Longed for a Family

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*After school*

Ryan was a pretty great person after getting to know him well, he comes from a foster home and he has a little foster brother who is only about 4 years old. His foster parents treat him well and he listens to some of the same bands as I do, but I need to get to know him a little bit more before I consider him as one of my friends.. well the only friend I'll ever have. 

"Hey Anthony wait up! Where do you live?" He asks.

"I live just a few blocks away from here why?" I asked.

"Can I walk with you?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I say as we began to walk across the street but we ran into Raymond and his 'gang'. 

"Ant, what do you have for us today?" Raymond smirks walking up to us.

"I-I have nothing today for you guys.. I have no money!" I said which made them push me down,


"Hey! Leave Anthony alone!" Ryan says confidently. Oh no..

"No Ryan don't get into this-" Raymond interrupts saying,

"What are you going to do about it?!" Soon after Raymond shoves Ryan to the ground but then Ryan shoots back up balling his hands into fists.

"Well?! What are you waiting for?" Ryan spat at them.

"Let's get him!" Raymond fumes to his friends which there were about 4 or 5 of them as soon as they ran to Ryan, Ryan flipped some and they landed really hard onto their backs. Raymond came in trying to throw a punch to his jaw but Ryan moved fast and came in with a left punch then soon he bent on his knees a little and kicked the side of Raymond's leg which caused him to fall hard as well. The 3 other gang members quickly made a run for it in shock. 

"You better leave Anthony alone or you're going to get your ass beat again and this time I'll make sure I'll break either your nose or your jaw... probably both if you ever mess with him again, do you understand?!" Ryan spat at Raymond.

"Y-Yes I understand!" Raymond stuttered and got up quickly then ran like the others. I got up and dusted dirt off of my clothes.

"You alright?" Ryan asks.

"Y-yeah.. how'd you learn to do that?" I asked him in shock.

"I took a few classes of self-defense here and there nothing serious, I just thought it would be cool to know a few things to defend myself and others." He chuckles a bit.

"That was pretty cool though! Thanks also for all that!" I said.

"It's no problem anytime, plus I felt like beating him up ever since I saw him earlier picking on a kid who is at least 3 or 4 years younger than him which is fucked up." He says.

"Well that is Raymond for you, just another lowlife bully." I huffed as we began to walk again.

**Becky's P.o.v.**

Austin and I are eating pizza right now and watching 'Little Monsters' on Netflix. I don't mind doing this with him for a few more days, oh which reminds me I have to go to my parent's house today to check up on Anthony. I know I should say my sister, and my other brother plus my parents but I connect very well with Anthony instead, I also know that Alicia doesn't like me very well. I don't mind, its normal for sisters not to get along or like each other at first but then later we'll probably connect as well I just got to wait on it.

"Austin can you come with me to my parent's house later?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, is there anything wrong?" He asks.

"No, nothing at all! It's just that I want to see how Anthony is doing after all that happened with the idiot Raymond bullying him. I want to be there for him since he doesn't have anyone else but me." I said.

"Oh okay yeah I'd love to go with you. I'm pretty sure he's doing fine, he's tough." Austin said.

"I know but still!" I sigh.

"Chill, baby, I already said I was going with you didn't I?" He asks and I sigh with a nod. What is wrong with me today.. I feel so weird. 

*Ryan's P.o.v.*

Before I walked inside my house I picked up the newspaper that was rolled up on our lawn and went inside.

"I'm home!" I yell as I threw the newspaper onto the dining table.

"Hey! Did you make any new friends?" He says as he sat down onto the dining chair.

"Yes, in fact I did meet someone today." I sigh placing my backpack onto the couch along with my sweater on top of it.

"Who? Is this someone a girl?" Bryan smiles evilly.

"No... its a guy. I know how you wanted a girl but-"

"No its fine.. the guy will just have to do then since you couldn't find a girl." Bryan sighs.

"Alright, his name is Anthony he's 14 and he listens to music most of the time, he's a stutterer, anti-social, depressed, and basically he gets bullied." I said.

"Depressed?" Bryan asks with a confused look on his face.

"He never told me that but I can see it in his behavior, he's really down and he hates making eye-contact." I said.

"Well you've found what I wanted but he isn't a female... still it can work we need another member in this family." He smiles.

"So what do I do now?" He asks.

"Nothing just find where he lives and tell me then leave it all to me... soon you'll have another brother." He smiles once again.

"Bryan... I don't think this is right.." I said slowly which made his head shoot up and look at me with a glare.


"Ryan!" My little brother runs up to me with a big smile on his face embracing me into a hug, even though he isn't my real brother I still love him like as if he was my own. Though he's only lived here for a short time I grew a bond with him. I look back up to Bryan and said,

"Yeah... I do. This time since Anthony is 14 and I'm 15 I can still be the oldest." I smile.

"Good then just get his address and my buddies will get him for us." He smiles.

I know this is a crime but... I've longed for a family my whole life.




////A\N\\\\: How did you all like this chapter?? I kind of like how its going to turn out now (: I've put a lot of thought into this and I hope it turns out great to you guys!! I know that Austin and Becky sound too related into this but remember even though they live in the same house they weren't from the same parents.. Austin's mom was there for Becky though the least she could do was keep the house she grew up in till whenever. Becky's parents are whole different people remember her and Austin in this story are only Boyfriend/Girlfriend nothing else. Sorry if that didn't help clear it up but you'll know what I mean in the end of the story. Vote and leave your lovely comments<3 {Go checkout my new becstin fanfic that I just started yesterday and its going to be a great story kind of like my old one 'The Love Game' its kind of similar to that, so please check it out!(:}

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