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I run into the school building and walked into the principal's office.

"I know who did this to my sister! I want them in here and I want the police invovled!" I demanded to Mr.Doolage. He looked at me puzzeled,

"Mr.Mahone, what are you talking about?"


"O-okay, calm down Mr.-" He studdered but I interrupted him yelling,


"Hello? Mrs.Bender? Please have these three girls in my office right away, Camila Cabello, Delilah Anderson, and Krissa Montage." He said through the phone then hung up.

"Please have a seat until they get here." He said pointing to the chair in front of his desk. I groaned and sat waiting till these hoes arrive.

Krissa was the first to walk in then Delilah, and finally Camila. They all looked at me then back at Mr.Doolage.

"What's going on?" Camila asks. I stood up, okay enough of this I don't know what's going to happen, bullshit.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY YOU'RE HERE! YOU BITCH!" I yelled. She was a bit taken back but then turned cold.

"I didn't do anything." She said coldly. I heard Mr.Doolage end a phone call.

"Austin, the other people you wanted in here as well will be here shortly. Ms. Cabello, Ms.Anderson, and Ms.Montage please have a seat we need to clear things up." He said, they all take a seat in the chairs next to me.

"Mr.Mahone's sure of you three physically hurting Ms.Becky Mahone, now we don't have any proof at the moment but in the mean time." He said as three police officers came in. Camila looked at me with a questioning look then she saw the police officers, her eyes widened.

"No! This is stupid! I didn't hurt that stupid ugly bitch!" Camila yelled. I stood up and looked at her in the eyes,

"You're full of shit." She gasped and looked at Mr.Doolage. He nodded at the officers and they grabbed Camila and her crew by their arms to make them stand up, they cuffed them as they struggled to get out.

"Ouch! It's pinching me!" Delilah cries.

"Well, since you're struggling to get out of them they get tighter." One of the officers said. They scorted them out and into their cars.

"Thank you." I said to the principal. He nodded and went back to his work while I walked out into my car. I pulled up to where they had them all sit down the sidewalk while they filled out papers.

"I hope you bitches have fun in jail, oh and don't drop the soap!" I said then I took off back to the hospital.

*At the hospital, Monique's P.o.v.*
"I'm really sorry Becky, I really am." I said looking at her all bandaged up. I heard the door swing open and found Austin with tear stained cheeks.

"Becky.." He said as he ran over to her and held her hand.

"Lil' sis, we got them, those bitches are going to jail for god knows how long." He cried. He was still good looking even though he's crying, I, myself have tears rolling down my cheeks seeing him break down. Why did I ever join that stupid group in the first place? Ugh.

"Becky, please wake up! You're all I have left now that mom died! Please! Wake up!" He says shaking her a bit, but nothing no movement. She just laid there sound asleep. I sniffled and looked at Austin, I rubbed my hand up and down his back, patting him.

"It's going to be okay, s-she'll wake u-up." I said as I managed to catch my breath. He nodded and wiped his tears away but more fell down to his cheeks.

"Thanks, M-monique, you can go home and rest. It's g-getting p-pretty late." He said. I agreed with a nod and told him I would be back to visit tomorrow. I gave him a hug and then left, hopefully she'll wake up tomorrow.

*Austin's P.o.v.*
I began to make a bed on the matress near the hospital bed, just in case Becky wakes up, I want to be the one she see's when she wakes up. The nurse walks through the door and checks if everything is fine.

"So, I still didn't get what actually happened. Doctors are saying that she got beaten up pretty bad as I can tell." She said looking at Becky.

"Well, our mom had just passed and we had just came back to school, yesterday was our first day back. I had recently broken up with my ex-girlfriend and she didn't like how we ended so she blamed Becky for being my sister, she was jealous because I cared for Becky and not her. So she took it out on Becky, her and her crew beat the shit out of her and left her in front of the school building all bloody and messed up. Now I went back to the school as soon as I found out who it was and reported them, they are in jailand I'm guessing I'm going to have to go to court to straight shit out." I sighed.

"I can tell you love your sister." She says.

"She's all I have left." I said. She nods and asks,

"She's 15, huh?"

"Yeah, soon to turn 16 in a few months." I said as I threw a pillow down onto the matress.

"In May..?" She asks again.

"Mhm." I said.

"This is so weird.." She says as she sits down on the chair.

"Why?" I asked as I stood up straight looking at her.

"My daughter... she was born in May, she has the same name as Becky, but she died.... don't you think that's odd?" She asks. I think about it and what if Becky?.... No. How? This doesn't make sense!

"What day was she born?" I asked.

"March 2, 1997." She said.

"T-that's when Becky was born too!" I said. Wait..

"So you think Becky's.. y-your daughter?" I asked. She sighs and says,

"Some part of me is saying she is but I know that it can't be possible. When I first saw her here, I felt some sort of connection with her to be honest. It was a very strong one as well, could it be..?" She asks.

"I-I don't know.. I'll have them run some tests for you and Becky. I need some proof before we can assume." I said, she nods agreeing to what I had said.

"Well good night, see you in the morning." She says, she takes one last look at Becky and then walks out. This will be great! What if she is her mom? Wait... but that means my mom has been keeping this a secret! But my mom wouldn't do that! She's an honest person. What if she didn't know? Anyways, I'll find out sooner or later, I know you might ask why is this good? Well Becky and I can't be together and in Boyfriend and Girldfriend only because we are related but now if Ms.Gomez is her mom... then that means we aren't related and we can be together! I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face, hopefully tomorrow is going to be good.

Happy late new year! Aha, sorry I fell asleep yesterday after the countdown, I have a horrible headache but I'll work on the next chapter right now, I love reading your comments! They're amazing, thank you! Vote and Comment!<3

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