Find him

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I sniffled and wiped my tears away,

"He's.. well.. he was my brother and he still is even though he isn't here anymore. He was 2 1/2 when he... died." I said. Austin kept quiet and looked down to the floor.

"How did he die?" Anthony asks as he sits on the corner of the bed.

" T-That-" I was interrupted by Austin saying,

"That's the cue for Becky to go get the door, your mom is here." I looked at him and nodded as I got up then walked out.

*Anothony's P.o.v.*
I was really confused on why Austin didn't want Becky to tell me what happened to Luke so I just stared at him with my right eye since I can see better with that eye.

"Austin. What happened that you didn't want Becky telling me?" I asked. Austin sighs and sits on the bed next to me,

"I didn't want her to tell you cause then she's going to have another attack and blame herself on the death of my baby brother. The thing that happened was one night we, Becky and I were supposed to babysit Luke that night while my mom went to her boss' party. I left Becky to go to my friend's party and so she got to take care of Luke, well something happened that night. There was theifs in the house trying to steal things in the middle of the night, I was still out and Becky was scared. She kept calling and calling me but I wouldn't answer so then she grabbed Luke from his crib and sneaked out of the house getting into the garage. So she goes into the garage and puts Luke in his car seat then gets into the driver's seat, she starts the engine and she doesn't know what's she's doing at the same time. She says that one of the guys broke the car window and pulled her out, Luke began to cry and then Becky tries to defend herself but she couldn't." He says trying to catch his breath.

"She runs to the other side where Luke was to try to get him out but the second guy shot her side and got into the car with his friend. The they just drove off." Austin says as he tries to hold back his tears.

"It was all my fault." I hear Becky say as she walks in, I turn around to face her and she had tears streaming down her cheeks,

"No Becky, it was mine for leaving you there by yourself!" Austin says.

"If I had just gotten Luke he would've been okay. He would have still been here with us enjoying every moment of his life." Becky cries.

"Wait... you guys said that Luke was in the car he wasn't killed or anything." I said.

"No but we filed a missing child report, after months and months have passed with no word about Luke we gave up and just said that he might have been killed. Burried somewhere no one can find him." Austin said, I'm guessing this tore my sister even more because once she began to cry harder she fell. My eyes looked down to her body on the floor,

"Austin?! What happened to Becky? What's wrong with my sister?" I asked with worry as I slowly got down to the ground with her trying to wake her up. Austin immediatly picked her up and ran out to the car. I tried to catch up but my side was aching and it's not really helping when you can't limp fast. I see my mom pull up in front of the house and run out of the car in a hurry she ran up to me,

"Mijo, are you alright? What happened?" She asks loooing at me scanning my face but then stops to look at my left eye which was black.

"Oh my god, Who did this?" She asks.

"Look mom I would really tell you everything right now but Becky's not well she just dropped to the floor in the room and Austin is taking her to the hospital." I said trying to catch my breath.

"Again? Come with me we'll meet up with Austin at the hospital." She says. Austin runs up to us after I hear the door slam shut.

"Hi Mrs.Gomez, Becky fainted and she's not breathing I need to take her to the hospital meet me there?" He says with tears falling from his eyes, my mother nodded quickly and helps me to the car.

*At the hospital*
The doctor entered the waiting room after a few hours. Austin, my family, and I stood up to hear news about Becky. I was already cleaned up and one of the nurses gave me medication for my side but nothing like a serious injury was caused. I had a few bandages here and there, I'm still limping but that's just because of soarness from the beating. My mom knows what happened I told her everything, am I scared? No because she'll deal with it and those idiots will get what they deserve.

"Ms.Gomez, Rebbeca was grieving and thats what caused her to faint, in some cases like these its very rare to see a heart attack caused in this but sadly she did have one. She was giving out so we used an electric fibrillation to call her back and she responded well. You may see her, she's in room 412. Down the hall and make a left down three doors and there's her room." He says, my mom nods and responds,

"Thank you doctor, Mason." He nods and leaves. I find my parents' eyes red and watery then I turn to Austin and seen his jaw clenched together looking down the hall. He wasted no time and ran to her room, I sighed then slowly followed behind him. I look back one more time to my parents they were hugging and crying. I look at Alicia and see her on her phone smacking her gum in her mouth together not carrying about anything. Typical Alicia. I turned back around and walked to Becky's room. Here goes nothing.

*Austin's P.o.v.*
I sat there looking at Rebbeca Marie Gomez. Again for the second time in the hospital bed with her eyes shut and her peaceful breathing. I sigh,

"Oh Becky, I almost lost you again." I whisper. I let my head down and allow my tears to run down my cheeks. How could I let this happen? This is my fault. The door opened slowly and someone walks in, I look up and wiped my tears away to see Anthony standing there looking at Becky, his eyes were watering as well.

"I-I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean for this to happen." He studdered.

"No, Anthony this isn't your fault." I said,

"No it is my fault! Look at her! She almost died because of me! I shouldn't have asked who was Luke and what had happened! This is all because of me!" He cries. I quickly get up and embrace him in a hug.

"No, shh. It's not your fault. Let's go in the hall and talk." I said.

"No!" He says.

"Calm down Anthony! Look dude you need to calm down!" I said. He breathes in and out then takes a deep breath and looks up at me.

"It's still my fault this happened." He says,

"No. Stop blaming yourself." I say. He took a small pause then looks at Becky.

"I'm going to find him." Was the last thing Anthony said before he walked out of the room.


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