Bye Bye Bryce

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I walked back into my room and found Bryce putting his shirt back on,

"Hey babe." He says as he kisses my cheek. I flinch a bit because that's where my bruise is at.

"Sorry." He says.

"It's okay, uhm. How long are you staying for?" I asked.

"Tomorrow's my last day because I have to go back to New York." He says, I nodded.

"What are we going to do about us?" I asked not really caring.

"I know it's New York and San Antonio, just te distance keeping us apart.." He says, oh boy it's not just that, it's also my feelings for Austin. He continued,

"Do you still want us to date?" He asks.

"Look Bryce, I'm not going to tell you about how it's me and stuff like they do in the stupid movies so I'm just going to say this, You're an amazing guy and you'll find a girl someday who will be crazy in love with you and you will be the same with her. I love you but I'm not like crazy in love with you, like the dating love. I love you as in a friendly way, you're a good hearted and good looking guy every girl would be crazy for you but honestly I'm not that girl." I said. He nods,

"Yeah but I actually love you if you just want to break up then that's fine as long as you're happy." He says.

"Thank you." I hugged him and he hugged back. I kissed him on the cheek and asked,

"Do you still want to stay for a while until tomorrow?" He shook his head,

"Nah, I'll be alright in a hotel. I'll see you later Becky. Let me know when you take a trip to New York! We're still friends right?" He asks, I nodded and smiled.

"Okay then we'll still keep in touch." He smiles then grabs his things. I follow him out, I stopped by the door and watched him wave goodbye and leave.

"Bye Bye Bryce." I whispered. I felt arms snake around my waist hugging me tight. I turn to find Austin behind me,

"Let's go inside, I'm cold." He says,

"Whimp." I giggled.

"Oh no you did not!" He says in a girl voice.

"You heard me." I laugh, he picks me up bridal style and walks us into the house as he kickes the door closed. He thows me on the couch and then walks away to the kitchen.

"Why'd you do that for?!" I laughed. He came back out with two slices of pizza on one plate and four slice on another. He hands me the one with two slices and then turns on the radio as we listen to 97.1 amp radio. Chandelier by Sia came on as we enjoyed our pizza, as soon as we finished he told me to sing a song.

"Alright, I'll sing whichever song comes next.. which I bet will be Monster by Eminem ft.Rihanna." I said,

"Oh really?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay, $5 it's Miss Independent by Ne-yo." He says holding out his hand for me to shake, I shook it gladly.

"Alright the next song here we go, The Monster by Eminem featuring Rihanna." The guy says in the radio, Austin's eyes went wide and his haw dropped.

"Close your mouth you're going to get a fly stuck in there." I said, he closes his mouth as I sing Rihanna's part.

*After the song ended I stopped singing and rapping Eminem's part*

"Oh my god, you can rap too!" He says.

"Well a little." I say.

"Bullshit, you know how to fucking rap I just heard you!" He says, I looked around the room and decided to pick up the plates we had left.

"Okay, and?" I said walking into the kitchen. He followed behind me and put his arms around my waist then pulled me close after I had put the dishes in the sink.

"And that's amazing, you're so fucking talented." He says.

"It's just something I love to do for fun." I said, thinking about the first time when I had sang and rapped to 'Holy Grail'. I had just learned the lyrics then to rap it and sing it.

"That's good, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" He asks. I shrugged.

"Cod?" He asks, I unwrapped myself away from him and ran to get a controller, I heard him run behind me and picked me up from behind.

"You have to kiss me first." He says holding me up to the ceiling by my waist, I giggled and said,

"No, I don't feel like kissing you right now."

"Please?" He pouts, I laughed at his sillyness.

"Oh alright." I said, I leaned in but then I moved and kissed his cheek. He gasped, and threw me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I laughed because he fell for it.

"Punishing you." He said as he placed me down on the couch slowly and then hovered over me,

"Just wait." He said as he pressed his lips against mine, I kissed back. He moves his lips down from my lips and onto my neck, then onto my shoulder. He moved back to my neck and he moved his face down my shirt, licking my chest with his tongue. I moaned as he kept doing that for a while, he picked his head up and grabbed a controller and started the xbox.

"W-what? T-that's it?!" I asked. He smirks and nods,

"Yeah there's your punishment." He says. I groaned and rolled my eyes grabbing the contoller.

"Aww did someone get turned on?" He teased.

"No." I lied as I ran around Nuketown to hide from the recruits, I saw some of them run on the side of the truck, I ran back and shot them. I ran to the purple room house and camped in there.

"Camping? Wow, weeeaaaak." He said.

"Hmmph, I ran out and began to shoot people even Austin since he was on the other team." I smirked as I see him jump up and his eyes widen.

"T-that was cheating! You looked at my screen!" He protested.

"No I didn't, I just saw people there and I started shooting." I shrugged.

"I see how it is." He said as he followed me into the house. He was about to shoot but then I threw the controller and jumped on his back to stop him.

Sorry this chapter sucks, I'm trying to update and write more chapters, I really am. I'm sorry I couldn't upload till now and that this is all I wrote for the chapter, it's really hard because my cousin is still not in a good condition, she's terrible>.<, thank you for understanding and for the nice comments Ily chipmunks<3! She just fell asleep crying, I have a terrible head-ache. I'mma call it a day, I'm sorry. I promise I'll update more tomorrow.<3

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