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After we had eaten dinner, Austin and I decided that we should be heading home since it was getting pretty late. I thanked my mom and dad for inviting us to get to know my family who I never even knew about. Austin and I said our goodbyes then left, making our way back to the car. I wrapped one arm around Austin's waist and put my head against his arm.

"Austin?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"What will happen know? Do I move in with my family or can I stay with you?" I asked.

"I talked to your mom about it and she says it's alright for you to stay with me, she trusts me since I've known you my whole life." He smiles. I sighed in relief, I didn't want to leave Austin all by himself.

"Thanks baby, and about Anthony.." I said.

"The one who was arguing with your mom?"

"Yeah, I kind of found out why he hates my parents." I said as we spot the car a block down.

"Really? He hates your parents?" He asks suprised.

"Yeah... Austin he's like another me."

"How?" He asks.

"He's been bullied because he isn't like other kids where they fit in, he feels alone, people don't understand him, and he just feels like he's the only one in this world that gets picked on the most." I sighed.

"Hey, hey, don't be sad. I'll help you with Anthony, if you ever feel alone as well just tell me and we'll talk about anything you like or if not then I'll listen while you tell me why you feel alone. No matter what I'm here for you, I love you. Anthony, well he's just starting out as a teen... there's going to be plenty of more days that he feels alone. We are just going to have to help him." Austin said.

"Thanks Austin." I smile at him.

"No problem, I love you." He says,

"I love you too." I say back.

"Now let's get home." He says as he starts the car and drove us back home.

*The next day*
I was on my laptop logging out of my student account since I've already done my assignments and finsihed my homework for the rest of the day. Austin went out for a while to go buy stuff meanwhile, I get to smoke while he's gone. I know what you must be thinking, "Why are you smoking right after you know what happened when Austin found out?". Well I've been stressing out lately on what I'm going to do with Anthony, I really don't know how to encourage him to be a great kid, I mean like he already is one brilliant kid but manners! Then telling him that life is great when in reality.. it only gets worse. Life can be a gift and sometimes it can be your worst nightmare. I, honestly, hate mine right now after what had happened with the Camila shit. I took another drag of my cigarette and then flicked it out of my fingers on to the ground. I stepped on it causing the little light to die, I picked it up and threw it on the grass below. I then made my way back into my room from the balcony and fell backwards onto my bed.

"What to do, what to do." I said. Boredom.Kills. I hate being bored, I get grumpy sometimes just because I get annoyed with being bored. I threw some clothes on and headed out. I don't know where to or who I'm going with but I'm going out.

*1 hours later*
I'm walking around just looking around at the cars speeding by, people walking past me. I made a left as soon as I hit the corner and found a little park. I walked around sighing on what to do to kill boredom. I was about to go back home because this is just stupid until something caught my eye...

"Anthony?" I say as I walk closer to the boy with a black eye and messy hair sitting on the bench by himself.

"Becky?" He sniffled and began to cry even more.

"Hey, hey it's me." I quickly sat next to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Everything's okay, everything will be fine." I said rocking him back and forth as he cries.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Who did this?" I asked as I pull him away slowly to look at his beatened face.

"I-I w-was just riding my s-skateboard a-and Raymond saw m-me, h-him and h-his g-g-roup d-did this t-to m-me." He cries trying to calm himself down.

"Raymond, who's he?" I ask.

"M-my bully." He breathes out. I sigh and say,

"Come on, I'll take you to my place and fix you up." I pull him up and he winces,

"Agh! My side is hurting!" He groans.

"I'm sorry." I said with tears swelling up my eyes walking with him back yo my house. I swear, Raymond will fucking get it.

*Back at Becky's House*
I placed a piece of raw meat on Anthony's eye and an ice pack for his side. I put a few white small bandages on his face to cover up the cuts. Tears fell from my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away. Anthony looks up at me with his right eye and says,

"Thanks Becky. You're really an amazing sister, I'm sorry I was rude to you last time."

"No, it's okay." I choked.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just rest here I'll let mom know you're here so she doesn't have to worry." I said, before I knew it he fell asleep. I walked into Austin and I's room to find Austin asleep. I grab the house phone on the lamp desk and dial my mom's number.

After three rings she picks up.

"Hello?" She says through the phone. I sniffle and say,

"Hey ma, uhm don't worry about Anthony he's here with me."

"Oh my- Mija I have been looking everywhere for him! Tell him to come home right now!" She says.

"No, ma... he's beaten up pretty badly. I found him at the park and he looks terrible, not bad bad terrible but still awful. They cut his hair and his face up! His side is hurting which I'm guessing they kicked him as well."

"Oh my god! I'm on my way! What is he doing right now?" She asks.

"I bandaged his cuts on his face, I placed a piece of raw meat on his black eye and I gave him an ice pack for his side. He's now asleep on the couch." I said.

"Thank you mija, you're amazing. I'm on my way." She says.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." With that said I hung up.

I closed my eyes and let the rest of my tears that I was holding back fall down my cheeks.

"Becky.. baby? What's going on?" I hear Austin ask behind me.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep." I sniffled. I felt Austin jump from the bed and onto his feet.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" He asks placin his hands on my cheeks wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

"Anthony. They beat the shit out of him and I found him at the park, he's now in the living room asleep. I hate that he had to go through this and that I couldn't do anything to stop it. If only I had known." I cried. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"No baby. You couldn't have known, you can't tell the future. It's not your fault it's no one's fault but those idiots who beat him. I hate seeing you like this, it hurts me." He says.

"Austin.. this is kind of like Luke's incident." I said.

"No. That was an accident, that was not your fault! Don't you fucking dare blame yourself!" He says looking at me.

"I-If I had just gone to get him he would still be here Austin!" I cried even harder my throat was beginning to burn.

"Becky....Who's Luke?" I hear a voice ask at the door.

FINALLY I HAVE UPLOADED! IM SORRY IT TOOK LIKE A THOUSAND YEARS BUT I UPLOADED! I haven't been feeling well lately, I've been depressed and just mostly stressed about a lot of things and I couldn't continue writing also because of my writer's block but here I am now uploading another chapter for this story! How have you chipmunks been? c: Vote & Comment <3

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