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Austin glanced over at me as he was driving us back home. I sighed as I was looking at the trees we were passing by,

"Baby, why are you upset?" He asks.

"Austin, I'm not upset." I said.

"You look upset." He says.

"It's just Vickey." I sigh looking down at my phone checking if Monique had replied to my text.

"Don't worry about her, I love you and you know that. I don't love her." He says.

"Thats not what I'm scared of."

"Then what are you scared of? Me choosing her over you? Is that what this is?" He asks pulling the car up in a vacant parking lot. He turns to me as I still look out the window avoiding his eyes. Everything was blurry since I tried keeping the tears in my eyes from falling out.

"Yes.. but it's not just her. What if there are other girls who are better than I am at everything who are beautiful and who are not so stubborn as I am? Eventually you'll pick them over me any day." I cried. He takes off his seatbelt and wraps his arms aroud me pulling me closer to him,

"There won't be any... because every other girl in this world is blurred out in my eyes and you're the only one I see." He says,

"Stop being so cheesy Austin please I'm serious! I see me and I'm not like other girls who are beautful and amazing. I see them and they have everything you'll ever need and want." I said.

"So? They may have everything a guy would want and love to have but I got something better and that's you. All these other girls.. I never want to hear you compare yourself to them.. ever. You're amazing in you're own unique way and that's another reason why I love you." He says.

"I love you too. Now lets go back home." I said. He nods and kisses the top of my head before he moves back to his seat and begins to drive.

I just hope it's true.

*Back to their house*

"Babe what do you want for dinner?" He asks.

"I don't know you pick." I said looking through my phone. Obviously he's going to pick pizza.

"Pizza it is!" He says as I giggle.

"I knew it." I said with a smile on my face.

He calls in and places an order.

*The next day at the mall*

I was sweeping once again as Z sat on a chair waiting for customers to arrive later.

"So Becky how do you like the job so far?" Z asks.

"It's okay. Why?" I ask.

"Nothing just asking." He says.

"So what is your real name if I may ask?" I said putting the broom back to where I got it from and took a seat in front of him.

"Why would Ms.Gomez want to know?" He asks.

"I'm really curious on a lot of things, just this name seems to be getting to me." I shrugged.

"Well my name is mysterious, its Josh." He says.

"Then why do you say your name is Z?" I asked.

"Thats the mysterious part." He says which left me in confusion.

"Well what's your last name?" I ask.

"Perkinston." He replies.

"Still no Z in your name.." I said.

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