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Calum: Every day seemed to bring a new struggle with your jeans, with today being the worst struggle of all. "Calum, nothing fits anymore." You whine, flopping back on your bed with a groan. "Sweetheart, you're pregnant, you're not going to fit into all of your clothes anymore." He says lightly, though it earns him a death glare from you. Seeing tears fill your eyes, he panics and cups your face in his hands, "Don't cry, oh God please don't cry. I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that you're going to have to buy some different clothes." He tries again, though this did not stop your tears any. Figuring he would try one more time to take the hurt and angry look off your face, he sits beside you and runs a hand over your small bump, "We're having a baby, your body is going to change, clothes aren't going to fit, but it's all going to be worth it in a few months." He reassures you, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, "I love you, and I love the baby too." You can't help but smile up at him as he continues to run his hand across your small bump, "We love you too, daddy." You tell him, smiling lightly, "But...what if we are terrible parents? What if I'm a terrible mom? How are we ever going to raise a baby?" you ask, feeling panic rise in your chest. Sensing your anxiety, he runs a hand over your head and presses a light kiss to your temple once more, "Stop worrying, we're going to do great, you're going to be the perfect mother, I swear." He says, pulling out his phone, "I think it's time we tell everyone, we can't hide the baby forever, we're not ashamed, would like to leave the house wouldn't you?" he asks, getting a small laugh from you, "I'll take that as a yes." He says, moving back to take a picture of your baby bump, unable to stop smiling. Hearing your phone ding, you pick it up and read his tweet, unable to contain your own smile: I'm going to be a daddy!

Michael: The drive back from the doctor's office was surreal, you were certain you were never going to hear those words come out of the doctor's mouth. "Congratulations! You're pregnant!" she had said, and you had sat there staring at her completely dumbfounded. It was nothing short of a miracle because when you found out you could never have kids, you were absolutely devastated. However, Michael was your rock, always reassuring you that it would happen for the two of you. Pulling into the driveway, you sat still in your car, staring blankly ahead at your home the two of you shared, trying to wrap your brain around the surreal situation you found yourself in. "How am I going to tell him I'm pregnant?" you ask yourself quietly, turning off the car and climbing out, making your way inside as you still debate how you would tell Michael about the baby. The house was too quiet, so you know he would be upstairs, probably asleep. Climbing the steps and entering your room, you lean against the doorway quietly, watching him scribble down lyrics in his notebook, the guitar resting against the side of the bed. He was so focused on work that you almost wanted to wait to tell him, but knew you had to tell him right away; you couldn't keep something this big from him. "Mikey," he looks up hearing your voice and grins brightly, "Hey, how was the doctor?" he asks, moving the notebook to the nightstand as you sit beside him, taking his hands in your own, "'re freaking me out," he tells you when you say nothing for a moment, trying to gather the words. "I'm pregnant, I never in a million years thought it would happen, but we're going to be a family." You say, tears welling in your eyes as he pulls you close and kisses you lovingly. "Oh my God...I can't believe it, how...I...God I love you so much." He says, leaning you back on your bed, unable to remove his lips from your own. "Nice work daddy," you mutter against his lips, eliciting a small laugh from the two of you, reassuring you just how real your miracle really was.

Ashton: "Boy, I can't go anywhere anymore without being asked if I'm pregnant." You mutter, walking into the living room with a groan as Ashton shut the front door behind the two of you. "Babe, you are pregnant though." He points out, grinning at you brightly and ignoring your irritated look. "The world is going to find out eventually that we're having a baby, so I don't know what the big deal is about them asking about the baby." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he follows you into the living room. "It's too early, I don't want to tell people and jinx it and end up losing the baby. It's bad luck to tell anyone before the first trimester is over." You explain, sitting down on the couch with him, "Besides, once they know I'm pregnant they'll think that's why you asked me to marry you." You mutter, rubbing the small rise of your stomach lightly. Shaking his head, Ashton takes your hands in his own, a frown crossing his face, "I don't care if that's what people think because it's the furthest thing from the truth. I asked you to marry me before we even found out you were pregnant. Who cares what people say? I love you, I love this baby, and we're going to be a real family soon." He says, kissing the tip of your nose lightly before pressing another small kiss to where your baby lay nestled safely. Unable to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks, you smile happily down at Ashton and move to press a kiss to the top of his head, "You should go ahead and tell everyone." Looking up at you, brushing a tear away from your cheek with his thumb, he frowns, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel lik-" "I'm sure, go tell the world that you're going to be a daddy, Irwin."

Luke: The news of your pregnancy was a shock to you; with Luke preparing to leave for tour the timing was less than perfect. He was going to be angry; that was the only rational thought you could form. How could he not? You would never ask him to give up his dream in a million years, you would never ask him to change his life for you, so what was there left to do? Resting your head against the wall of the bathroom, you close your eyes and slide a hand along your still flat abdomen. The feeling could only be described as surreal, knowing that you and Luke had made a baby. "Babe? I'm home." You hear him yell from the living room and your eyes shoot open as reality sank in; you were going to have to tell him his entire world was about to change. "In here." You call from your spot in the bathroom, clutching the pregnancy test in your hand, hoping that everything would be okay in the end. "What on Earth are you doing in the bathroom?" Luke questions, crouching beside you with a frown, "What's wrong?" You shake your head, "It's nothing like that, I swear. This...this is different." You begin, taking a deep breath as you look up at him, "Luke, I'm pregnant." For a moment, he says nothing, though his eyes never leave yours as he tries to regain his composure that he can feel crumpling. "You're pregnant?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. You nod your head quickly, "Yeah, I am, we're going to have a baby." "I-I'm going to be a daddy?" he asks, a grin slowly spreading across his face as he moves to sit beside you. "What about the tour Luke?" "We'll figure it out later," he tells you, smiling lightly as he kisses you lightly, "I love you, and I promise you we'll figure this out, but for right now, I want to say hello to our little one." He says, sliding his hand across your belly, unable to contain his smile.

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