what you were going to say. "You get off work at 5 pm." he said sternly. "I am supposed to stay late tomorrow to help out Emma." you said, sighing. "Well tell them you can't! You stay late all the time. I barely get to see you, I only want one night" he said, getting angry. "You don't get it." you sighed, taking your coat off. He shook his head. "This is bullshit. I don't even see you anymore. I bet you didn't even remember that next week we were supposed to go back to Sydney to hang out with my mum and Mali." he said. You had forgotten. You looked down, ashamed, like a school kid in the principal's office. Calum furiously stormed past you and into your room. You stood there, tears in your eyes. You needed to do the right thing, so your marched into your bedroom. Calum was in his underwear and crawling into bed. "I will be ready at 6." you said, and he smiled widely before hugging you.

Michael: You had been spending a lot of time at the diamond practicing for a huge baseball game coming up. It was for the championships, and you and your team wanted to win. This meant you went straight from work to the diamond and didn't even get home until eleven at night. You walked in, exhausted, and Michael was sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey babe." you sighed, peeling off your ball pants. "Gee, you must call me babe because you don't remember my name" he said. The words stung. You knew you had been neglecting Michael, and you didn't mean to, you had just been so busy. "I know, I know. I owe you some quality time after this weekend" you said, going into the kitchen. Michael followed closely behind. "Take tomorrow off, I want to spend time with you." he said. You shook your head, "I can't! I have to work and the team and I are practicing our bats tomorrow." "Are you kidding? You care more about this team than you do me" Michael said. You looked at him and saw pain in his face. You felt terrible. Michael worked a job where he had to go around the world and he always managed to make time for you. "Babe..." you said, unsure what to say. Michael huffed and went to bed. You sat in the kitchen, tossing back and forth on what to do. Eventually, you made a decision. You called your office and said you wouldn't be in and texted your coach to say you weren't going to be able to make it tomorrow. Michael was delighted when he woke up in the late morning with you still by his side.

Ashton: Every second of every day you were in the guest house, painting. You had a huge gallery coming up, and you wanted to make sure you had enough stuff to display. You even set up a bed out there. You hadn't seen Ashton in two full days. You missed him, but you were so busy you didn't really have time to think about it. You were in the middle of a new painting when you heard the door open. "Y/N, we need to talk" Ashton announced, walking into the studio. "Okay" you said, blowing your hair out of your face. You knew Ashton was pissed, you could see it in his face. But his eyes gave away the little piece of him that loved to see you in your element, painting and being artistic. "You can't think it's okay to disappear out here for two days and not even bother to come in and even have dinner with me" he said. "Sorry, I've been painting" you said, sarcastically, waving your palette at him. "You think this is funny? I came out here because I miss you. You care more about this gallery than you do about us and then you joke about it." he said, face turning red. You could tell he was going to explode, so you just kept quiet."Wow, just like it's been for the last week. Nothing from you. Great." he said. You didn't know what to say, so you just dipped your finger in the paint and smeared it on his face. "Y/N!" he said, rubbing it off. He wiped it on your shirt. You smiled, and it turned into a full blown paint fight. You two spent the night together in the guest house, and Ashton was thrilled to be with you.

Luke: You had a huge dance competition coming up, which meant a lot of your time was devoted to dance. And by a lot, you meant all. You had to focus to try and win, and that meant hours upon hours at the studio. You saw your coach more than your boyfriend, and that was becoming an issue. The last couple days, for the hour or so you were home and awake, Luke has been ignoring you. He was sleeping in the extra bedroom and not getting up to say goodbye in the morning like he usually did. You weren't sure how to address it, but you knew you had to. You left the studio an hour early so you could get home and talk to Luke. You walked in and didn't even take your shoes off before going to find him. "Luke!" you shouted, heading for the spare room. You swung the door open and he looked at you. He was doing a twitcam. "Turn that off." you mouthed. "Gotta go guys, Y/N is home." he said, signing off. "What do you want?" he asked bitterly, turning to you. "For starters, I don't want the attitude. Secondly, I get why you're frustrated but you're kind of being unreasonable" you said, and you watched Luke's blue eyes darken. "I'm being unreasonable!? All I want is some time with my girlfriend but you're always too busy dancing. You know, I could pick up so much studio time but instead I spend time with you." You knew he was right, and that made you feel like shit. "I know. I have just been busy. But I have a surprise" you smiled. "What?" Luke said, crossing his arms and trying his best to stay mad. You threw a ticket to the water park at him. "We're going Saturday and spending the night" you smiled. Luke smiled, got up and gave you a kiss. "Thanks" he smiled, and you smiled back.

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