So this must be Bryan

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***Anthony's P.o.v.***

As soon as everyone went to bed it was always my duty to turn everything off before I headed to bed since I'm the only one who has my room down here, as I turned the lamp off I then went to the kitchen to turn the ceiling light off as well but I heard something fall which made me shoot up.

"Hello?" I said in a low voice but then nothing responded. Probably Alicia or Thomas dropped something accidentally.  I quickly turned the kitchen light off and as I was walking to my room I heard some voices. Someone is inside my house... I slowly and carefully walked to my room. Looking through the small crack I had left my door open I saw three people dressed in all black. Crap. I decided to run up to my parent's room but when I ran my footsteps were loud which I heard my door swing open, 

"Get him!" I heard one of them say. I tried running as fast as I could but I wasn't fast enough,

"MMM!!" I tried yelling through the hand they had over my mouth. 

"Shut up!" One guy whispers to me.

"Yeah cause he sure would listen to us!" The other guy says in a sarcastic tone.

"Just shut up and take him back to the room!" Another guy says in a whisper, they took me back to my room and before they did something I kicked, punched,  and screamed for help, I heard something break shortly after.

"Come on guys! We have to go now I hear footsteps coming!" A guy says in a low voice.

"Let me get out through the window then pass him to me I'll handle him and then you two get out!" The same guy said, who the fuck are these guys?! What did I do? After they passed me through what felt like the window the guy who had me pulled me to a black van, typical. When they threw me in the back they shut the doors quickly. Why does it have to be so dark in here? It smells too clean for kidnappers.

***Becky's P.o.v.***

I woke up to my phone buzzing.. once I grabbed it I saw that my mom called about 30 times, she called once again and I answered,

"Hmm... mom?" I said as I yawned and tried to wake myself up.

"B-Becky? I-Is Anthony there with y-you?" I hear her cry, with that I instantly woke up with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about? No, he's not here with me. Mom, what's going on?" I asked checking the time, 12:00 a.m.

"Y-your father heard something break and thought a burglar broke in but then when he got to Anthony's room Anthony wasn't there but his window was open. Oh Becky... his lamp was smashed onto the ground, we heard lots of muffling down stairs and screams I think someone took him." She cries. I covered my mouth with my hand and whispered,

"Oh no.." I felt my eyes water up.

"Mm, Rebbeca?" Austin asks sitting up on the bed frame, he turned on the desk lamp to light the room up. 

"I'm on my way, don't worry we'll find him!" I sniffled and hug up the phone after hearing her break down even more.

"Austin, Anthony is missing!" I cried as he pulled me into a hug,

"Oh no, Becky we're going to find him don't worry about it I'll go looking for him." He says comforting me.

"I need him back, I want my brother back." I cry.

"I know, he's going to come back to you guys. I promise." He says.

"Let's go to my parent's house, I need to be there for them!" I said getting up from the bed making my way to the living room. As soon as Austin and I put our shoes on we headed out to the car and drove to my parent's house. 

*****Anthony's P.o.v.*****

Everything was black and the room was very dim, I hear voices coming from behind the door. 

"He's here!" I hear someone say.

"I honestly don't feel like this is right." Someone sighs, wait... I know that voice!

"Ryan?" I whispered to myself.

"RYAN!!!" I yelled, hopefully he could hear me and help me. They stop talking and the door swung open.

"Anthony... hey." He says walking through the door, he turns the light on and looks at me.

"Ryan untie me! They're the ones who kidnapped me and have me here! Help me!" I said.

"I'm sorry... but Anthony that's the point you're supposed to be tied up here." He says, I sent him a confused look and asked,

"What?! I'm supposed to be kidnapped and held here?" 

"Yeah... you see I have this dream to have a family of mine. Where I have brothers and sisters then a mother and a father... something I never had." He says.

"But Ryan I have a family! I love and care for them they do the same for me!" 

"Then why are you so depressed if they love you? Do they treat you fairly or not?!" He asks.

"No.. but they do the best they can I know they do!" I said trying to talk him into letting me go.

"See?! I can treat you better! Like as if you were my very own brother! Just like how I treat Luke! Even though we are-" I interrupted him by yelling,


"Yeah... well I didn't know about him being related to anyone I thought he was just an only child but anyway I love him as if he was my own brother because obviously his brother didn't even bother to look for him!" He says.

"YES HE DID! THEY WERE SEARCHING FOR HIM FOR MONTHS!!" I yelled which made someone barge into the room.

"Oh.. ugh. Anthony.. look I even think this isn't right! But Bryan just wants me to be happy and he won't rest till he gives me some brothers, I'm not really okay with the kidnapping part and forcing you to be here. I have Luke and basically I was just happy I didn't need anyone else, but since he heard me say a 'family' instead of just a brother he thinks that he has to accomplish it." He says.

"Then set me free!" I said.

"Why? Now that you know about my little brother you're going to run back to your sister and tell her boyfriend about him being here!" He yells.

"But it's the right thing to do!" I said.

"I know it is but then Bryan would go to jail and I would have no one!" He says.

"Yes you-"

"Shut up! I'm not going to jail! I'm doing the right thing here! If anything I should be rewarded!" A man said interrupting me as he barged in. 

So this must be Bryan..


////A\N\\\\: Hey chipmunks I updated so late! I'm sorry I've been busy getting stuff ready for school now in less than 24 hours I start the first day of high school x'c I just want to be on break forever! Well high school is going to be sooo much drama for me xC at least I get to see my very very very best friend in the world tomorrow C: I haven't seen her all summer! Well till tomorrow! But before I head off to sleep I'll update another chapter of 'Summer School' Cx Please Vote and Comment!<3

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