He's My Brother!

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*3 hours later*
"It was nice hanging out with you but I have to get going." I said sadly.
"Same here." Bryce said.
"Let me see your phone." I say. He hands me his phone and I put my number under 'Becky:)' I hand him his phone back and say,
"Text me whenever you want."
"Will do." He smiles. We hugged and as we were going to say our goodbye's, a brunette petite girl runs up to us with a tall blonde muscular guy holding hands.
"Bryce, come on we have to go." The brunette says.
"I thought you two left." He says.
"We would have but someone punched a hole in the tires and now they're flat. I called mom and she said to wait till she gets out of work, now she's out and waiting for us outside let's go." She said.
"Alright- wait.. Blythe this is Becky and Becky this is my sister Blythe and Blythe's boyfriend Evan." He said quickly introducing us.
"Hi Becky sorry but we have to go nice to meet you though!" She smiles.
"Same here." I smile back.
"Bye Bryce!" I waved as he smiled and walked off with Blythe and Evan. They seem friendly. I made my way out to the car and back onto the road.
*2 hours later*
I don't remember how to get back to the hotel. No! This can't be happening now! It's dark out and I'm running low on gas. I parked the car near an abandoned house, I pulled my phone out and texted Austin.
*Text Convo*
Dip-shit: Where the hell are you?! It's 9 o'clock at night!
Me: I'm lost I don't know how to get back!
Dip-shit: What street are you on?
Me: Uh... 7th street, Peninstin(A/N: Yes I made this street up.)
Dip-shit: Fuck all the way out there?
Me: Yes, come get me please, the car is running low on gas.
Dip-shit: Ugh alright.
*End of convo*
I grab a blanket from the back and set the chair in a comfortable position. Before I knew it I fell asleep.
*Somewhere around 3 in the morning*
I heard tapping on the window and I instantly sat up. I thought it was Austin but it was a creepy dirty looking guy looking at me through the window. He opens the door- wait oh shit I forgot to lock the damn door!
"Hey babe, you look lonely." He says trying to sneak his hand up and down my theigh. I slapped his hand away and tried to close the door.
"You should have never done that." He says as he attacks his lips on my neck and runs his hands up and down my body.
"STOP! LET ME GO! DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yell trying to push him off of me. He was already ripping my shirt off. No why me?! This can't happen again!
"LET GO OF HER YOU DISGUSTING BASTARD!" Austin yelled. The guy gets off of me and looks at Austin.
"And who are you to tell me what to do?" He asks Austin.
"I'm her b-"
"Her boyfriend? I bet you guys have done it already so this should be nothing new to her." He said as he attacked me again but this time lip to lip. His lips tastes like alcohol and smells like cigarettes.
"THATS IT!" Austin yells as he runs up to the guy and kicks the side of his rib cage really hard. As the guy fell to the floor, Austin jumped on him and threw lunches left and right.
"DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN AS LONG AS YOU LIVE WHICH WONT BE LONG!" Austin yelled. Once Austin felt like he had enough he stood up. I was crying feeling disgusted at what he did to me.
"Beck-" I interrupted Austin saying,
"Just take me back to the hotel."
"But Beck-"
"I SAID TO TAKE ME BACK!" I yelled. He nodded as he went behind a tree and came back with a red container filled with gas. I sat in the back seat waiting till he was done. He then sat up in the driver's seat and started the car, I remember what Austin had done to me last time, I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks but I stayed quiet not wanting him to ask what was wrong. I sniffled. Shit. Really Becky, your smart. Note the sarcasm.
"Becky are you okay?" Austin asked. I didn't respond. I continued to stay quiet.
I felt the car pull up, I know we are not at the hotel because that took like 10 minutes to get here where ever we are. Yes, I'm laying down on the back seats with the blanket keeping me warm facing the other side of Austin's seat. I heard Austin get out of the car and make his way to the back where I am. He opened the back doors and lifted my legs up for him to sit, once he sat he put my legs on his lap.
"Becky, I-" He was going to continue but he broke down in tears. I got up and looked at him with no emotion what-so-ever.
"Look I'm sorry f-for taking your v-virginity. I don't know what came over me!" He says as he breaks down crying even more. I just sat there trying to make sure this isn't a dream.
"I'm a bastard who doesn't deserve an amazing, beautiful, and smart sister like you. I hate myself now for what I had done to you. I can't sleep at night anymore, I'm sorry Beck." He says as he tries to control his tears from falling but they fall anyway. What if he's lying? Ugh, I never know with this kid.
"Fine. Austin it's alright. You know I can't forgive you for that but it's alright. Now take us back to the hotel please." I said. He wiped his tears away and said,
"I know, I don't deserve your forgiveness. Also, we have to sleep in here for tonight only because I'm tired as fuck, I promise I'll take us later." I nodded.
He laid us down with the blanket over us.
I can't believe he actually apologized. I guess I was wrong about him, he's way different. This is the first time I seen him cry, he never cries. As I try to ignore my thoughts, I turn to look at Austin. He's so freaking adorable when he sleeps. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?! HE'S MY BROTHER!
Sorry, I know this chapter sucks and it's short but I wanted to upload because it's been forever! I love you chipmunks, I've been feeling weak for a while and that's part of the reason why I haven't posted, and because of my weakness I don't feel like doing many things now. Nothing to worry about just something I have to deal with from now on. Yes, I'm trying to pick up my grades so I can get my phone back and try to upload more since it's difficult for me to write on the iPad. Well got to go, love you chipmunks! Vote and comment(if you want)<3

Falling For My Brother(Becstin Fan-Fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя