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He began to shoot everywhere and he started groaning saying,

"Becky! Stop!"

"Not until you put the controller down!" I yell. He chuckles and pauses the game. As he turns his head I attacked his lips with mine, he kisses back as I moved myself in front of him. He picks me up from my waist and walks us over to his room. Haha, he thinks he's going to get some tonight. I moaned in his mouth, I can tell he got excited cause I can feel his friend rub against my ass. I smirked and jumped off then quickly walked to my room.

I wake up to find that I was in my room, I look over at my alarm clock and see that it was 7:00 a.m. Oh shit! I shoot off of my bed and into the bathroom, I'M GOING TO BE SO LATE! I quickly brushed my teeth, took a shower, then put clothes on. I was tying my converse then I ran to brush my hair,

"Why didn't my alarm go off?!" I asked myself. I grab my phone and my backpack then ran to the living room and made my way out the door. As I walked I put my big black warm sweater on, I checked what time it was,
7:20 a.m. really? That took me only 20 minutes to get ready?! Ugh, I'm going to be late! I walked even faster and then turned to my right. Just two more blocks away, that's all you have left. I ran through the front doors of the school, I feel all eyes on me. Wow, I guess they know what had happened. I insantly felt light-headed, ugh, I hate being center of attention. I quickly walked over to my locker and then the bell rang as soon as I took out my books. When everyone scrammed to their classes a few kids pushed me to the locker, mad I guess for putting the Queen B, also known as Camila in jail.

As soon as the halls were empty I closed my locker and started making my way to Math class, I put my earphones on as I walked into the classroom. The teacher didn't notice since she never notices me anyway, I walked with my hood over my head into the back o the classroom and sat down in the seat in the corner. In Too Deep by Sum41 began to play, I'm put my head down not wanting to write down my notes. I feel more sleepy than usual, I felt paper being thrown at me, I looked up to find a guy who threw a paper airplane at me, he motioned me to open it and read it. I opened it up and it read:

"You're a worthless piece of shit, Camila did a good job beating the shit out of you with Delilah and Krissa. You should've died, your mother probably commited suicide because she had to raise an ugly ass alien as a daughter." I crumpled the paper then looked up to find people laughing at me, with tears in my eyes. The whole class threw paper balls at me as I ran out of the room. I ran through the halls and then immediatly ended up on the ground, I looked up to find Austin helping me up.

"Becky?! What are you doing here!? What happened?" He asks as he looks at the tears streaming down my cheeks. I shook my head quickly,

"N-no O-one wan-nts m-me h-here." I said as I pushed him away and kept running, I ran out of the school and started down back to my house. I unlocked the front door then slammed it behind me, I tried calming down to catch my breathe but I couldn't, it felt like as if someone was grabbing me by the neck and began to choke me. My heartached very badly, I let more tears fall down from my eyes then walked back into my room. I realized that I had my backup box of cigarettes in my shoebox, I walked into my closest and pulled out the black painted shoebox and found my lighters and my back up box of cigs. I pulled out three of them and then grabbed a black lighter, I walked out to the balcony with messy hair and tear stained cheeks. I had a blade in my pocket, with the first cigarette in my left hand I switched it to my right hand and pulled out my blade. I'm so thankful that no one can look up to my balcony to see what I'm doing, I put the cig in my mouth then inhaled the good stuff as I rolled down my right sleeve. I remove the cig with my right hand then breathed out causing smoke to escape from my nostrils and lips, I slid the blade across my wrist feeling the sting at first but then it kind of sinked in when the blood oozed out. I made a few more cuts and then put the blade back into my pocket, a few more minutes passed and my cig was done. I grabbed my second one and placed it between my lips and lit it up, more tears streamed down my cheeks, I quickly wiped them away but they just kept falling thinking about what had happened today. Why did I even go? I should've stayed home. I heard the front door close, Austin's home. At this point I don't care if he see's me like this nor I don't care if he see's me smoking. I closed my eyes as I took another long drag of my cigarette. I heard footsteps behind me but I pretended like I didn't hear him walk in.

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