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Chipmunks... I got bad news. I can't update for the next 3 days or so. Before you get angry or sad.. I've been told my great grandmother had a stroke. My grandma, who's always been there for me.. the one who's always had my back.. the one who loves and cares for me. She hasn't been well since she's gotten the news(30 minutes ago) I'm here comforting her so yeah I can't update for a while till I know she's okay. Although for my great grandmother... she's in a life or death situation and I'm feeling just misberable right now. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I hope you all have a good one... even though for me it won't be so good. So anyways thank you chipmunks for being patient on my updates... I'd ask you to be a little bit more patient till I come back. I honestly hope my grandma gets better.. she's all I have.

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