I love her

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*Monday Morning*
Austin and I were just too excited to come to work so we woke up earlier than what we were planning to. Since it's my first day, I get to refill the cups in the shelf below the register. Then after I just clean whatever is dirty, I don't get to work the register yet the other employee does. I do that tomorrow, we take turns each work day. I still don't know his name though.
The spiky black haired employee walks into the booth.

"Hey uhm I just finished refilling the cups what else do you want me to do?" I ask.

"Wipe down the counter and rest until closing time." He says as he sits down on a white chair that was in the corner of the booth. He was flipping through a magazine he had brought when he walked in the stand. I grab the warm wet cloth and wiped down the counter,

"W-what's your name?" I studdered. I can feel his eyes look up at me,

"Why are you studdering?" He asks.

"N-no reason.. w-why?" I ask, shit I better not have an attack just calm the fuck down, Becky. I hear the magazine fold and the chair move a bit, I look at him to see him looking at me sitting on the edge of the chair with a hand on his lap and the other hand holding a rolled up magazine.

"The name is Z. Also there is no reason for you to be nervous, I'm not going to do anything to you." He says as he leans back opening his magazine looking at it again. Thank god he stopped looking at me.

"O-oh okay." I said once again.

For the last few hours, people came and bought food. Z worked the register while I just stood there awkwardly trying to find something to clean so instead I swept the little pieces of food off the floor and the tiny pieces of paper from the straws.

"Becky you can take your 30 minute break but since there's not many people just take a 50 minute one." He said. I nod as I took off the yellow appron that was tied around my waist and left it on the counter before I left the booth. I went to Brad's Shoes to look for Austin to see if he's off on break like me, as soon as I walk in I see Vickey all on Austin. Austin was holding some running shoes and was talking about something as she was close to him touching his arms rubbing his left one. He turns to his right where I was standing and he gives the shoes to Vickey before he runs up to me.

"Hey!" He hugs me but I don't hug back.

"Whats wrong? What happened?" Austin asks trying to look at me but I avoid his eyes staring blankly at the other side of the shop.

"Baby?" He asks trying to make me look at him.

"Come on Becky!" He says, I roll my eyes shaking my head a bit.

"Becky!" He says sternly this time which made me look over at him. His eyes beaming into mine,

"What is wrong?" He asks still in a firm voice.

"Nothing. Just I was happy to come and see you but I see Vickey all over you practically drooling over you." I huffed.

"Babe, you're jealous? Really? You should know by now that I only love you! No one else but you! Remember you're mine and only mine as I am yours and only yours." He says, his beautiful greenish eyes look into mine.
I do get jealous but that's only because there's a lot of pretty girls hitting on him and falling for him, one day he'll evetually break up with me to be with one of them and leave me. I'm too afraid, I love him to death.

"Okay. I love you too." I smile. He grabs my hand and walks me up in front of the register where Brad was.

"Hey Brad can I take my break now?" Austin asks him.

"Yeah sure kid, be back in 40!" he says as Austin nods wrapping his arm around my waist before we got the chance to walk out of the shop Vickey walked in front of us.

"Oh Austin, isn't it illegal to be with children under 18?" She smirks. I mentally roll my eyes,

"Aren't you a little too old to wear short skirts? I'm kind of amazed that you aren't worried about your wrinkles popping out on your saggy ass legs." I spat. I know it's too soon to say this even though she hasn't said anything mean but I just can't stand her. She sends me a fake smile that didn't last long on her long ass face.

"Look little girl, I just think that its illegal to be 18 dating a girl who's only 15." She smirks.

"Look ass face, my boyfriend here is not 18 he just turned 17 and soon I will be 16 so shit the fuck up and buh-bye." I said pulling Austin out of the store. By the time I pulled him quickly into starbucks his face was red when I faced him. He bursted out laughing his ass off, I just glare at him as he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.

"Oh I love you so much." He says which followed a small laugh as he pulls me into the line again hugging me from my waist.

"You know I love you." I said crossing my arms against my chest.

"Yes you just proved it to me by showing me how jealous you were at first then by cussing the bitch out." He laughs.

"Haha... yeah. She deserved it though." I said. When we finally got our coffee we walk out and enjoyed the rest of our break together talking about how our jobs were going so far and described our co-workers and how weird they are.

Now I'm back to the stand after Austin dropped me off. Since it was almost closing time Z and I just sat down in silence.

"So why are you always nervous when you talk?" He asks looking at me with his hazel eyes.

"I-It's- I was born like this." Was all that I managed to say. I don't know why but this kind of happens a lot. People who I don't know like Z, I always studder when I talk like how I started out with Alex, but like Vickey if people are bitchy I'm bitchy back. There's no winning with me, if you come up to me and talk to me if I act weird then I act weird but if I don't I gues I'm chill with you.

"Oh." He says.

"L-look I'm not normally l-like this with other people just to some. I-It'll go away soon." I said trying to calm myself down to catch my breath.

"It just sounds like you've just ran 3 miles. Are you sure you're okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I lie. The room feels like its spinning.

"Here have some water." He says handing me a cup of water. I took a couple of sips and breathed in and out slowly.

"You are sure lucky that it's already closing time." Z said.

"I better get going, I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah I'll close up, hope you feel better atleast you didn't studder this time. Have a good night." He says before I walk off to find Austin. I walked into Brad's and I see Vickey once again all over Austin. I rolled my eyes and took my time walking over to them but then Vickey smashed her lips against Austin's, Austin quickly pushed her off.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

"Becky it's not what it looks like she was the one who-" I cut Austin off by saying,

"Yeah I know I saw. Just the old hag doesn't know when to permanently close her legs for good." I said. She scoffs,

"Not like Austin would want to spend his life with a little girl like you anyway."

"Yes only because I love her and I wouldn't want anybody else but her. She's mine and I'm hers, thats final. Please leave me alone or else next time I'll let her handle you." He said as he pushed her away from him and then linked his arm with mine.

"See you tomorrow Brad!" Austin yells before we left leaving Vickey there lost for words.

He once again wraps his arms around my waist as we walk out. He kissed my cheek and just looked happy. Well I'm not very happy at the moment, I need my best friend. Her and I haven't been hanging out lately since everything was happening all at once. I'm going to plan something for the both of us to catch up.


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