Don't Talk About It

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I brought Becky back home, she hasn't said a word since we got back. She locked herself up in her room, I tried to talk to her but she wanted me to leave her alone. I'm still thinking about that kiss, I know I shouldn't have done that but I don't know I guess I felt like I had to. I got up once again and knocked on her door.

"Becky please open up!" I said.

"No!" She yelled.

"Fine you leave me no choice!" I said, I grabbed the extra key to Becky's room that was in my mom's drawer and used it to open Becky's door. I found Becky hugging Luke's pillow. I grabbed her and pulled her up, then forced my lips on hers.

*Becky's P.o.v.*

Why am I not pulling away?? He's my brother for god sakes!!! I try moving his arms away from me and tried pushing him off but it was no use! He's too strong. He was moving wayy too fast, he was tugging on my shirt but I didn't let him pull it off, instead I pulled away and kneed him in the balls. He groans and rolls off of me, I get up and fix my shirt. He was too busy groaning to notice.

"Why'd you do that for?!" He mumbled.

"Because I'm your sister for fuck sakes! Brothers and sisters can't have sex! Also I'm virgin and I'm planning to be like that till after I get married not to lose it to my horny brother!" I yelled. He gets up and smirks,

"Not like you didn't enjoy it. You loved it, I bet you where thinking of going all the way with me as well." He says, he walks up to me and grabs me by my wrist and threw me on the bed. He pressed his body against mine again and attacked my lips. I shook my head trying to make it impossible for him to kiss me again. He grabs my cheeks harshly and forces his lips onto mine. I smacked his chest and tried once again pushing him off of me. Why is he doing this to me? He can't do this to his own sister! I don't want to get raped! Why isn't he stopping?! Austin ripped my shirt off and then my sweat pants, I felt tears streaming down my face as I yell,

"Austin! Please don't do this! Please! I'm your sister! Why are you doi-" I was interrupted by a sharp pain that hit my insides. Oh god... no... please don't tell me he just did what I think he just did. This is where I broke down even more. I'm no longer virgin, something that ment the most to me is gone. I lost it to my own brother. Austin kept going faster and faster every time I cried.

"B-B-Becky-y s-stop crying! Y-you're e-enjoying this as much as I a-am and you k-now i-it." Austin said. I shook my head slowly, I'm terrified of Austin now. How could he do this to me? I hate him more than ever. Once I reached my climax everything flowed out, my sides hurt like hell. Austin layed down next to me, I felt my legs go numb. I also felt his eyes on me, I ignored him and turned to my side. I silently cried myself to sleep.

*The next morning*

I woke up in white sheets, I instantly got up when I remembered what had happened last night. I look at Austin on the bed asleep, I was going to run down stairs but I fell, I forgot my legs are still numb and my theighs are soar. I groaned from the pain and crawled to the hall. I heard Austin get up from the bed and then his footsteps walk over to me.

"Becky what are you doing?" He asks as if nothing happened. I ignored him, I quickly got up and ran back into my room of course all I could feel was my legs made of sand but atleast I kept my balance this time. I locked my door then I massaged my theighs for a few minutes to get up and close the windows. I jumped on my bed and cried my heart out.

*1 hour later*

I wake up to hear knocking at my door,

"Becky come out, I ordered pizza. I know you're hungry." Austin said. I didn't respond, I don't feel like talking to him nor anyone. I quietly threw on my sweater, yes I'm wearing clothes, a light blue tank top and black sweat pants. I slipped on my white converse and made my way to my window. I opened the window slowly so he couldn't hear. I hear knocking again,

Falling For My Brother(Becstin Fan-Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon