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"fishbowl guy"


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"What are we gonna do?"

Peter's plan failed. Webbing the water monster was not going to work and the two have never fought with water before.

"We need to try and get it out of the canal and away from everyone," Jade said tapping her reactor twice and her armor started forming around her. Peter watched in awe as it happened. So cool...

"Peter," Jade snapped her fingers in his face.

He blinked, his attention on her face again, "Right,"

People screaming caught their attention, and also the monsters.

"Oh no, you don't," Peter said as he instantly started running on the poles that stuck out of the water.

Jade boosted herself in the air, trying to distract the water monster from going at the people. She shot at it but it never changed its attention. Then the monster cocked its arm back and punched Peter backwards into the bridge.

"You okay?!" Jade asked, her voice echoing from her suit.

"I'm... fine!" He shouted back, spitting water out.

Then suddenly, green light strobes came out of nowhere, shooting at the water monster— its attention changed then. A green cloud followed after, a figure floating on top of it with green magic circling its hands. It reminded Jade of her mystic arts, but... smokey.

The monster started attacking the newcomer and the figure fought back, flying around and blocking one of the monster's punches, but he was punched away into a few cargo boats by the other hand.

Jade pouted, the green smoke guy was giving her bad vibes for some reason. How was he the only one who could affect the monster? She shot a repulsor beam at it— again, nothing happened. She flew in front of it—

"HELLO?!" She shouted at it, then it finally looked at her. "Thank you."

It roared loudly again, creating large water tornadoes around itself. Jade's eyes widened, "That wasn't supposed to happen," she said as she flew above the monster to see what the tornadoes were affecting.

Then, the green smoke guy flies out of the water and towards the monster again. Jade watches from above as he flys around the water tornadoes and hits it with his green laser-like beams. The guy finally gets closer towards Jade and she sees he's wearing a bowl on his head, with green smoke filled inside— how the hell can he even see?

"Excuse me, sir!" A voice called from the side.

Jade and the fishbowl guy looked to where the voice came from and saw it was Peter holding onto the edge of a roof. He was wearing a masquerade mask to hide his face.

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now