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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


The Avengers stayed in Wakanda for almost a week before going back to Upstate. They helped Ramonda, T'Challa and Shuri's mom, who lost both of her children due to the snap. While grieving in her loss, she did the best she could in helping Jade become better to travel back home. Jade told her she didn't have to, but Ramonda said it helped distract her from what was happening.

"My children loved you and cared a lot about you, I won't let their loved ones go without help," Ramonda told her.

It made Jade appreciate the Udaku family more. Every one of them were so giving and loved like no other family she knew. She wished Shuri was here to help too, she regrets all the times she could've came to see her and T'Challa.

The first few days and nights were rough for Jade, she was in so much pain and nothing was helping her. The Wakandan nurses ran many tests on her, even after she told them she would be okay in the next few days, but when the next few days rolled around and she wasn't improving— everyone began to worry.

She didn't understand what was happening to her. She should have been getting better by now, not worse. She could barely walk, having to have help or a wheelchair to get around places. The nurses had her hooked up to an IV at all times, giving her fluids and high doses of morphine just to keep the pain at minimum.

After three days, a few of the others went back to Upstate: Thor, Natasha, and Steve stayed in Wakanda with Jade.

She hated feeling completely useless. The attention was on her 24/7 and it made her feel uncomfortable. She understood it was scary, she's seen herself in the mirror, but she finally had to tell everyone to back off some— in the nicest way possible.

The only one she didn't tell was Thor. She felt sorry for him and what he had been through in the last few month or so— losing his dad, getting lost in space and fighting his evil, long lost sister, then Thanos killing Loki and half of his people in front of him, and now his little sister is on the verge of death— Jade didn't want to upset him more. She could tell he was in so much pain from it all, but he tried to laugh and joke with Jade as much as possible and if that made him happy, she was happy for him.

On the fourth day of being in Wakanda, the nurses ran more tests on her, desperate to find a solution— yet nothing.

All the tests, unsolved answers, and gloom faces made Jade feel sick on day six. She couldn't stand it any longer. The next day— day seven— she mustered up the strength to start walking by herself and acting like she was doing better so they could go home. The three Avengers knew what she was doing, but they respected her wishes of them not worrying about her so much and didn't say anything. That is until Jade collapsed on the Quinjet on the way home.

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن