Wedding Day.

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Calum: "You look incredible." your mom said, as you walked out into the main part of your room dressed in your gown. Today was the day you will become Mrs. Hood, something you have been waiting for three years. Your bridesmaids stood all in a row and looked longingly at you. There was a hint of healthy jealousy, they envied how incredible you looked. You had your make up and hair done, and your bouquets were sitting on the kitchen table. "Are you ready to head down? Everyone's ready when you are." your wedding planner, Kylie, called into the room. "Can I have a few minutes for pictures and stuff?" you asked, and she nodded before shutting the door firmly behind her. You had a few pictures taken, but spent most of the time talking about how nervous you were. Finally, you heard a knock and you got ready to head down. You had to wait behind frosted glass doors before you made your grand entrance. Your dad was waiting for you, smiling as you walked up. "You look beautiful." he smiled, as you linked arms. "Thank you" you smiled back. "Are you sure about this? You can come home, you know." he said, squeezing your arm. "Dad, I'm sure." you said, shaking your head. He nodded and the music started playing. Your bridesmaids filed out of a door on the left while the groom's men came out on the right. They linked up in the middle and walked towards the altar where Calum has been waiting. He smiled and shook each of the groom's men's hands. Then, a new type of instrumental music played, signifying you to start. You walked out, and the guests all stood up. Many started crying, a few gasped and your mom was in heaps in her chair, bawling. You only looked at Calum, who was smiling really big. The ceremony started and soon, it was time to say your vows. "Y/N, I love you. You're my best friend and I can't imagine spending every day of the rest of my life with you. I promise to always put the seat down after I use the bathroom and to kill every spider that ever attacks you, regardless of how small. I promise to tell you every single day how much you mean to me and do my best to make you as happy as I can. Thank you for being my wife and making me so happy." he smiled, and you giggled. The guests laughed too, and you had to say yours. "Calum, I am so happy that you liked it and decided to put a ring on it. I couldn't be happier than I am today, marrying my best friend. You have showed me what it means to love and be loved. I wake up every morning, thankful that I am waking up to you. I promise to never take longer in the bathroom than you. I promise to honour and cherish you forever. I love you." you smirked, and Calum shook his head laughing. You two exchanged your rings and then were pronounced husband and wife. Calum dipped you and gave you a big kiss, then he licked your nose. You laughed and you two walked back down the aisle, dancing and posing as people threw flower petals. After a few hundred pictures, it was time for dinner and the couples first dance. You were between dinner and dessert, when the DJ called you and Calum to the floor. Your wedding song, White Dress, played out of the speakers as you two spun. "So, Mrs. Hood, how has your big day been?" Calum asked, smiling at you. "Wonderful. How could it not be wonderful if I am marrying you?" you smiled back. "Corny." Calum laughed, and you laughed too. The rest of the night was wonderful. You had so much fun, and you knew you had more in store getting away on your honeymoon the next morning.

Michael: "Are you nervous?" Your friend asked, as she did up your gown. "Nope, not like I'm committing my life to someone forever or anything." You laughed. "Breathe in." She said, and you held your breath as she did up your dress. "You have been with Michael for, like, forty years" She said, as she did up the corset. "Try two. And I know, it's just still a big deal to me. Marriage isn't something I take lightly." You said, gasping occasionally at how tight she was pulling the dress. "Alright, how does it look?" She asked as you stepped in front of a mirror. You couldn't believe that you were looking at your reflection. "I am..." you said, running your hands over the dress. "Beautiful. Congratulations hun." she smiled in the reflection. She helped you walk out of the bathroom to where the rest of your bridal party and your dad was waiting. Everyone's jaws dropped. You smiled, and posed for pictures with your girls and your parents. "Hate to rush the moment, but we need to go!" Susanna, your wedding planner, called. You picked up the back of your dress and walked out of the room and towards the elevator. You stepped out to see the jet black limo and town car. You and your dad were going in the towncar, and all the bridesmaids and groom's men were going in the limo. You went out in the town car first, which was completely tinted, to keep your appearance a surprise. Your dad joined you, along with two flutes of champagne. "Aren't we supposed to do that after the ceremony?" you laughed. "Well, it wouldn't be us if we didn't change things up. You're lucky I didn't bring down two cans of beer." he laughed. You watched as the limo pulled away, and the town car followed. "You know, I am so happy you're with Michael. I really like him." your dad said. "Good, I am happy you do." you smiled. "But, if you ever need to come home. You always can." your dad said seriously. "Thanks Daddy." you said, hugging him. The car pulled up and the party was already lined up, with Michael looking on. Your dad got out first and walked around to let you out. The door opened and you only noticed a wide smile spread across Michaels's face. You walked down the aisle and smiled and nodded at everyone. Your dad gave you away, and the ceremony started. The officiate spoke, and you stared and smiled at Michael. He went cross eyed, which made you smile. Then it was time for your vows. "Y/N, you are my best friend. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you. Having you by my side through happiness and sadness makes even the sadness bearable. I promise to be there for you, to encourage you and stand by you. I promise to be honest and true to you. I love you for your beauty, your intelligence and your personality. I can't wait for forever with you. I love you" he smiled, as tears streamed down both your faces. "I want to kiss you so bad." you said, causing everyone to laugh. You exhaled, and started to say yours. "Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. Michael, you have become my fairy tale. When you need someone to encourage you, I want it to be me. When you need a helping hand, I want it to be mine. When you want to smile and laugh, I want you to turn to me. I love you Michael, and I want it to be you and I forever." You were crying, Michael was crying and all the guests were crying. The officiate had you exchange rings, and then pronounced you husband and wife. Michael kissed you softly, and you both smiled into it. Suddenly, 'Sexy Back' started playing. The entire bridal party, including you and Michael, started dancing it out down the aisle. It picked the mood up before you had to get pictures done. After pictures and dinners, it was your first dance. You and Michael chose Everything by Michael Buble, and you slowly spun to the beat. "Your vow was amazing." he whispered in your ear. "Yours was incredible." you whispered back. "I can't wait for our honeymoon." He laughed, and you nodded in agreement.

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