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For the next three months, Jade received many college acceptance letters, some she didn't even apply for

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

For the next three months, Jade received many college acceptance letters, some she didn't even apply for. She was continuously asked to visit the colleges but she declined them all, even her backup schools in Boston.

None of her friends were accepted, the only hope they had left was MIT.

"Miss Stark," VERONICA called through her office speakers.

"Yes, V?" Jade asked, finishing up her chemistry homework.

"Your MIT acceptance letter is waiting in the front," she said.

Jade's eyes widened, "Oh— Thor!" She mumbled as she quickly packed everything up and ran to the front entrance.

"Letter?" She asked the front desk intern. He looked around nervously and grabbed the letter, handing it to her. "Thanks!"

She took the letter and ran back to her office, pulling her phone out.

The Quad Of Queens 👸
2:43 p.m.



I'm at work with mine...

omw now!

Jade put her phone up and grabbed the sling ring that sat on her desk, opening a portal to the closest alleyway beside the donut shop. Once she stepped through and closed the portal behind her, she took a deep breath and walked as calmly as possible to the front door.

When she opened it, she saw Ned sitting at the bar, holding his MIT envelope tightly and his leg was bouncing uncontrollably. Michelle was standing on the other side of the bar, holding Ned's hand that wasn't death gripping his envelope. The two looked at the door as it rang and saw Jade, giving her a weary smile.

"I need a shot," Jade said, letting out her deep breath.

A few minutes passed by and Peter walked in the door, panting, holding up his envelope. The three waiting held up theirs. He walks to the bar and sits in between Ned and Jade.

"Okay, ready?" Michelle asks, nervous to even open it.


"Jones! I told you to take down the Halloween decorations!" Michelle's boss yells.

"Actually, that was Sasha, so.."

"Enough attitude," he says and walks away.

"O-On it," Michelle cowers.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke," Ned says, staring at the envelope.

"Well, don't because he will just make me clean it up," Michelle grins awkwardly.

"This is our only shot. It's here or nowhere," Ned said.

"Hey! Come on!" Peter said, bumping his elbow.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Michelle asked, looking at everyone.

"Yeah..." Peter, Ned, and Jade said together.

"Okay, on three... one... two... three—"

Everyone rips into the envelopes, taking the letters out and reading them.

Dear Jaidan Stark,

On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the MIT Class of 2028. ...

It would be an honor to have another Stark represent our school....

Jade couldn't help but grin just a little, but she still felt more upset than anything. Of course she was accepted— she had a guaranteed spot ever since she could read— all thanks to Tony. But it's not how she wanted it to be now.

She looked up at everyone else, no one had a smile, it was just deep frowns and she frowned too. Could she tell them she got in? Would they be mad?

She folded up her paper so no one could read it and looked at Michelle, praying she just was pretending to not be accepted. Please, God...

Michelle looks up at Jade and shakes her head lightly, "No,"

Jade looks to Peter and Ned, they both shake their heads too, "No,"

"'In light of recent controversy, we are unable to consider your application at this time,'" Ned read his paper out loud.

"What about you?" Michelle asks Jade.

Jade hesitates, "N-No... I didn't," she frowns, pulling the letter closer to her.

"This is so not fair! I mean... this is so not fair! I didn't— we didn't do anything wrong— and you guys definitely didn't do anything wrong!" Peter said, completely upset.

"Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed," Michelle said, holding back her tears.

"Michelle..." Jade pouted, she didn't deserve this, none of them did.

Then suddenly, someone burst through the door, "Boston!" It was Flash. He started singing and dancing, but slowly stopped when he noticed the four's frowns. "You guys didn't get in?"

"Yeah. Because we're actually friends with Spider-Man," Ned said, groaning.

"Uh.. yeah... I better get going. There's a— mixer for new admissions and ... sorry guys," he explained and then left.

"Jones, what are you doing? Get back to work!"

"Yeah, coming!" Michelle calls. "You know what?" She says as she starts ripping her paper up. "I wouldn't change a thing."

"Me either," Ned agrees, ripping his letter up as well.  "Although, I need to show this to my parents.."

He grabs his pieces of paper and stuffs them in his jacket pockets, then walks around the counter to kiss Michelle goodbye on the cheek, "I'll call you later,"

"Bye," Michelle grins and goes back to what she was doing.

Jade smiles at the two, they were so cute together. But when she looked back to Peter, she frowned again, he was so upset about them not getting into MIT or any of their backup schools. She knew he blamed himself for it all, and she's tried countless times to convince him it wasn't.

She sighed, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly. She didn't say anything, she didn't think 'it'll be alright,' was a good one to say in this situation.

"This isn't fair," he sighed, staring at his and her's hands.

"It isn't, but we'll be okay," Jade smiled, hoping he'll feel a little better. "We'll just have to take a gap year."

He laughs, looking back up at her. His eyes shifted behind her for a second then back to hers and widened.

"I think I know how to fix this,"


I hope you enjoyed :)

I had Jade be accepted because I remember watching NWH the first time and was thinking "Peter got accepted, he's just lying about it," but then he actually wasn't accepted and I was like "bruh 😑" so I knew I was gonna have Jade accepted because dRAmA

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang