The Morning After

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Well I thought this was going to be a long night until Austin looked at me with sad eyes still hovered over me.

"Stop forcing yourself to have sex with me." He said.

"I'm not......... I really want to." I lied hoping he bought it.

"No, I can see it in your eyes. Why?" Austin asks. I sigh and say,

"Austin, I don't want you to keep being sad and I guess the only way to keep you happy a bit is to have sex." I admitted.

"Wow, that's what you think of me?" He asks.


"That's all you think I am? A guy who always wants sex? Who can only be pleased that way? No! For your information, think twice next time. You don't even know the real me." He said.

"Well I can know the real you if you show me! How was I suppose to know? You are most of the time horny around me, so I assumed. Shit, I just want to make you happy." I sighed.

"Well, you can make me happy by being mine. Break it off with Bryce, and be with me. I can treat you way better, you don't need him, you'll always have me." He says.

"No, I haven't even given him a chance yet!"

"Then why were you planning to have sex with me if you care about Bryce? Basically you were going to cheat on him, so why not break it off?" He asks.

"Because..... no you're right. I should just break it off with him." I sighed. It's for the best, I still can't get over Austin.

"Then do it." He said.

"I will, I just want to continue this before I do."

"Why?" he asks.

"I want to know how it feels to cheat on someone." I lied.

"No, not if you're just going to use me." He said as he stood up.

"Okay, fine. Here's the shit, I love you. Okay? I have loved you more than a brother for a year now. That's why I never liked Camila well that reason and that she's just a bitch. The only reason why I got with Bryce was to try to get over you, which turns out that I can't." I admitted. He just looked at me, without saying a word he crashes his lips back onto mine. I kissed back still confused on why he did that, I thought he would ask a whole bunch of questions. I guess not.

*The Morning After*
I woke up to light snoring coming from Austin. I giggled and looked at him, he's so cute when he sleeps. I sat up and covered my body with white sheets, I grabbed my robe and put it on. I felt a bit dizzy and light headed, my stomach ached, I immediatly ran into the bathroom and threw up everything I had in me. I heard footsteps come in, I felt my hair being held back from my face. As soon as I was done I rinsed my mouth and looked at Austin.

"A-Austin... did you use protection?!" I asked.

"I did! Unless I think.. I did." He says. My eyes grew wide, no I can't be pregnant! Especially if it's my brother's!

"No, No! I can't be pregnant Austin! You're my brother, I can't have your baby!" I said as I tried to not freak out. Austin stood up and hugged me tight.

"Being siblings doesn't matter, we love each other! If you are having my baby, then I'm thrilled I'll never leave your side. I'm going to stick by you through it all. I love you and nothing is going to change that." He says. I let a tear slip down my cheek. I shook my head.

"Austin, if I am pregnant. I can't have this baby. I'm only 15!" I argued.

"Becky, you're not going to have an abortion! I'm not going to let you!" He protested.

"Well you're not the one who is going to carry it for 9 fucking months!" I yell.

"But I'm going to help out as much as I possibly can in those months!" He yelled back. I kept quiet, avoiding his eye contact.

"Look, let's just go see a doctor." Austin suggested. I nodded quickly, we walked back out into the room. I threw on a black hoodie that says, "Fuck Off" in white block letters. I put on my black jeggings and black/white converse. I didn't feel like wearin make-up so I just put chapstick on and then walked out brushing my hair. Austin was wearing his black jeans, with a darkish blue jordans, he wore a plain white shirt with a black sweater zipped up.

We walked out to the car and got in. He started the engine and he drove off. I know this sounds selfish but I really hope I'm not pregnant.

*At the doctor's office*
We waited impatiently in the chairs, I had finished doing tests a few hours ago. Finally, the doctor walked through the door and sat down. He had a file in his hands and sighs.

"Ms. Mahone and Mr.Mahone." He said.

"Yes doctor? What are the results?" I ask.

"Ms.Mahone, you are not pregnant." He said. I breathed in relieved, that I'm not pregnant.

"Wait then why did she throw up in the morning?" Austin asks.

"Becky, you had a small panic which caused you to throw up. You said you felt light headed and dizzy, well that's what caused you to panic a bit also you haven't not ate for a few days. Make sure she eats, Mr.Mahone. Nothing serious, no stomach virus, nothing." He says.

"Okay, thank you so much doc." Austin says as he shook his hand.

"No problem. Have a wonderful day." He says as we get up to leave. When we walked out, Austin looks at me.

"Why haven't you ate? Especially for days!" He asked yelling a bit.

"I just, forget to eat." I said not caring much. We walked out to the parking lot and starting walking to the car.

"Becky! How the fuck do you forget to eat?!" He asks.

"I just do! I don't know why, stop asking!" I yell.

"Fine, but I am buying you food on the way back to the hotel." Austin said as he got in the car. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I got in.



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