He Protects You From Jerks At School.

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Calum: It was my first day at my new school and I was beyond nervous. I picked out an awesome outfit the night before hoping it would give me a boost of confidence. It's never easy to change schools mid-year. I walked into the hallway and everything seemed so different. So many different people whose faces I did not recognize. I found my way to my first period and gave the teacher my schedule and she told me to take the the seat in the third row, four seats back. I walked to my seat and settled down. I waited for the seats around me to fill up until there was only one last seat to fill. The one next to me. The bell rang and about 30 seconds afterwards the mystery student walked in. Damn was he good looking. He had eyes that I could start into for days. Not that I was looking. He sat down next to me. "Hey, I'm Calum." His voice was very pleasing to hear. "I'm y/n. I'm new here." "I could tell. I would've noticed you before." He gave me a wink and turned to face his friends. Calum was in a couple of my classes that day. Not that I minded. He was some eye candy. After the day ended I was waiting for my mom to pick me up. I was standing by my locker when I heard some guys coming down the hallway. "Did you guys saw that new girl. She's pretty hot. I'd tap that." I was disgusted. I didn't face them though. I just didn't want to be seen. "What a coincidence. There she is." I heard their footsteps get closer and closer but I still refused to look up. "Hey pretty lady." The one spoke. I just ignored him. They all got closer and surrounded me. "You're not going to try to ignore us are you?" Another one asked. "How about we all go somewhere more private?" I just stood there not wanted to face them. The one tried tugging at my wrist. "Can you not." I spat at them. "Ohhh she can talk. Hey baby what do I have to do to get a taste of these buns?" He pinched my ass making me turn around. "Can you just please leave me alone?" The one knocked the books out of my hands and pinned me forcefully against my locker by my wrists. "Give me a taste and I will." I could hear his heaving breathing. Just then someone knocked him off of me. "Get the fuck away from here. She obviously doesn't like you creeps." It was Calum. "Oh bad boy wants to help to her huh?" Calum stepped into the guys face. "Leave her alone and never talk to her again or I'll kick your ass." The guy looked into Calum's angry eyes and decided it wasn't worth it and walked away. I ran up to Calum and gave him a huge hug. "Oh my god. Thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done!" "No problem at all. I don't like jerks trying to bully girls. Did you want me to take you home?" I agreed to allow him to drive me home. Now, because of Calum, I was excited for the rest of the school year.

Michael: It was a cold winter day and I was walking into the hell hole we call school. But guess what? My clumsy self decided to slip and fall on the ice. In front of everyone. Yup, I fell right on my ass. I already knew what was coming. Throughout the day people cracked jokes about my fall but I just laughed them off. There was no need to get upset about it. I would laugh at someone else if the same thing happened. The day went on slowly and I couldn't escape the dumb jokes that kept coming. The final bell finally rang and I rushed to get out of the school. I carefully walked across the ice and was doing fine. That is until someone pushed me down. Great. "Oh enjoy another fall y/n." This ass in my school taunted. "Oh yeah. It was fabulous. Now give me my damn book back." I said with sarcasm. "How about you make me?" "Come on we're no five years old." "I guess you're right. How about I help you up." I grabbed his hand and he let go. Thump! I landed hard. I felt the pain rush to the rest of my body. "Awe, what's the matter? Someone a wittle sad?" "Just please give me my stuff back." At this point I just wanted to get home. "How about no?" He teased. "How about yes." Another voice interrupted. It was that really cute guy Michael who was in my history class. "Ha. What are you going to do? Fight me over this stupid girl?" "Just give her stuff back before I do beat the shit out of you." "Whatever dude." He slid the book back to me and stomped off. Michael helped me up off of the ground. "Thank you for that. You didn't have to." "I did. He was being a complete jerk. I bet you just want to get out of here. Do you want me to walk you home?" I agreed and Michael and I took the long way back to my house. Just in that short period of time I could tell he was a good guy and I hoped I would be seeing more of him.

Ashton: It happened again. Yet another rumor was going around school about me. I was so sick of people judging me when they barely knew me. I guess I was just trapped in a vicious cycle. I don't even know what the rumor was this time. Odds was I hooked up with someone who I probably don't know. Aren't people so great. You know telling me things about my life that I didn't even know. Fabulous. I walked in my study hall and the whispers began. I went straight to me seat and tried to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at me. I sat way in the back and everyone had to turn around to look at me so it wasn't like I could pretend they were staring at someone else. I just pulled out my work and attempted to work on it. In front of me sat a group of the "hot" guys in school. I had to admit the curly headed one was pretty cute but other than that they did nothing for me. The teacher took role and the talking began. "Dude she's such a slut." "Yeah I know I heard she's had sex with like 7 guys." "Yeah I bet she's really easy." During all this they kept turning back and looking at me. I felt a tear slip down my face. Now was not the time to show weakness but I couldn't help it. Was this seriously what everyone thought of me. None of the things they were saying was true but why should they believe me I guess. "Do you idiots seriously believe everything you hear?" I heard a voice say. Was the brown haired boy defending me? "Well I mean I just hear these things. Why wouldn't they be true?" "Well maybe because people are cruel and like to make other's lives a living hell. You know she is a person and has feelings. How would you like it if I made up some bullshit about you." He rose from where he was sitting and came over and pulled up a seat next to me leaving his friend dumbfounded. "Hey, I'm Ashton and I don't believe every dumb rumor I hear." This made me laugh a little. "Hey, I'm y/n and I'm glad finally someone doesn't believe that crap." Ashton and I chatted for the rest of the period. I have to admit it felt nice to have someone on my side for once.

Luke: I've always been self-conscious. People at school didn't make it much better. There was always girls way prettier and way skinnier than I was. I woke up and got ready for school as usual but I had a distinct feeling that today was going to be shittier than the rest. I pulled on some yoga pants and my favorite hoodie. I might as well be comfortable. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on a little eyeliner. I said my goodbyes to my parents and headed out the door. I walked through the familiar hallways to my first period trying my best to avoid all the major jerks. I was doing pretty well until BAM! I walked right into one of the biggest assholes in the school. "Watch where you're going fat ass." I picked up the book I dropped and went to walk away before it got worse. "You're looking uglier and fatter than usual today. Did you get dressed in the dark. You're a piece of sh-" Before he could finish his sentence he was up against the lockers. One of the few decent guys in my school had forced him against it. Luke I believe his name was. "That's no way to talk to a girl. You should feel like the biggest douchebag right now. No girl deserves that ever. You better start watching what you say before you get hurt." I was stunned. Not only was this the first time someone defended me but he was hot. He released the jerk and walked my way. "I'm sorry that you heard that. No girl should ever have to hear that. Don't believe him because you're absolutely stunning." I barely got out a thank you before I heard the bell ring. "Let me walk you to class?" Luke walked me to my first period and gave me a hug before asking to meet up later. I realized that today was going to get a whole lot better.

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