In My Arms Once Again

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I've been struggling to get my arms free from this rope for I believe 10 minutes and my wrists were burning from the redness the itchy rope was leaving on my skin. I heard foot steps walk into the room and a squeaky little voice. I look down and saw that it was the toddler who walked in... Luke.

"Psst." I whispered to him, he looked up at me and smiled showing his little teeth.

"Luke, come here." I whispered to him once again. Ugh, he's a baby he doesn't know what I'm saying. This is pointless. I look at Luke once again then sighed looking around the room, I can feel sweat drip down from my arms to the palm of my hands. Think Tony, think.

***********Becky's P.o.v.************

We went to the police station to track Ryan's name down. Since there are so many Ryan's here in this place we decided to tell them every single little detail, how he looked and the name of the school he just transferred to. A few hours after searching through all of the Ryan's there were, we finally found him, he was adopted by a Bryan Noughter. He lived right around the corner of Swerden's Park, as soon as we got the address we left the station but we asked for a few police officers to come with just in-case something comes up. 

***10 minutes later***

We walked up to the nice small looking house and we knocked lightly. A tall dirty-blondish guy pulled the door open and shot us a weird look,

"Hi sorry to bother you at this hour but I'm looking for my brother he's 5 feet 6 inches tall, he has black hair and his name is-"

"Look babe, in-case you haven't noticed there is a park in front of my house. I've seen so many kids walk, skate, bike, and run around here but I don't pay any attention to them so he might have been around here or he might have not. I don't know but good luck looking for Anthony." He interrupted. I gave Austin a small glance and before the guy could shut the door I stopped him while Austin grabbed him by his shirt.


"I already told you both I don't know where Anthony is!" The guy yelled back.

"That is bullshit! I never even told you his name before you interrupted me! How did you know I was talking about Anthony?! TELL US WHERE HE IS!" I yelled with tears now streaming down my cheeks. By now the policemen got out of their car and came up to us.

"What's going on?!" One of them asks.

"He knows where Anthony is! He's not telling us!" I said feeling a sharp pain in my chest while more tears stream down my cheeks. 

I can't lose Anthony like I lost Luke.. I just can't! 

I felt arms wrap around me and pull me back up on my feet. I look up to see two policemen holding onto the guy and Austin holding me.

"Becky, are you okay?!" He asked in a worried tone.

"Y-yeah. I just need to relax a bit but that son of a bitch better spill where Anthony is!" I said looking up at him. I slowly calmed myself down after a while we settled in the stranger's house. He sat there and was interviewed by the policemen.

"So you don't know where the kid is?" One of the policemen asks.

"No idea, sir." The blonde guy says.

"You're lying! You have him somewhere!" I glare at him.

"Baby, do you see him here? No. So I suggest you calm down before you have another heart attack." He laughed. THAT IS IT.

"STOP-" I interrupted Austin by attacking the blonde.

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS AND STOP CALLING ME BABE OR BABY BECAUSE I AM NOT YOURS!" I yelled grabbing his neck and squeezing, I felt strong arms try and pull me away.

"NO! LET ME AT HIM! I WANT TO DESTROY HIS FACE WITH MY BARE HANDS!" I yelled. Before I got pulled away from him I swung my fist right into his jaw. 

"AW!" He cried.

"TELL US WHERE HE IS!" I yelled.

"ALRIGHT!" He said holding onto his jaw.

"Santa Clorid's storage houses. I'll show you which house and the way over there." He sighed. We all began to move to our cars but the policemen decided to take the guy with them.

"By the way the name is Bryan." The guy said before getting into the police car.

******10 minutes later******

We all got out of our cars and walked up the long street of houses that looked the same. Bryan showed us the way to where Anthony was. We all stopped at the fourth house, Bryan shoved a key in the key hole turned and pulled the door open.

"Bryan! You'-" Ryan said when we all walked in,

"RYAN RUN AND JUMP PLAN B REMEMBER?!" Bryan yelled while Ryan nodded and scrammed. We all were confused, Austin put me behind him while the policemen pulled out their guns. Bryan took one of the guns from an officer and placed it to his head.


"BRYAN! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Officer Druch said.

"NO! I FAILED RYAN AND I CAN NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF FOR THAT!" He said. Austin covered my eyes by embracing me into a hug having his back turned to Bryan, next thing I knew a shot was fired. My whole body began to shake, I heard shouts and calls being made. While they were busy with Bryan, Austin pulled me to another room to look for Anthony. There was a chair and a rope on the floor but no one in the room, I fell down to my knees and broke down even more. 

Ryan took him.. I will never see Anthony again. 

Austin pulled me onto my feet again and pulled me into a hug but I didn't bother hugging back. I lost another brother who meant the world to me. 

"BECKY!!" I heard a voice yell for me. I quickly got up and see that Anthony was holding a toddler in his arms. 

"ANTHONY!!" I ran to him embracing him into a hug then cried more.

"Becky! I thought I'd never see you again." He said pulling away with tears in his eyes.

"I thought the exact same thing but I'm glad I found you again! What happened?! Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" I asked.

"No, only just a little bruised and sore from the ropes other than that I'm fine. They kidnapped me and kept me here for hours, they kept coming in and out soon later I found out that Bryan left to get supplies. Ryan stayed in the other room.. and I was here alone with Luke. I managed to get free from the ropes and grab Luke to escape but I heard shouts and then a gun trigger I chose to hide with Luke and keep him safe." He said. LUKE?!

"LUKE?! This is Luke?!" I asked turning the toddler around to face me. IT IS HIM! THOSE BLUE EYES I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE AGAIN! I quickly took him from Anthony.

"I thought I'd never see you again! You're in my arms once again!" I said managing to smile. Austin came and took over since he's missed him so much as well. I look over to Anthony and pulled him into a tight hug.







Sorry chipmunks! I've been trying to update but I've had writer's block and just other stuff has been going on. I've been  having issues with my depression, things haven't been going well. I'm trying to write and update as much as I can. So sorry chipmunks ily thank you for reading my stories and commenting. I love reading them they make me happy, please vote and comment I'll update as soon as possible. <3

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