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"okay, anna"


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"So it's over?"

"That was the last of them,"

Everyone was on the scene now (Nick, Maria, and the rest of their crew), letting Beck cool off and take a break. After making sure Beck was okay, Jade quickly left to help Ned and Betty down from the Ferris Wheel.

"Thank you so much!" Betty said after they were on the ground.

"Yeah!" Ned said awkwardly, he knew it was Jade under the mask.

"What's your name?" Betty asked.

"I was thinking about Black Cat," Jade smiled as she walked the two towards the Opera.

"I like it," Ned said calmly, then took Betty's hand and began walking them away. "Thanks again!"

Jade waved before hurrying back to Peter and Beck, and when she got back Fury was talking to them.

"Hill and I are going to Europol headquarters in Berlin tomorrow," he said. "You should join us."

"Thank you, I just might take you up on that," Beck said.

Then Fury walked towards Peter, his spider eyes lifted up, "You got gifts, Parker, but you didn't wanna be here," Fury said.

"Mr. Fury, I—"

"I'd love to have you in Berlin too," Fury said politely, causing Jade's brows to scrunch together. "And you too, Stark."

Jade walked closer to Fury and Peter, feeling a little awkward.

"But you've got to decide whether you two are going to step up or not. Stark chose you. He made you Avengers. I need that. The world needs that. Maybe Stark was wrong. Was he?" Fury asked, pausing. "The choice is yours."

Nick walked away from them, Maria and Dimitri following. Jade wanted to cry, not because she was upset, but because she knew he was right. Tony believed in them, he gave EDITH to Peter for a reason and trusted Jade when she believed there was a way to fix the snap.

But is this what Tony would have wanted? Would he have wanted the two to drop everything and go on missions with Nick Fury?

Jade looked to Peter, she could see the water forming in his eyes too. Then Beck stood up and walked towards the two, "Let's get a drink,"

Peter turned around, "I'm not twenty-one!"

"Oh my gosh, Pete," Jade laughed, mentally slapping her forehead.


Jade decided to let Peter have a guy moment with Beck, heading back to the hotel before her class got there.

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now