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"upside-down kisses"

CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN"upside-down kisses"

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Meet me at E. 41 street
Bring your reactor


I've got an idea
read 9:35 a.m.


Jade was first to the rendezvous point on E. 41 Street, she came in her regular suit, not exactly understanding why she needed her reactor. After taking a few pictures with some fans and waiting almost ten minutes, Peter finally shows up.

She could hear someone yelling "WOO-WHOO!" in the distance, she looked to where the sound was coming from and saw Peter— or Spider-Man— gliding in between a bridge. He shot one last web to slow himself down and grabbed onto a light pole, slinging around it twice and landing in front of her.

"Hey!" He said, trying to stop himself.

"I see your suit is good again," she grinned.

"Yeah— I had an extra making after Happy dropped me off in London and he brought it to me earlier," Peter explained.

Jade smiled, she couldn't help it. "So what's the plan?" She asked.

"We're racing," he said, smirking under his mask.

"You're really trying to prove a point, huh?" Jade smirked, crossing her arms.

Before leaving Europe, Michelle had asked the question if Iron Lighting and Spider-Man were racing, who did they think would win. The whole class ended up being in the conversation and there was a lot of debating. Most said Iron Lightning would, even if she didn't use her speed because she had her iron suit, but some said Spider-Man had a good chance in winning (Peter being the only one who thought so). In the end, Peter was a little upset and had done everything he could to prove Spider-Man could definitely win.

"It's simple," Peter said. "I can only use my webs while you can only fly— no A.I.'s help, only our own logic of New York and street signs. We start here and meet at Madison Square Gardens. Winner takes the name and loser buys dinner— deal?"

Jade laughed as Peter stuck a hand out, she shook his hand and nodded, "You're on, Bug,"

Long story turned short, Peter actually won.

Peter's many years of traveling through New York via web gave him a huge head start, he knew the streets better than anyone while Jade only ever had VERONICA to help her. She wasn't too upset though, she honestly loved seeing Peter jump and shout when he made it to Madison Square before her.

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now